“The Crisis of Authority” Part 1 Outline

  1. Nixon, the New Left, the Counterculture, and the Demand for Equal Rights 1960-1972
  2. Why did Richard Nixon defeat Hubert Humphrey in the 1968 election? (1)
  1. What kinds of values did Nixon seem to project to most voters? (1)
  1. How did many older white Americans view the changes taking place in the 1960s? (1-2)
  1. Why were they so troubled by the New Left, the counterculture, and the civil rights movement? (2)
  1. What was the New Left? (2)
  1. How was the New Left different from the Old Left? (2)
  1. What kind of society did they want to create? (2)
  1. Who made up the majority of the New Left? (2)
  1. What was the New Left’s most popular group? (3)
  1. What was their Port Huron Statement? (3)
  1. When and where did the Free Speech Movement begin? (3)
  1. What kind of students were behind it? (3)
  1. Who was their leader? (3)
  1. What did they protest? (3)
  1. How did these people respond to their protests? (3)
  1. What did Berkeley officials decide to do because of this? (3)
  1. How did the Free Speech Movement activists challenge the new Berkeley policies? (4)
  1. How did Governor Ronald Reagan deal with the Free Speech Movement? (4)
  1. Who were the Weathermen? (4)
  1. What kinds of things did they do to protest the Vietnam War? (4)
  1. What was the first main reason why students of the New Left began protesting on university campuses? (4)
  1. What was the second main reason why students of the New Left began protesting on university campuses? (5)
  1. Why was this ironic? (5)
  1. How did the draft rules change in 1971? (5)


  1. What was the counterculture? (5)
  1. Who was mainly a part of it? (5-6)
  1. What famous sociologist wrote about the counterculture and what was his book called? (6)
  1. How was the counterculture seen before this book? (6)
  1. How did this book change the way the counterculture was seen? (6)
  1. What was the goal of the counterculture? (6)
  1. What led many Americans to discover a new vision of society? (6)
  1. What kinds of things did the counterculture reject? (6-7)
  1. What was the political agenda of the counterculture? (8)
  1. Why was it so threatening to so many Americans? (8)
  1. How did the African American Civil Rights Movement affect other minorities? (9)
  1. What was the melting pot ideal? (9)
  1. Why was this created in the early 1900s? (9)
  1. What were the new immigrants expected to do because of this? (9)
  1. How come people of color could not “melt” into white society? (10)
  1. What is the difference between eurocentrism and multiculturalism? (10)
  1. Why was the idea of “political correctness” created? (10)
  1. Why did Native Americans have deeper grievances than any other group in American society? (11)
  1. What was the purpose of the Native American “termination and assimilation” policy initiated by the government in 1953? (11)
  1. How did this policy affect Native Americans who left the reservation? (11)
  1. What kind of policy did the Democratic administrations of the 1960s take towards Native Americans? (11)
  1. What was the 1961 Declaration of Indian Purpose? (11-12)
  1. What did Congress do because of this in 1968? (12)
  1. What rights did this act guarantee? (12)
  1. What was the American Indian Movement and when was it founded? (12)
  1. Where did it draw its greatest support? (12)
  1. How did this movement respond to the lenient sentence given whites who had killed Native Americans on a large Sioux reservation? (12)
  1. What ultimately happened to the American Indian Movement because of this? (12)
  1. What did some Native American scholars learn from studying U.S. law in the early 1970s? (12)
  1. What did they do on Alcatraz Island because of this? (12-13)
  1. What was the ultimate purpose of this action? (12-13)
  1. How did the government try to deal with the Native American activists on Alcatraz? (13)
  1. How was this situation ultimately resolved? (13)
  1. Why has it been difficult for Latinos to unite and fight racial discrimination in the U.S.? (13)
  1. What does the word Chicano refer to? (13-14)
  1. What term did older Americans of Mexican descent prefer in the 1960s and 1970s? (13-14)
  1. How were farm workers in California treated throughout the 1940s, 50s, and 60s? (14)
  1. What did Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta decide to do because of this? (14)
  1. What did they demand? (14)
  1. Where did the United Farm Workers’ first strike begin? (14)
  1. What was their rallying cry? (14)
  1. What did they do as a part of their campaign? (14)
  1. What major politician came out in support of this campaign? (14)
  1. What did Chavez do to dramatize the plight of farm workers? (14)
  1. What did the United Farm Workers ultimately gain? (14)
  1. What was MALDEF? (15)
  1. What was MECHA? (15)
  1. What was La Raza Unida? (15)
  1. Who were the Brown Berets? (15)
  1. What major poem/manifesto did Rodolfo Corky Gonzalez write to inspire them? (15)
  1. Who was Ruben Salazar? (15)
  1. How had he upset the LAPD? (16)
  1. Why did Latinos organize a march against the Vietnam War in 1970? (16)
  1. What was this march called? (16)
  1. What happened as the march began to wind down? (16)
  1. What happened to Ruben Salazar afterwards? (16)
  1. Who started the New Feminist Movement in the 1960s? (16)
  1. What was their goal? (16-17)
  1. Who was Betty Friedan? (17)
  1. What did she learn from her research? (17)
  1. Who did she argue was responsible for this? (17)
  1. How did Friedan’s book influence the New Feminist Movement? (17)
  1. How did LBJ feel about the New Feminist Movement? (17)
  1. What did Congress do about women’s rights in 1964? (17)
  1. Who added this amendment to the Civil Rights Bill? (17-18)
  1. What is Title IX? (18)
  1. What was accomplished because of this? (18)
  1. What is the National Organization of Women (NOW) and who founded it? (18)
  1. What kinds of members did it gain in the 1960s? (18)
  1. How did critics try to trivialize NOW? (18)
  1. Who were the radical feminists? (18-19)
  1. Why did they disagree with NOW? (19)
  1. What major books did they write? (19)
  1. How were the radical feminists different from the feminists at NOW? (19)
  1. What did they do about the 1968 Miss America Pageant? (19)
  1. What kinds of politics did they practice? (19)
  1. What two major women opposed the feminist movement? (19)
  1. What did Marabel Morgan argue in her 1973 book Total Woman? (19-20)
  1. Who was Phyllis Schlafly? (20)
  1. How come she was against adding an Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution? (20)
  1. Who was Geraldine Ferraro? (20)
  1. Who was Sandra Day O’Connor? (20)
  1. Why was she important on the Supreme Court? (20)
  1. What was the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision? (21)
  1. What have conservatives tried to do about this? (21)
  1. Why do women have more freedom and power economically today? (21)
  1. How have women benefited from the feminist movement? (21)
  1. What books inspired environmental activists in the 1960s? (26)
  1. Who did Congress respond to these concerns in 1970? (26)
  1. What did these acts do?(26)
  1. Why do historians often find Nixon’s support for these acts surprising? (26)
  1. When was the first Earth Day? (26)
  1. What did environmental activists do that day? (26)