One Page Synopsis of the Research Proposal
In this 1-2 page overview, you will provide a brief outline of how you envision your research project. Details to help guide this process are described below. Papers should be typed and double-spaced. Please include a cover page with all of the names of the group members and your class section (i.e., Tuesday or Thursday). Each group only needs to turn in one paper.
1. Introduction
· Include an introductory paragraph that briefly introduces the topic you plan to investigate. The following questions might be helpful to guide you in this introductory paragraph.
§ Why is this it important to examine this topic?
§ What research has previously been done on the topic? (Cite in APA style)
§ What major theories attempt to explain the problem? You might consider limitations of previous work and describe how your study will contribute to the research literature.
2. Research Question
· Be clear about your research question. For example, “In this study, we will examine if listening to Mozart has an effect on cognitive performance.”
3. Hypotheses
· Make hypotheses (plural) about what you expect will happen as a result of the investigation. For example: “Based on previous research by Raushcher, Gordon, and Schraw, (1997), we would expect that students in the Mozart condition would score higher on the cognitive tests than students in the Silence or Relaxation conditions.”
4. Variables
· Do your best to operationalize the variables in your study. What will your independent variable(s) be? How will you measure your independent variable(s)? What outcome (Dependent variable) measure will you be investigating? How will you measure the Dependent Variable? (Be as specific as possible!). “Cognitive performance will be measured as a score on the Spatio-temporal Reasoning Task developed by Smith and Jones (1995).” (Although you can design your own measures, you may consider doing a Research Navigator, library (EbscoHost) or search for “measures of ______” to find reliable/valid measures that have already been developed by researchers.)
5. Plan for Analyses
· How do you plan to analyze your results? What statistical methods would be most appropriate? (e.g., We will conduct an ANOVA to determine if there are statistically significant differences in test scores between the three conditions of Mozart, Silence, and Relaxation Music.)
6. References
· Make sure to include a reference page with your references in correct APA style. Refer to the APA links on the course website if you have any questions about how to cite properly in APA style. The following website may also be helpful as well:
Note: As you work on this assignment, keep in mind that your final proposal will relate your hypotheses to an expanded literature review, and describe the procedures of the study in addition to the measurements used.