Local Volunteer Lead

Local Volunteer Lead Application

Please answer all questions and send a typed or scanned in handwritten response in an e-mail to by 2/4/18 at 7pm, OR hand in your application to Avery Flessner at one of the project meetings.


Focus Area within major (if applicable)
Classification (Fr, So, Jr, Sr, Grad)
Expected Graduation (Mo/Year)
Phone Number (USA)
E-mail Address
Are you a member or an associate member?
Which project(s) are you involved with currently? (Nicaragua, Costa Rica, or Perú?)


How much experience do you have with formal business communications? (i.e. professional e-mails) How comfortable are you with public speaking? Please describe any relevant public speaking experience.


Please note that any leadership position in EWB will require you to dedicate more time than just attending the weekly project meetings. This time commitment can range from an additional hour on a slow week to 5-10 hours, or possibly more, on a busy week. Given the other activities you are currently involved in or plan to be involved in later, would you still be able to dedicate time to EWB? Please explain why you could or could not dedicate time to the organization.


Please mark the correct box or fill in the blank as appropriate.

Do you know any Spanish? / YES
How would you rate your Spanish proficiency?
(0 – absolutely nothing, 10 – native speaker)
If not Spanish, what language(s) besides English do you know?
How would you rate your proficiency in that/those language(s)?
(0 – absolutely nothing, 10 – native speaker)


What have you done in EWB? What project were you on or currently on? What team within that project (if applicable)? How would you classify your meeting attendance (all, most all, part time, rare)?


What past involvement do you have that sets you apart from others? (Ex: engineering work, surveying, construction, leadership positions, are you an organized person, do you work well with others, have you ever acted as a representative for someone or an organization)


Why would you want to have a leadership position in the future and what do you want to get out of the experience?


If we have any questions about your application or would like to talk to you further, may we contact you? Would you prefer to be contacted initially by email, phone, text, etc.?

* Please note that being contacted/not being contacted has no effect on your chances of being selected or not selected for an opening in the future. Simply, we know some people better than others and would like to get to know some of you better.


Anything extra you want us to know about you while reviewing your application?

If you need additional room to answer a question, please attach a page to the end of the application.

Engineers Without Borders – Texas A&M University Student Chapter

Design. Build. Serve.