July 15, 2014
Meeting called to order 7:04CT
In attendance were Victor Rompa, Richard McCullough, Nate Hamblin, Mark Schmiedeshoff, Mike Bachkosky, Julie Knutson, Dale Merritt
President’s Report: President Rompa has established the focus of 2014 as to be:
Focus in 2014:
- Fiscal Prudence
- Increase participation/membership
- Hunt test operations
- Expand Judging Pool
Treasurer’s Report: McCullough provided a detailed and itemized budget report outlining assets, accruals, liabilities & equities The final checking account balance as of today is$6338.88
MOTION to approve the treasurer’s report SECONDED, APPROVED unanimously
Secretary’s Report: The 5/20/14 minutes were approved
As of 6/17/14 301active members 151 with lapsed membership 30 new members in the last 30 daysMOTION to accept the secretary’s report Seconded Approved unanimously
MOTION to accept the minutes of the 6/17/14 BOD meeting. SECONDED, APPROVED unanimously
HUNT Test Committee Richard McCullough
Richard started a discussion on the Spring 2014 Hunt Tests with a review of the financials for all tests. Of the 6 tests (4) were in the red and (2) were in the black. One of those tests only made $3 The big winner was SD with a $729 gain. The spring tests collectively lost the APLA $2905 (see report below)
Considerable discussion followed with a MOTION to direct the rules committee to change the rules to reflect the following: MPR upland birds to be changed to 2 pheasants and 2 chukar. APR to be changed to 3 birds. The MOTION continued to include a $10 increase in Hunt Test Entry Fees across the board for all stakes. SECONDED, APPROVED unanimously.
Discussion continued concerning refunds MOTION If a owner/handler chooses to drop a dog from a higher level stake to a lower level stake there will be no refund of the difference in the costs of the registrations. If a dog achieves a 4X GMPR title and has registered for a test the next day there will not be a refund SECONDED, APPROVED unanimously. NOTE In each case the rational was that the APLA had incurred the costs of ordering the birds and the organization can not continue to lose money. The Secretary will change the language on the Fall 2014 entry form to reflect both the change in birds and entry fees.
The following tests were presented by Richard as applicants for the fall 2014 season
CO 8/30-9/1MO 9/27-28WA 9/27-28
MN 9/6-7MI 9/27-28
UT 9/20-21OK 10/4-5
PA 9/27-28WI 9/13-14
The HT Committtee felt all tests were viable and will proceed to assist the chairs in completing their applications. Test approval is pending identification of all judges.
MOTION to approve Tim Galeazzi as a CPR judge having met all requirements as stated by Mike B SECONDED, APPROVED unanimously
APLA Facebook PageNONE
HOF Committee Dale M has set the deadline for nominations for the next round of nominations as Jan 15, 2015 He also reported that there has been a new round of 8 plaques ordered for those dogs who have achieved the 4X GMPR title
New Business NONE
Next meeting Tuesday Aug 19, 2014
Motion to Adjourn at 8:10 pm (CST)
Respectfully submitted 7/31/2014, Mark Schmiedeshoff, APLA Secretary
MPR Dogs / 20 / 32 / 42 / 11 / 22 / 32 / 159
APR Dogs / 4 / 2 / 10 / 5 / 3 / 5 / 29
CPR Dogs / 4 / 15 / 36 / 9 / 25 / 13 / 102
Total / 28 / 49 / 88 / 25 / 50 / 50 / 290
Pheasant # needed / 40 / 64 / 84 / 22 / 44 / 64 / 318
Chuckar # needed / 88 / 149 / 274 / 80 / 153 / 155 / 899
Revenue per entry / $3,700 / $4,870 / $7,240 / $2,170 / $3,535 / $5,215 / $26,390
Revenue per Treas / $3,585 / $7,175 / $10,635 / $3,180 / $7,025 / $6,030 / $37,630
(Treas # accounts for additional revenue sources)
Total Expense / $3,895 / $9,988 / $9,906 / $3,593 / $7,022 / $6,131
Bird Expense / $2,451 / $5,943 / $5,797 / $1,435 / $4,200 / $2,902
Expenses minus Birds / $1,444 / $4,045 / $4,109 / $2,158 / $2,822 / $3,229
gain/(loss) / ($310) / ($2,813) / $729 / ($413) / $3 / ($101) / ($2,905)
Revenue/dog / $128.04 / $146.43 / $120.85 / $127.20 / $140.50 / $120.60
Cost/dog / $139.12 / $203.85 / $112.56 / $143.70 / $140.44 / $122.62
Price/Bird Needed / $19.15 / $27.90 / $16.19 / $14.07 / $21.32 / $13.25