Administrative Council
November 7, 2016
Ray Harclerode Presiding.
Chairperson called the meeting to order. Jimmy Wooten opened with prayer. Ray asked for a volunteer to do the devotion in February and Kay Hill volunteered. Donna Harris presented the devotional on “Change”, Hebrews 13. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. We experience change in our own lives but God will help you through.
The minutes from August 8, 2016 and from the called meeting on October 9, 2016 were read. Ann questioned the service charge but it was a year to date amount not a monthly amount and this was cleared up. A motion to approve was made by Phil Isaacs and a second by Donna Harris and the minutes were approved.
Old Business - The clean-up and organization of the Fellowship Hall has been completed. Ray thanked Ann Creech and Donna Harris for their work. There appears to be an extra storage cart for the folding tables and Ann asked if we could get rid of both but Elizabeth Coble commented that this would be a safety hazard if we just stood the tables up so it was agreed to keep only one of the carts in the storage closet. Cleaning supplies are on the left side of the closet and decorations are on the right side. Some of the tables are being used in other areas of the church (classrooms). All storage areas have been labeled and an inventory has been made of the supplies that we have.
Pastor’s Report – Jimmy Wooten stated that the tutors are back at B E Jordan Elementary. The Snack Pack ministry is much needed and it is simple but helping so may. Jimmy would like us to put something about our church with the name, address and phone number for those receiving the Snack Packs. Thanks to everyone who is helping with this ministry.
Thanks to everyone who is helping with flood relief in Eastern North Carolina. The church will continue to aid those folks in recovery.
Thanks to everyone who is helping with the Jewel and Jerry Support Group. They meet the 1st Sunday of every month to see how things are going. Jewel and Jerry are grateful for the support. Everyone is invited to attend.
Bea, Becky, Jimmy and LeAnn went to the Spiritual Retreat and this demonstrated God’s Extravagant Love. This program is designed for the disabled. Becky stated that it was an amazing and humbling event. Bea stated that would like to visit “Peace Haven”. There were plays throughout the retreat and everyone participated. She said she was so glad that she went.
Thanks for the Breakfast. It was a great time of fellowship and a big crowd. It was well worth our effort. Adding the bake sale was a flash of genius according to Ann Creech.
The Discretionary Fund currently has a little over $100 available.
The Movie night hasn’t happened yet but we are still planning to have it. We just need to set a date. It looks like “The War Room” will be the movie and it will be shown in the Fellowship Hall. Steve Isaacs and Jimmy will come up with the date.
Jimmy reminded us that we need to send cards to Frances Rumley, Myra and Leo Creech, and Ruth Waterson. They have all given so much to the church and we need to maintain contact when they can’t physically be with us. Make sure they haven’t been forgotten. Send them something once a month.
Committee Reports:
Trustees – Phil reported that Duke Power Incentives Program had allowed all the light bulbs in the church to be changed to LED’s and also in the hut. The only bulbs not replaced are around the perimeter of the Fellowship Hall. Dan met about the fire extinguishers to be sure they were all at full charge. The back door wouldn’t open but has been fixed.
Lay Leader – Ann Creech and Phil Isaacs stated that the church continues to do a good job.
Finance – Kay Hill, Chairperson, reported that as of November 6 we had $3,223.29 in the checking account and this doesn’t include the breakfast money or Sunday’s offering. She stated that we paid $21,311.00 in apportionments. She reviewed income and disbursements. Kay stated that we are on target with last year on expenditures. The insurance has been paid for the umbrellas policy and will be due again in February - $1,614.75. All of the Youth budget of $4,000.00 has been paid. Heating fuel is the unknown at this time. We were given a refrigerator but the compressor went out so we will need to look at this again.
Fundraising: Last Breakfast last Saturday we got $1,877.33 for the breakfast and $491.00 for the bake sale. Judy Perry did an excellent job on the bake sale. We need to advertise about the bake sale along with the breakfast. We also need to continue with the bake sale as there was very little left over. We have an upcoming Pinto Bean Supper on December 2. Kay also commented that she had sent a letter out and that this has helped us at the end of the year with donations.
The Finance Committee discussed how to do fundraisers and talked about the Fall Festivals at other churches. Should we do one big annual event? An insert will go in the bulletin to get ideas on the interest of the church. There will be a box outside the Sanctuary to put the forms in.
