LIVES-SNNPR-Monthly Update-July & Aug-2014
LIVES MonthlyField Activities UpdateMonth: / July & Aug 2014
Region: / SNNPR
Activities on Capacity Development / Observations/action required
Output 1130- TOT and specialist trainings/coaching/mentoring completed
- ToTwas conducted on Establishment & Production Techniques of Improved Forage as Feed and Farmer-Based Seed/Cuttings Supply for frontline extension staffs (2F,29M) drawn from the three LIVES intervention districts and zonal BoA at Yaye town, Arbegona District,Sidama Zone (Level 1). The training was held for 3-consequtive days (day one allocated for theoretical while days 2-3 allocated for practical aspects at selected FTC and BoA compound) The trainers were drawn from regional BoA, SARI and LIVES staff. At the end of the training, participants prepared individual action plan on how, where and when to train selected farmers (those engaged on diary and small ruminant production) in LIVES intervention PAs (See Annex 1).
- Coaching and mentoring of the trainees (extension staff) on cascading skill based trainingto farmers (dairy and small ruminant producers)
- Eleven staff (4M&1F from Arbegona, 3M from Bensa and 3M from Bona Zuria) from Sidama zone have been coached on cascading TOT training (proper seed bed preparation, sowing/planting and mulching of improved forages at backyards) to selected farmers (See annex 2C).
- Continue coaching of the extension staff and pilot households.
- It is to be recalled that computer literacy of BoA staff was assessed in the clustered districts of Sidama zone and the result was communicated previously. In the reporting month, 14 staff of Bensa BoA were trained on use of computers and other IT equipment for 4 consecutive days at Daye town, Bensa district, Sidama. The training was organized based on the previous skill gap assessment. The trainees are expected to train their colleagues on the use of computers.
- Follow up of the trained staff on use of the computers and providing support to others
Output 1140 Enrollment of MSc/BSc education of (♀♂)public sector staff completed
- It is to be recalled that 7 candidates were selected for MSc and 1 candidate for BSc study during the summer months from SNNPR. However, due to limited number of applicants, Hawassa University was unable to run some of its PG programs during the same months. Consequently, only 5 students (3 male and 2 females) have been enrolled and pursuing their PG study while the other 2 (all females) postponed for 2014/15 regular program. Similarly, since Hawassa University didn’trun undergraduate program in agriculture for the same reason in this year, communication has been made with Dilla University to train the other 2 female candidates selected for BSc study from Arbegonal district, Sidama zone. It is understood that Dilla University has agreement with SNNP region to provide on the job training for undergraduate studentsof the region and the program runs from September to November each year.On the other hand, Gamogofa zone recommended only one candidate out of the remaining 4 for this summer.
- Facilitate enrolment of BSc candidates in Dilla University
- Continue discussion with Gamogofa zone and regional PSC members on enrolment of candidates selected for PG study from Gamogofa zone
- Coaching of the LIVES sponsored postgraduate students was undertaken. Those students who have finalized their course works were guided to select their thesis research topics in line with the diagnostic and action research topics identified by the LIVES project. The regional LIVES experts have undergone repeated discussions with 8 students (four in irrigation value chains and the other four in Livestock value chains) to concentrate on priority diagnostic and action research topics identified for Sidama and Gamo gofa zones.
- Communicate agreed upon research topics to HQ
Output1180 Training/mentoring of (♀♂) farmers in production of environmentally sustainable irrigation crops and livestock production completed
- The skill gained from TOT training on Establishment & Production Techniques of Improved Forage as Feed and Farmer-Based Seed/Cuttings Supply (refer output 1130 above) has been cascaded by the trainees (livestock extension staff of the respective districts) to the farmers through organizing practical training at FTCs of LIVES intervention PAs. The total number of households participated in the training from 2 districts (Arbegona and Bona zuria) was 302 (48FHHs and 254MHHs). It has been well documented that shortage of feed is the major challenge for both dairy and small ruminant value chain development in Sidama zone. For this training LIVES staff provided technical backstop and training and demonstration materials.
- Continuous follow up of the trained farmers to apply the knowledge and skill gained from the training.
- Continue with coaching extension staff and the selected farmers on proper establishment and management of improved forage and its utilization.
- A total of 20 HHs (8M&1F from Arbegona, 5M&3F from Bensa and 3M&1F from Bona Zuria) have been directly coached on proper site selection for selected type of improved forage production, proper seed bed preparation, sowing/planting and mulching of improved forages at backyardsin Sidama zone.
