Parish Newsletter–
Forthe people of Lixnaw, Irremore and Rathea 12 January 2014

OFFERTORY COLLECTIONS Lixnaw € 1850 Irremore € 425 Rathea € 205

LIXNAW COMMUNION CALLS WILL BE DONE ON WEDNESDAY In the morning Ballintogher & Dysert. After dinner Ballincraheen, Irrebeg, Ballyrehan & Keel & Ahacoora Tuesday after dinner Liscullane

AREA PASTORAL MEETING: for priests and lay reps will be held in Duagh presbytery on Tuesday 14th at 8pm

PADRE PIO DEVOTIONS: take place on Tuesday Jan. 21st. The Padre Pio glove will be available for blessings and the witness will be given by Fr. Kevin McNamara the best proclaimer of the gospel news in the Diocese. Intercession box in place from this weekend.


LIXNAW HURLING CLUB A.G.M. takes place this Sun. Jan 12th at 2pm in the Clubrooms. All members, club officials, players and supporters are urged to attend this important meeting.

FINUGE RAMBLING HOUSE IS BACK: next Friday night 17th at 9pm at the thatched house. Musicans, singers and storytellers all welcome. Light refreshments served

BEST OF LUCK to Maria Conway, Derrevrin and Nicholas Lyons of Tralee who were married in Lixnaw today (Sat). We wish them well.

DEVELOPMENT COURSE FOR LADIES: This course is organised by the North & East Kerry development group and will run at the Listowel Family Resource Centre. The course is FETAC accredited. An information evening will be held on Thu. Jan 16th at the Resource Centre. No time is mentioned.

LIXNAW COMMUNITY GAMES: The following events will be coming up soon 1. Projects U11, U13, U16 2. Draughts U10, U12, U14 3. Soccer U 10, U13. 4. Art U8, U10, U12, U14, U16. Handwriting U10. If you are interested in participating contact Patricia Hannon - - - the new secretary on (087) 2153050. If anyone is interested in our U14 music group or our U12 dancing group be at the Ceolann this coming Thursday 16th at 7pm. We are delighted to hear the community games are on the up and go and we wish the new committee the very best and hopefully you will get the support you deserve.

KILTOMEY CEMETERY – PLEASE NOTE. Due to recent storm headstones have blown over and others have been loosened at the base. Families are asked to check graves of loved ones to avoid more damage.

BLOOD DONOR CLINIC – PLEASE GIVE BLOOD at the Listowel Arms Hotel on Wednesday 15th & Thu. 16th Jan 6 – 9pm. 3000 units of blood are required every week. 1000 people receive blood or a blood product every week. 1 in 4 of our population require blood at some point in their life.

St Senans Lotto Jackpot € 1900 NO 3, 12, 20, 23 € 30 John McKenna The Crosses; Pat Canty ;; € 20 Paudie Barry Listowel; Michael Somers Knockreagh Bottle of whiskey Monty Canty Banemore . Next weeks lotto € 2000

LIXNAW CLUBLOTTOJackpot € 1900 No 1, 3, 11, 24 €25 winners; Yvonne O’Mahony Ballinclogher; Kathleen Brick Ballinageragh; Maura & Joanna Barry Clounsillagh; Noreen O’Mahony Ballinclogher. 5 free tickets George Lowrey c/o Breens Finuge; Shane Conway Lisoughtra Next draw Dew Drop Inn on Sun. Jan 12th Jackpot € 2000


Enable me to teach with wisdom. For I help to shape the mind Enable me to teach with peace. For I help to shape the soul

Enable me to teach with truth. For I help to shape the conscience

Enable me to teach with vision. For I help to shape the future Cahill Gibran.

Enable me to teach with love. For I help to shape the world