Little League Rules & Uptown LL Rule Supplements

Pitching PG 42 Regulation VI

Age 17 – 18 = 105 per day

Age 13 – 16 = 95 per day

Age 11 – 12 = 85 per day

Age 9 - 10 = 75 per day

Age 7 – 8 = 50 per day

Players under 14 years old – Rest after pitching

66 + = 4 days

51 – 65 = 3 days

36 – 50 = 2 days

21 – 35 = 1 days

1 – 20 = 0 days

Players age 15 to 18 years old - Rest after pitching

76 + = 4 days

61 – 75 = 3 days

46 – 60 = 2 days

31 – 45 = 1 days

1 – 30 = 0 days

Cannot pitch if played catcher in 4 innings or more, one (1) pitch equates to

one inning.

Cannot play catcher if pitched 41 or more pitches in a day

If a pitcher reaches their limit / threshold while facing a batter, they may finish that batter and are only charged the rest period for the count they reached during that batter, as long as they are removed before the next batter. AKA – 53 total pitches, but entered that batter at 48, they are charged 2 days rest (the 50 limit).

MINOR B - 9 year olds may only pitch 2 innings in a game. One (1) pitch in an inning equates to pitching an inning. If two (2) 9 year olds pitch during one (1) inning, then that too equates to two (2) innings pitched by 9 year olds. Managers must identify all 9 year olds on the team roster prior to the start of the game on the Line-Up Cardsdistributed to the Official Score Keeper and the opposing manager/team. (District 38 Rule and Uptown LB LL Rule)

Tee-Ball Pitcher PG 110 8.01(g)

The pitcher shall keep both feet on the pitcher’s plate until the ball is hit.

Warm Up Pitches PG 111 8.03

8 warm up pitches at inning switch

(Uptown LL will allow coaches to warm up pitchers to speed up games

during regular season. NOTE – During playoffs confirm with umpires if

coaches will be allowed to warm up pitchers. LL Rules do not allow this,

but exceptions are often made by all leagues to speed up games).

Pitch Delivery PG 111 8.04

20 seconds to deliver a pitch, a violation may be called a “ball” by umpire

Visiting a Pitcher PG 113 8.06

2 visits per pitcher in an inning

3rd visit = Change pitcher

3 visits per pitcher per game

4th visit = Change pitcher

Bunt PG 70

Yes bunts are allowed, except Tee Ball and FARM

Run Rule PG 72 (Inning)

No run rule in MAJORS or JUNIORS

INNING – (Minor A/B, Farm) A five (5) run limit is to be imposed, which

would complete the half inning. NOTE – In tournament time,

there will probably be no run limit rule

Change Sides – Inning PG 89 5.07

Change sides (inning) when:


  • 3 outs

-Minor A/B, Farm

  • 3 outs
  • All players on the roster have batted (optional) – Not ULBLL
  • 5 runs scored
  • 5 run limit may be suspended in last ½ inning for either team if approved by league


  • All players have batted
  • May impose the 3 outs rule, but not used at ULBLL

Obstruction PG 71

Fielder who, while NOT in possession of ball, impedes the progress of any


-A fake tag is considered an obstruction.

-Blocking a base while not having ball

-Blocking home plate while not having ball

-Blocking base line

Obstruction PG 101 7.06

(a)= Runners are safe and advance one base if obstructed

(b)NOTE 2 = Defense player blocking base or base line = Runner safe

Interference PG 73 & Section 6 & Section 7

Batter or Runner is out if they appear to have intentionally interfered with a defensive player attempting to catch, throw, or retrieve a ball, and if the runner does not slide when a defensive player attempts to make a tag at a base or home plate for an out (fake tags are obstruction).

Runner is Out & Slide / Avoidance PG 101 7.08

Runner is out when

Runner runs more than 3 feet away from base path to avoid tag,

unless avoiding interference.

Runner does not slide or attempt to get around a fielder who

has the ball and is waiting to make a tag.

Tagged out, forced out, hit by batted ball before it passes an infielder

(except pitcher), interferes with an infielder getting a hit ball, fails to

“tag up” on a caught fly ball and is tagged or forced at the base they

previously occupied.

While attempting to score at home and the batter does not “get out of

the way” – interferes, the runner is out.

Passing another base runner.

MAJORS and below: If the runner slides (dives) head first while

ADVANCING automatic out. He/she may slide (dive) head first if

returning to the base (if over run).

On-Deck Batter PG 64 1.08

The On-Deck position is not permitted in Little League Majors or below. Not

even behind a fence. The next batter should be ready with a helmet on,

inside the dugout, but may not pick up a bat until it is his/her turn at bat.