- Coach and mentor selected HHs on establishment of improved forage
- Organize field day for knowledge sharing for dairy and small ruminant producers, youth group, extension staff and other partners from both intervention and domain PAs
- TOT on grafting and top working of Mango was provided to 4 development agents (three from A/minch Zuria and one from Mirab Abaya districts). The aim wasto assist the farmers who are engaged in private grafted Mango seedlings production in their respective PAs. The training was undertaken at the Chanomile fruit and forage nursery site that is managed by the Gamogofa zone office of agriculture. The training had two sessions: theoretical and practical. The theoretical aspect of the training was handled by a qualified and experienced zonal expert from the zonal department of agriculture. The theoretical aspects encompass the theory of vegetative propagation and grafting, the importance of soil preparation, nursery site selection, mother tree selections for root stocks and scions, proper times of grafting and transplanting, etc. The practical skill-based trainings were undertaken by the zonal expert and two field assistants who are working at the Chano mille nursery site. Hence, the trainees had the chance to exercise on soil preparation and pot filling, selection of mother trees for root stocks and scions, grafting techniques, top working, etc. The trainees had the chance to undertake grafting of several seedlings and top working on some trees.
- Continue coaching of the extension staffs who attended the TOT for proper cascading of their skills to the farm households.
- Based on prior assessments on training needs for pumps operations and routine maintenances among the extension staffs and pump user farmers, level-1 training was undertaken at Gamogofa zone. During the capacity gaps and training needs assessments, it was learnt that there are several households who are using motorized pumps for irrigated crops in Arbaminch and Mirab Abaya districts. However, there was no any need-based skill training provided either for pump user farmers or development agents. Therefore, the pumps have been exposed to frequent damages that caused inappropriate maintenance costs for the pump users. They have to travel long distances to get their pumps fixed. Accordingly, need-based skill trainings were undertaken for 52 pump user farmers and 25 extension staffs drawn from the LIVES intervention districts and PAs. The feedback from the trained extension staffs and pump user farmers indicated that this type of training should be provided widely and considered as part of the extension system. A training manual has been prepared in English and Amharic and disseminated to the trained staffs and farmers. The extension staffs will train and assist pump users in their respective peasant administrations (See annex)
- Continuous coaching of the extension staffs to train more pump user farmers in their respective PAs.
- Coaching of the trained farmers for proper use of their skills and disseminate that to their neighbors.
Training,/ mentoring suppliers of input, service providers, other VC actors 1170, 1180, 1190
- Directcoaching and mentoring the zonal coordinator, focal persons, AKC managers, selected VC actors and service provider’s on various livestock and irrigationvalue chain interventions of Gamogofa zone was undertaken by LIVES regional staff in the reporting month.
LIVES staff also provided technical backstopping on identification of innovative HHs (husband and wife) and FTCs for introduction/demonstration of the planned livestock and irrigation VC interventions, introduction of agro-ecologically suitable improved forage materials in 3-districts, identification of communal grazing land and enclosure for introduction of pertinent interventions [A/Minch zuria district], improved cattle fattening[focused on use of better feeding and shelter] and marketing [Bonke, A/minch zuria and Mirab abaya districts],identification of village for demonstration of biogas based electric generator [Mirab abaya district], and need of forgiving collaboration/partnership with stakeholders in the zone. LIVES staff also advised couples who are engaged on rural chicken production in Mirab abaya district on the use of better feeding from locally available feed resources and low cost shelter to protect pullets from predators. Given the fact that fodder marketing is an emerging business in Gamogofa zone, the marketing site was visited and discussion was held with traders on the experiences, challenges and opportunities. /
- Continue with coaching and mentoring
- The LIVES project has been collaborating with the zonal and district office of Marketing and cooperatives to improve the banana marketing system in Mirab Abaya district (previous reports). Accordingly, discussions were held with the district office of marketing and cooperatives staffs regarding the progresses so far. The district office of Marketing and Cooperatives is trying to strengthen the marketing cooperatives through coaching and mentoring of the committee members. Moreover, the office is working with relevant stakeholders to improve the banana marketing system. Although use of weight balances was not common in most of the banana producing PAs of the district before the LIVES interventions, the banana fruits are being sold using only weight balances since the last six months in almost all PAs. Finally, the regional LIVES staffs have advised the zonal LIVES coordinator for continuous engagements with the pilot households who are involved in the demonstrations of grafted seedling production, development of improved fruit production and marketing techniques.
- Direct coaching and mentoring of a youth group (composed of 4 men) that established rainfed alfalfa has been undertaken for proper agronomic management at Bensa District (Sidama zone)by LIVES staffs. The group has established alfalfa in a 0.75 ha of land for seed production.
- Continue coaching the youth group on management of the established alfalfa for seed production
- Initiate establishment of marketing linkage with seed buyers
- Six targeted forage producers are directly Coached & mentored in Elgo PA, Gamogofa zone. The producers have prepared lands in backyards and periphery of main plots. They are guided on how to prepare lands, how to sow, use the right seed rates and make cultural practices regularly.