The 2017 Budget has a $1,091.00 increase which is less than 1% and our apportionments are up. Kay expressed concern that the Special Projects Fund isn’t being put back as was agreed to when the money came out for the parking lot. She stated that it takes every breakfast to make the budget. Elizabeth Coble commented on the amount received when we replace regular worship with the meal and worship at 11:00 am and how much less we receive in offerings. Ann Creech also commented on our push to pay off the apportionments so early. Kay said that there have been times when we waited that we didn’t know if we would be able to pay by the end of the year. Ann commented that people should be giving appropriately. It was noted the number of people in the congregation who are on fixed incomes. Jimmy stated that it is a spiritual problem vs a money problem. The Methodist Church has failed miserably at bringing in new people to the church (not to pay the bills). We are supposed to “Make disciples of Jesus Christ”. 98% of all Methodist’s haven’t brought anyone into the church. We are failing to bring people into a relationship with Jesus Christ. If we do that the money will come. Our average number is 65 on Sunday morning and when Jimmy first came it was an average of 80 in attendance. He stated he gives us 2 more years going this way money-wise. Ray suggested sending out a state of the church in writing. Jimmy said he had considered calling an emergency meeting through the phone tree to use to address in a grown up conversation. Elizabeth stated that this might be a real turnoff for some people and would not increase their giving. Jimmy stated that every denomination is facing the same crisis. 40% of those under 30 years of age have no religion. This is a drastic culture shift. It appears to be affecting smaller, rural churches more.
Tradition is the faith of the living and traditionalism is dead faith of those long dead. Tammy Isaacs said that we have to look outside. Jimmy stated that we must pray before we do anything to change. It requires courage and strength to do what we are called to do. Be a Witness! Jimmy stated that in January he wants to do a prayer time here at the church, if not before. We will be specific and intentional in our praying and what we are praying about. All of this will cost as everyone will need to give more than we are currently giving. Jimmy said that $83,503.60 is for him and that is close to 50% of the budget. Ann commented that the church shouldn’t have a lot of money. Kay commented that we have been blessed but we must be good stewards of what we have been given. Spiritual grounding
All of this is a symptom of a much bigger issue. Money drives this country!
Elizabeth thanked Kay Hill for the great job that she is doing.
Pastor-Parrish Relations – Valeria Caviness, Chairperson, reported that all reports have been submitted for this year prior to Charge Conference.
Breakfast Committee – Nothing else was needed.
Work Areas:
Nurture –Ray stated that it is ok to take Jewel’s name off of Nurture as Chairperson. Jewel said that this is done through Methodist Women and for 2017 Nurture isn’t listed under the Lay Leadership report.
Children’s Ministry – No report.
Worship – Donna Harris, Chairperson, said that the committee met on September 21 and October 19. They discussed the 3rd Sunday meal and have decided not to continue in this format. We will still have a 3rd Sunday meal after worship service. In November we will have hot dogs with everyone bringing drinks and desserts. There will not be a meal in December. In January it may be a baked potato and Salad meal with everyone bringing their own. February may be soup and salad and March deli meat sandwich bar with bread, dessert and drinks.
Donna stated that we don’t need to order anything for the rest of this year as they have done an inventory and we have plenty of everything. She also stated that the Roy Boger classroom is looking good. Ann Creech stated that she will keep the inventory updated. They both asked that any drinks that have been opened need to be taken home after the meal or other event. They also put any canned goods that were going out of date in the Allied Churches box. Tammy said that she would update the spreadsheet. Thanks to Bea for cleaning and painting her Sunday School Room and Roger Harris for paining the Choir Room.
Youth – Steve Isaacs reported that in August the youth, young adults and adults went on the Mountain Retreat. He said that he is trying to have a Young Adult meeting and a Youth meeting. He is trying to help them feel that there is somewhere that they belong. There are 23 going to Pilgrimage – 8 youth, 1 young adult, 5 college students (1 from App State and 2 from college with Libby) and 6 adults.
Kuda and Alex will be attending in 2017 as Members at Large. Steve commented that Daisy Allen keeps bringing people with her. There are twins that have commented about how accepting of different races and ages that we are. Always feel welcome.
December 18 will be the Christmas Program at 6:00 pm. Tammy Isaacs is in charge of that.
Steve stated that he will leave his computer while he gone but at some point in the future the church will need to buy a computer for Sunday mornings. It will be around $700.00. There will be an additional TV so the choir and Jimmy will be able to see what is on the screen when they are facing the congregation.
Communications There was no report.
Calendaring – See attachment
The meeting was adjourned with prayer from Jimmy.
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Coble
Recording Secretary
2 Pinto Bean Supper 5-8pm
13 UMW #2
18 Cantata 11:00 am, Christmas Program 6:00 pm
20 UMW #1
22 Good Shepherd Kitchen
25 Christmas Sunday – No Christmas Eve Service
Youth Stew during 2nd Week Date will be Announced
10 UMW#2
15 3rd Sunday Meal After Worship
17 UMW#1
26 Good Shepherd Kitchen
4 Breakfast and Bake Sale
6 Council Meeting 6:30 pm
14 UMW #2
19 3rd Sunday Meal after Worship
21 UMW#1
23 Good Shepherd Kitchen
23-26 Youth Beach Retreat
Reminder – Please contact Phil Isaacs to reserve the Fellowship Hall for events