Stella’s Circle Sunday


(Hymns and Children’s Story only suggestions; feel free to change. VU means Voices United)

God’s People Gather

Call to Worship(From: Celebrate God’s Presence, page 20)

Leader: We come together as brothers and sisters in the faith.

People: We come to celebrate God’s presence,
Leader: and God’s love expressed through Jesus Christ.

People: We come remembering Christ’s life and ministry,

Leader: and the lives we are called to live.

People: We come as pilgrims searching for ways to live out our faith.

Leader: We come seeking the strength to carry on our journey.

People: Let us rejoice in God’s gift to us!

Prayer of Approach (unison)

Gracious God, in this sanctuary you feed our spirits. In the outreach of Stella’s Circle and other community ministries of The UnitedChurch of Canada, many people are fed, encouraged, sheltered and given a hand up. We give thanks to you for the help these ministries provide with our support. We live with the hope that there will come a day when poverty will be eliminated; but we know that we must be part of that solution. Help us support Stella’s Circle enabling it to be a vibrant place of hope, compassion and caring. Help us work to share the world’s abundance with all; challenge us to follow Christ’s call and be seen as his witnesses. Give us the courage to speak out, the generosity to reach out and the faith to follow the example of Jesus, in whose name we pray. Amen.

Hymn 574 (VU) “Come Let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love”

Prayer of Confession & Assurance of Pardon Leader: We offer our confession for the pain we have caused others in our day-to-day living this past week, by unkind words and deeds. People: God of justice and mercy,hear our prayer. Leader: We pray for those who lack the resources to enjoy life and we confess those times when we have been greedy and selfish. People: God of justice and mercy,hear our prayer. Leader: We pray for the weak and the vulnerable and we confess the times when we have ignored others needs and focused on ourselves. People:God of justice and mercy,hear our prayer. Leader: We pray for the peacemakers in our world today, those who daily live in danger for their lives; and we confess our own anger that sometimes takes away the peace in our own space. People: God of justice and mercy,hear our prayer and forgive us. Assurance of Pardon (Leader) The good news in Christ is that when we acknowledge and confess our sins we are given grace to grow and courage to continue the journey.
People: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. Thanks be to God! Amen

Children’s Time (You may use the Stella Burry story or choose another)

Hymn 570 (VU) “Jesus’ Hands Were Kind Hands”

God’s Word is Shared

A Reading from Deuteronomy 10: 12-22

A Responsive Reading of Psalm 16, page 738 (VU)

A Reading from the Gospel, Matthew28:16-20

Hymn 371(VU) “Open My Eyes, That I May See”

A Reading from Hebrew’s 12:1-2


We Respond To God’s Word

Hymn 595 (VU) “We Are Pilgrims on a Journey”

The Offering

Offertory Prayer: (unison)

We dedicate our gifts and ourselves to your service, O God. May the ministries which we support through Stella’s Circle bring healing and comfort in your name. May they help to provide food for the hungry; homes for the homeless; encouragement to those who struggle; help for the hurting; and hope to those who feel lost. Bless these gifts and all the ministries which we support through the Mission and Service Fund of our Church. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen

Prayers of the People(Celebrate God’s Presence pg. 57, adapted)

Leader: In our prayers, let us give thanks for the gifts of God and pray for the community of faithful believers who seek to live out the calling of God in our midst.

People: We give you thanks, blessed Spirit.

Leader: For the bounty of the earth, for the goodness within the human heart, for the power to change and the will to learn, let us give thanks:

People: We give you thanks, blessed Spirit.

Leader: For all those who work for healing, for the people in caring ministries, for pastoral care workers and friends, for the hands of Christ in the world, for others whom we name (silent prayer) let us give thanks.

People: We give you thanks, blessed Spirit.

Leader: For all staff and participants of Stella’s Circle and the ministry which this organization offers to many who are disadvantaged within our community.

People: We give you thanks, blessed Spirit.

Leader: For the wisdom and guidance of Stella Burry who saw a need for this work within our community more than 70 years ago. For the continued knowledge, support and resources of The United Church of Canada as it supports the community ministry of Stella’s Circle.

People: We give you thanks, blessed Spirit.

Leader: For those who struggle for justice, for those who reach out and offer a hand up so that others can have a job, a home and a friend.

People: We give you thanks, blessed Spirit.

Leader: For those who lift their voices and challenge governments to provide the resources needed so all may live lives of health and wholeness. For those who speak the truth on behalf of the oppressed, for all who bear witness to the way of Christ, let us give thanks.

People: We give you thanks, blessed Spirit. Amen.

Leader: And, now, let us join in the prayer which Jesus taught us:

The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn 575 (VU)“I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use me”

Commissioning and Benediction(From More Voices #209)

Leader: We are the hands of Christ, reaching out to those in need, the face of God for all to see.

People:We are the spirit of hope; we are the voice of peace.

Leader: So let your loveshine on, let it shine for all to see.

People: We will go make a difference in the world. And the Spirit of Christ will be with us as we go.

Leader: As we go, may the grace of our Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us this day and forevermore. Amen.

Liturgy and Children’s story prepared by the Rev Peggy Johnson and Sermon written by the Rev. Miriam Bowlby for Stella’s Circle Sunday, 2014.