Okapilco Elementary School

Local School Governance Team

Moultrie, Georgia

February 27, 2017

The Okapilco Elementary Local School Governance Team (LSGT) conducted their fifth meeting at Okapilco Elementary School for the 2016-2017 school year on January 27, 2017. The meeting began at 5:00 pm. Present were the following: Eric Croft (Principal), Brian Knighton (Assistant Principal), Mack Beck, Val Bell and Dianna Patel.

The following were not in attendance: Amanda Merritt, Corey Shiver, and Demetrus Walker

The meeting was called to order by Mr. Knighton. He presented the agenda to the group.

The minutes from the January 30th LSGT meeting were read by Brian Knighton. He again mentioned to the team that LSGT minutes will now be emailed out in order for the team to review before the next scheduled meeting. There was not enough team members present to have a quorum, so the January minutes will need to be approved at the meeting in March.

Unfinished Business: None

New Business:

1. Mr. Croft shared that training Modules will be emailed out to the LSGT instead of printing them due to amount of slides. If anyone has any questions after viewing the modules, members can notify Mr. Croft and he can message central office for necessary answers.

2. Mr. Knighton revisited aspects of Check-In and Check-Out for students. He explained that the data has been shared with the faculty. The amount of behavior referrals is tracked. According to the data, there is a 72% decrease in behavior referrals on those that are on Check-In and Check-Out.

3. Mrs. Bell shared that the Local School Governance Team will have their names listed in the yearbook instead of having a picture due to difficulty getting everyone in attendance.

There was no executive session.

Mr. Knighton closed the meeting.

The next LSGT meeting will be held at 5:00 on March 20, 2017.