Illegal Bat PG 64 - 65 1.10

Major and below –A legal bat is not more than 33 inches in length, no

more than 2 ¼ inch in diameter,Non-wood bats labeled with BPF (Bat

Performance Factor) 1.15 or less

PENALTY – 6.06 PG 83 (Base coach removed/ejected, then manager


Juniors & Intermediate – A legal bat is not more than 34 inches in length,

no more than 2 5/8” inch in diameter

Seniors –A legal bat is not more than 36 inches in length, no more than 2

5/8” inch in Diameter, BBCOR, and not more than 3oz less than the length

*** All bats must be on the Little league Approve Bat list –

*** NOTE in 2018 all Little League bats will be changing to USA Baseball approved bats, and ALL bats certified for 2017 play will not be allowed anymore.

Illegal Bat – Penalty PG 94 6.06

The batter is out if he/she enters the batter’s box with one or both feet while

in possession of an illegal bat or if it discovered before the next batter

enters the batter’s box.

Batting Donuts PG 65 NOTE-2

The traditional batting donut is not permissible (This is because there is no

On-Deck position for warm up)

Batting Order PG 81 - 82 4.04

All Divisions (Majors and Below) - Continuous order = bat all players.

NOTE – At tournament time, only 9 batters that occupy the field will

bat, and new substitution rules will apply.

Late player = Added to end of batting order

Batting Out of Order PG 95 6.07

If discovered by the OFFENSIVE team before a hit, the proper batter takes

the batting place and the count remains the same.

If the improper batter reaches base (for any reason) and the DEFENSIVE

appeals, before any pitch to the next batter, the “proper batter” is

automatically out for being skipped. The improper batter gets to stay where

he/she isbut any advancing of any other runners caused by the movement

or hit of the improper batter are returned to their original positions and any

score by such an action is nullified. The next batter would be the batter

who would actually bat next.

This is a very confusing rule.

Stealing PG 102 - 103 7.13

Majors, Minor A/B - Stealing is allowed once the pitched ball has reached

the batter. If therunner leaves too early, there are lots of rules. But

mainly the runner returns to the base they were previously on unless

they were put out by the play or the batter hit the ball and they

advanced. If the ball was hit, they are permitted to continue but will

be returned to the base they were at or the next base beyond the

batter reached.

Infield hit or bunt and runner leaves early – No run (score) will count.

If bases are loaded, the runner that was at third will be removed, no

run (score) and no out charged.

Tee-Ball – All base runners shall remain on their bases until the ball is hit

off the tee.

Juniors, Seniors – Leading off and stealing are permitted

Ball / Strike

PG 93 6.05 – 3 Strikes = Out

PG 93 6.05 (b) & PG 98 6.09 –Majors & Above Dropped Third Strike

DroppedThird Strike Rule - Batter may attempt to advance to 1st

Base when 1stBase is not occupied, when there is zero or one out.

If two outs, batter may attempt to advance to first base, but other

base runner (on 1st Base) is required to attempt to steal 2ndBase.

PG 93 6.05 (b) – Minor A/B

Any third strike (caught or dropped) is an out.

PG 93 6.05 (c)– Foul bunt with 2 strikes = strike 3 and batter out.

PG 97 - 98 6.08 & 6.09 – Batter = Runner (Batter Free Pass to 1st Base)

4 balls

Hit by pitch (unless in strike zone or batter swings at ball = strike)

Catcher interfered with batter (batter hits catcher glove on swing) =

Automatically awarded 1stBase.

Intentional Walk 6.08 (a) (2) –Majors & Minor A/B – If defensive

manager calls times and requests an intentional walk, batter is

awarded 1stBase, 4 pitches are added to the pitch count, and

runners may only advance one base. 2017 – No pitch has to be

thrown but 4 will be counted.

Batter = Runner at 1st Base (Safe)

Fair ball hit with no play made on batter/runner

Farm & Tee-Ball – A chalk line arc shall be drawn, 15 feet from

Home Plate from foul line to foul line. A hit ball must pass that line

to be a fair playable ball, otherwise it is a foul ball.

Majors and above – Safely steals 1st Base with Dropped 3rd strike

rule (6.09)

Batter Swing Attempts

Farm – A batter will be given 6 machine pitches to hit the ball. Either 3 strikes or all 6 pitches equals an out. The umpire may declare a “NO PITCH” if it is not a hittable pitch.

Tee-Ball – A batter will be allotted swings at the ball on the tee until

the ball is hit into fair territory.

Strike Zone PG 75 2.00

Space over home plate, between the batters armpits and top of knees when

the batter assumes a natural stance. The umpire shall determine the strike

zone according to the batters stance for when that batter swings (would

swing) at a pitch. (NOTE – Most LL Umpires will call a strike if the ball is

close to the strike area and it appears hittable. We need to get the players

to swing and not always look for the walk.)