- Three households who are engaged in apple seedlings production in Sidama zone have been coached and mentored by the LIVES staff and an expert from elsewhere. Accordingly, one of the households has transferred the rootstocks to a new seedbed as the seedlings have been already matured.
- Four households (4MHH & 2FHH) have been coached and mentored for proper production of grafted Avocado seedlings production in Sidama zone. Two of the households had got scions of the improved varieties and did grafting already. As they have been provided with proper trainings previously, they are being continuously coached and mentored for effective implementations.
- Three households who are engaged in seed production of the improved potato cultivar (See previous report) in Arbegona district of Sidama zone were coached for proper applications of fungicides and pesticides. On top of the households, the extension staffs were coached and mentored for proper application of fungicides and pesticides considering safety measures, application intensity, frequency and environmental protection issues
Activities on Knowledge management / Observations/action required
Output 1230 Knowledge centers and extension system provided with IT and audio equipment, materials (video, radio programs, documents, posters)
- Training materials on “Establishment & Production of Improved Forage as Feed and Farmer-Based Seed/Cuttings Supply in Sidama Zone” has been made to the 3-AKCs in Sidama zone .
- Reading material (fruit and vegetable production) is downloaded in the computers of AKCs in three districts of Sidama zone. The materials are important to develop the capacity of district staff.
- Continue with providing reading materials to AKCs on identified commodities
Output 1240. Knowledge capturing,sharing and learning events for VC actors and service providers
- Travel workshop and experience sharing visit was organized for key partners drawn from the 3-clusterd districts and offices of Gamogofa zone in the reporting months. The workshop included video show on IPMS successful livestock and fruits VC development, presentations and discussion on LIVES approach and strategy, field visit on LIVES engagements in the zone to Dale (previous IPMS site) avocado fruit seedlings production and Napier grass based dairy system. The total number of workshop participants was 20 (17 male 3 female). The participants were drawn from Zonal BoA, clustered districts Administration, Office of agriculture, office of women and youth.
- Develop separate report on the workshop
- Engage and update zonal key partners on the progress of LIVES VC interventions
- A field visit was organized for management committee members of the zonal department of agriculture of Gamogofa zone in July 2014. It is to be recalled that there is frequent staff turnover and change in leadership in the zone. The current field visit was, thus, organized to create awareness on LIVES interventions underway to the management committee members where most of them are new. The visit was conducted in 3 clustered districts of the zone. During the visit the team had an opportunity to visit AKCs established by LIVES, improved forage establishment, introduction of popcorn, interventions on fattening large and small ruminants (particularly efforts made on marketing and short fattening cycle), commercial production of alfalfa, vegetable production, interventions on improved banana and mango production, harvesting and marketing, demonstration of mango nurseries (grafting) and other interventions. The team had an opportunity to discuss with output/input producers, and district level extension staff on LIVES engagement in the zone. During the feedback session, the team expressed their satisfaction with LIVES engagement and indicated that they developed better understanding on the approach and strategy of LIVES project. The team also agreed to scale out good practices observed during the visit to other areas within the zone.
- An experience sharing visit was organized for cattle fatteners to Dimelefuso PA of Bonke district [Gamogofa zone] to capture knowledge and share experience on improved forage production undertaken by an innovative farmer at bunds. The number of participants was 22 (all male). The farmers produces improved forage such as Desho, Mercho and buffle grasses both as livestock feed and natural resources conservation. The farmer also sells improved grasses to needy farmers in the locality. Given the fact that inadequate year round feed supply is the major challenge that threaten livestock production in the area, the knowledge/experience shared by the participants would enable them to develop better awareness to adopt improved forage production techniques
- Coaching and mentoring producers on improved forage production
- An experience-sharing visit was undertaken for three banana producers and one development agent from Ankober PA in Mirab Abaya district. The purpose of the experience-sharing visit was to adopt the improved banana production techniques using basin irrigation at Luci agro-industry plc in Shelemela PA of A/minch Zuria district in Gamo Gofa zone. Although Ankober PA is one of the most important banana producing PAs (in terms of both quality and quantity) in Mirab Abaya district of Gamogofa zone, the existing irrigation water application is entirely through flooding which causes excessive non-productive loss of water and groundwater rise. Therefore, the LIVES project is collaborating with the district office of agriculture to improve the overall water use efficiency of the irrigated banana production system through introduction of basin irrigation with the smallholder producers in selected schemes. Accordingly, the visiting three households were selected for the demonstration of basin irrigation through proper coaching of the pilot households, the traditional irrigation water users association and the extension staffs.
- Continue demonstration of basin irrigation with the pilot households and coaching both the households and the extension staffs for proper implementations.