
41 Cross Rd, Waterford, CT06385
ArchimandriteEdward Kakaty / Jan 29, 2017 Canaanite Women

Intentions This weekend: Pray for Aleppo,Syria,Yemen, Mosul, Berlin, Baghdad, Istanbul, Izmir

Sat +Samira Hajj 2yrs, Ida Jweidby Ken Kakaty
Sun +Rosette ElKhouryby Albert & Jamal Doro, +Evelyn Agamie2yrs by family,+Albert Dib 16yrs by Mary +Andrea NegmbyKakatyFam +Connie DeForge by Ken Kakaty


Sat +Ida Jweid by David & Janet George +FrAdrian Dabash, OP

Sun +Aida Eid (Birthday) by Alex & Betty Antipoff

This Weekend / Saturday: Joumana Hajj / Sunday : Gerard Massad / Thanks to all who always make up their missed envelope, including fuel building fund
NextWeekend / Saturday John Jalonski / Sunday: Rose LaFleur
NO / LITURGY / Jan 15: Jan 22: / Clothing shed 85
Jan 29 / 100+ / Gave / 626

200 Club Winners $50 Noah Concasia, $25 Chris Massad, $10 ea: John Dorunda, Kristin Massad, MarkFacas

Speedy Recovery Vince GuilfoilSadia Abdul Rolan Vasquez J Kakaty John Francis HendrickFacasBob Conley

Condolences to Bechara El Khoury, whose mother, +Rosette Haddad El Khoury, passed in Beirut, 12/20.The church building fund has received $350 in her memory, for which we are grateful. May her memory be eternal.

Condolences to Katia G Hage, whose mother, +Aida Eid, passed in Beirut, 1/25. May her memory be eternal.

Condolences to Proto-Deacon MagdiNegm, whose wife, +Andrea, passed in FL. Fr Ed gave her theSacraments.

Condolences to the family of +Fr Adrian Dabash, OP, professor at Providence College, who was Melkite/Latin.

Church School Classes are 3:30pm Sat Feb 11Mar 4 &25 in the rectory/mtg room:Joumana, Jenine, Gail teach

Fuel Donors : $910 Frank Kozmon100 BesharaElKhoury 200 Gabriel Hajj300 AbrozeGharios 100 Catherine Yost 100 John Francis100 Don Urso 1000 Carol H.Shasha100 Mary Dib 300 anonymous,100 George Abboud

100 TaniosGhazali 100Alexis Kozmon100Ed Najim300 MaryJaneFacas 200 George Haddad 200 Louise Massad100 Stephen Massad 200 Patrick Moukawsher100Michele Hodges 50 Michael Flaherty100Faouzi Hage

THE BISHOP’S APPEAL:Pleasegive until Jan 31.Our parish goal is $5000. Anything over is returned to us!

Iam happy to report that to date our finance office has depositeda total of$442,370in gifts to the Bishop's Appeal...only $57,630 short of our appeal goal of $500,000. This istruly an amazingblessing,given all the issues.

Attention parishioners: Please take YOUR REPORTS HOME FOR 2016 Tax deductions. Thanks for your support!

The Maronite and Chaldean Catholicbishops of Aleppo joined the patriarch of the Syriac Orthodox Church & prayed at MorAphrem Cathedral in Aleppo for the release of the Greek & Syriac Orthodox bishops, captured 2013.

Sat Feb 4 6:30-8:30pm Salaam Neighbor acclaimed documentary movie about Syrian refugees in Jordan camps@ Connecticut College Evans Hall . There will be a free-will offering taken. All are welcome!

Saint Maroun,(Feb 9) born in the middle of the 4th century was a priest who later became a hermit, retiring to a mountain of Taurus near Antioch. His holiness and miracles attracted many followers, and drew attention throughout the empire. St John of Chrysostom sent him a letter around 405 AD expressing his great love and respect asking St Maroun to pray for him.StMaroun is considered the Father of the spiritual and monastic movement now called the Maronite Church. This movement had a profound influence on Northern Syria and Lebanon. Saint Maroun spent all of his life on a mountain in the region of Cyrrhus in Syria. It is believed that the place was called "Kefar-Nabo" on the mountain of Ol-Yambos, making it the cradle of the Maronitemovement.TheMaronite movement reached Lebanon when St Maroun's first disciple Abraham of Cyrrhus who was called the Apostle of Lebanon, realized that paganism was thriving in Lebanon, so he set out to convert the pagans to Christians by introducing them to the way of St Maroun. The followers of St Maroun, both monks and laity, always remained faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church.StMaroun's way was deeply monastic with emphasis on the spiritual and ascetic aspects of living. For Saint Maroun, all was connected to God and God was connected to all. He did not separate the physical and spiritual world and actually used the physical world to deepen his faith and spiritual experience with God.StMaroun embraced the quiet solitude of the mountain life. He lived his life in open air exposed to the forces of nature such as sun, rain, hail and snow. His extraordinary desire to come to know Gods presence in all things, allowed St Maroun to transcend such forces and discover that intimate union with God. He was able to free himself from the physical world by his passion and fervor for prayer and enter into a mystical relationship of love with God.StMaroun was a mystic who started this new ascetic-spiritual method that attracted many people in Syria and Lebanon to become his disciples. Accompanying his deeply spiritual and ascetic life, he was a zealous missionary with a passion to spread the message of Christ by preaching it to all he met. He sought not only to cure the physical ailments that people suffered, but had a great quest for nurturing and healing the "lost souls" of both pagans and Christians of his time.This missionary work came to fruition when in the mountains of Syria, St Maroun was able to convert a pagan temple into a Christian Church. This was to be the beginning of the conversion of Paganism to Christianity in Syria which would then influence and spread to Lebanon. After his death in the year 410 AD, his spirit and teachings lived on through his disciples.

Every year onFebruary 9, Maronites throughout the whole world celebrate the feast of Saint Maron, founder and spiritual father of the Maronite Church. We, at Saint Anthony Maronite Catholic Church in Danbury are celebrating the Actual Feast Day at a Daily Liturgy onThursday February 9 at 10 AM, but we are also looking forward to having a special Celebration onSaturday February 25, 2017 at 5 pmLiturgy. This will be a very unique and special Divine Liturgy as the year 2017 marks the 85thAnniversary of the founding of Saint Anthony Parish. It is a very special year in the life of our parish, a Jubilee Year, a year of grace and mercy.