“The Crisis of Authority” Part 1 Outline
- Nixon, the New Left, the Counterculture, and the Demand for Equal Rights 1960-1972
- Why did Richard Nixon defeat Hubert Humphrey in the 1968 election? (1)
- What kinds of values did Nixon seem to project to most voters? (1)
- How did many older white Americans view the changes taking place in the 1960s? (1-2)
- Why were they so troubled by the New Left, the counterculture, and the civil rights movement? (2)
- What was the New Left? (2)
- How was the New Left different from the Old Left? (2)
- What kind of society did they want to create? (2)
- Who made up the majority of the New Left? (2)
- What was the New Left’s most popular group? (3)
- What was their Port Huron Statement? (3)
- When and where did the Free Speech Movement begin? (3)
- What kind of students were behind it? (3)
- Who was their leader? (3)
- What did they protest? (3)
- How did these people respond to their protests? (3)
- What did Berkeley officials decide to do because of this? (3)
- How did the Free Speech Movement activists challenge the new Berkeley policies? (4)
- How did Governor Ronald Reagan deal with the Free Speech Movement? (4)
- Who were the Weathermen? (4)
- What kinds of things did they do to protest the Vietnam War? (4)
- What was the first main reason why students of the New Left began protesting on university campuses? (4)
- What was the second main reason why students of the New Left began protesting on university campuses? (5)
- Why was this ironic? (5)
- How did the draft rules change in 1971? (5)
- What was the counterculture? (5)
- Who was mainly a part of it? (5-6)
- What famous sociologist wrote about the counterculture and what was his book called? (6)
- How was the counterculture seen before this book? (6)
- How did this book change the way the counterculture was seen? (6)
- What was the goal of the counterculture? (6)
- What led many Americans to discover a new vision of society? (6)
- What kinds of things did the counterculture reject? (6-7)
- What was the political agenda of the counterculture? (8)
- Why was it so threatening to so many Americans? (8)
- How did the African American Civil Rights Movement affect other minorities? (9)
- What was the melting pot ideal? (9)
- Why was this created in the early 1900s? (9)
- What were the new immigrants expected to do because of this? (9)
- How come people of color could not “melt” into white society? (10)
- What is the difference between eurocentrism and multiculturalism? (10)
- Why was the idea of “political correctness” created? (10)
- Why did Native Americans have deeper grievances than any other group in American society? (11)
- What was the purpose of the Native American “termination and assimilation” policy initiated by the government in 1953? (11)
- How did this policy affect Native Americans who left the reservation? (11)
- What kind of policy did the Democratic administrations of the 1960s take towards Native Americans? (11)
- What was the 1961 Declaration of Indian Purpose? (11-12)
- What did Congress do because of this in 1968? (12)
- What rights did this act guarantee? (12)
- What was the American Indian Movement and when was it founded? (12)
- Where did it draw its greatest support? (12)
- How did this movement respond to the lenient sentence given whites who had killed Native Americans on a large Sioux reservation? (12)
- What ultimately happened to the American Indian Movement because of this? (12)
- What did some Native American scholars learn from studying U.S. law in the early 1970s? (12)
- What did they do on Alcatraz Island because of this? (12-13)
- What was the ultimate purpose of this action? (12-13)
- How did the government try to deal with the Native American activists on Alcatraz? (13)
- How was this situation ultimately resolved? (13)
- Why has it been difficult for Latinos to unite and fight racial discrimination in the U.S.? (13)
- What does the word Chicano refer to? (13-14)
- What term did older Americans of Mexican descent prefer in the 1960s and 1970s? (13-14)
- How were farm workers in California treated throughout the 1940s, 50s, and 60s? (14)
- What did Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta decide to do because of this? (14)
- What did they demand? (14)
- Where did the United Farm Workers’ first strike begin? (14)
- What was their rallying cry? (14)
- What did they do as a part of their campaign? (14)
- What major politician came out in support of this campaign? (14)
- What did Chavez do to dramatize the plight of farm workers? (14)
- What did the United Farm Workers ultimately gain? (14)
- What was MALDEF? (15)
- What was MECHA? (15)
- What was La Raza Unida? (15)
- Who were the Brown Berets? (15)
- What major poem/manifesto did Rodolfo Corky Gonzalez write to inspire them? (15)
- Who was Ruben Salazar? (15)
- How had he upset the LAPD? (16)
- Why did Latinos organize a march against the Vietnam War in 1970? (16)
- What was this march called? (16)
- What happened as the march began to wind down? (16)
- What happened to Ruben Salazar afterwards? (16)
- Who started the New Feminist Movement in the 1960s? (16)
- What was their goal? (16-17)
- Who was Betty Friedan? (17)
- What did she learn from her research? (17)
- Who did she argue was responsible for this? (17)
- How did Friedan’s book influence the New Feminist Movement? (17)
- How did LBJ feel about the New Feminist Movement? (17)
- What did Congress do about women’s rights in 1964? (17)
- Who added this amendment to the Civil Rights Bill? (17-18)
- What is Title IX? (18)
- What was accomplished because of this? (18)
- What is the National Organization of Women (NOW) and who founded it? (18)
- What kinds of members did it gain in the 1960s? (18)
- How did critics try to trivialize NOW? (18)
- Who were the radical feminists? (18-19)
- Why did they disagree with NOW? (19)
- What major books did they write? (19)
- How were the radical feminists different from the feminists at NOW? (19)
- What did they do about the 1968 Miss America Pageant? (19)
- What kinds of politics did they practice? (19)
- What two major women opposed the feminist movement? (19)
- What did Marabel Morgan argue in her 1973 book Total Woman? (19-20)
- Who was Phyllis Schlafly? (20)
- How come she was against adding an Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution? (20)
- Who was Geraldine Ferraro? (20)
- Who was Sandra Day O’Connor? (20)
- Why was she important on the Supreme Court? (20)
- What was the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision? (21)
- What have conservatives tried to do about this? (21)
- Why do women have more freedom and power economically today? (21)
- How have women benefited from the feminist movement? (21)
- What books inspired environmental activists in the 1960s? (26)
- Who did Congress respond to these concerns in 1970? (26)
- What did these acts do?(26)
- Why do historians often find Nixon’s support for these acts surprising? (26)
- When was the first Earth Day? (26)
- What did environmental activists do that day? (26)