Infield Fly PG 72 & 93 (6.05 d)

An infield fly (not a line drive) that is deemed catchable when 1st & 2nd

Bases, OR 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Bases are occupied and there is zero or one out,

the umpire shall announce “Infield Fly” and the batter is automatically out, if

the hit is a fair ball. The base runners do not have to attempt to advance,

out if they do they may be put out. If there is two out, the fly ball is played as

a regular hit ball.

Majors, Juniors, Seniors – Infield Fly Rule is in effect

Minor A – ULBLL Ruling : Infield Fly Rule (if agreed upon by managers)

will be in effect, usually later in the season

Minor B, Farm – ULBLL Ruling:There is no Infield Fly Rule

Tee-Ball – There is no Infield Fly Rule


Game Time Limit

Tee Ball = Twice through the batting order for each team or 60 minutes (1


Farm = 90 minutes (1 hour, 30 minutes)or 6

complete innings

No new inning after 1 hour 15 minutes

Minor B = With no game following: Drop Dead ** at 120 minutes (2 hours)

or 6 complete innings

With a game following: Drop Dead ** at 105 minutes (1 hour, 45

minutes) or 6 complete innings

Minor A = With no game following: Drop Dead ** at 120 minutes (2 hours)

or 6 complete innings

With a game following: Drop Dead ** at 105 minutes (1 hour, 45

minutes) or 6 complete innings

** NOTE – If a game reaches DROP DEAD time, the game will stop after

that batter. If the inning is not complete, the score and pitch count

will revert back to the last completed inning, even if it results in

a tie score.

Majors and above = No time limit. Games to 6 innings (Majors) and

7 innings (50-70, Juniors).

Coach Pitch – Minor B

For the first round of games (until March 26, 2017 - Sunday):

If 4 balls to the batter, batter will not walk. Coach will pitch 3 pitches to batter. If batter does not hit any of the 3 coach pitches, it is

recorded as a STRIKE OUT.

This allows for more action on the field and fielders to have the chance to make a play instead of multiple walks in a game.

ULBLL will notify when coach pitch rule is removed (scheduled for March 26, 2017 unless extra time is required to get pitchers ready).

Dead Ball – Play Stops / Runners may not advance

Tee Ball - When an infielder has the ball in their possession, within the

base path of a normal running path, and holds the ball up,

all runners shall stop at the base they are at or closest to.

Closest to is determined by ½ way chalk lines between 1st

2nd, 2nd & 3rd, and 3rd & home. Runners going to 1st must

make it to first base. At the dead ball signal, the ball is

returned to the umpire and reset on the tee.

When the umpire call “time”

If a hit ball lands into foul territory or stops within the 15 ft arc

Farm - When an infielder has the ball in their possession, within the

base path of a normal running path, and holds the ball up,

all runners shall stop at the base they are at or closest to.

Closest to is determined by ½ way chalk lines between 1st

2nd, 2nd & 3rd, and 3rd & home. Runners going to 1st must

make it to first base. At the dead ball signal, the ball is

returned to the coach pitcher to be readied for the pitching


When the umpire calls “time”

If the ball is hit into foul territory or stops within the 15 ft arc

Majors, Minor A/B:

When the umpire calls “time”

If the ball is hit into foul territory

The pitcher is in possession of the ball and standing on

the pitching mound and in contact with the rubber.

Juniors, Seniors:

When the umpire calls “time”

If the ball is hit into foul territory

Base Stealing

Stealing is allowed from day one (except Tee-Ball may only advance on a

hit ball) – Minor B Special see below.

Ball must cross plate/ batter before a player may leave their base

See dead ball rule. Runners may NOT advance during a dead ball time

Minor B Special: (In effect until March 26, 2017 – Sunday)

One (1) Base Only – Runners on first or second base may only steal

one (1) base per pitch.

Closed Home Plate – Runners may not steal Home on a pitch at any


Over Throw Rule – Runners may NOT advance to Home on an

overthrow from the catcher to the pitcher.

Run Limit / Scoring

Tee-Ball – Score should not be kept, all players bat every inning

Minor A/B, Farm – 5 run limit per half inning is in effect. This will change

during tournament time.

Majors & Above – Open innings for all innings. Teams must get 3 outs to

retire the side

Mercy Rules PG 83 – 84 (4.10 e)

Juniors, Seniors – If at the end of 5 innings a team has a lead of 10 runs

or more, the losing team shall concede the victory to the winning

team (or 4 ½ if Home Team is winning)

Majors, Minor A/B, Farm - If at the end of 4 innings a team has a lead of

10 runs or more, the losing team shall concede the victory to the

winning team (or 3 ½ innings if Home Team is winning)


Bat all player in the line up (continuous) even if they sit on defense, they still

play offense (bat), until tournament rules start.

Player Rotation / Substitutions

No player may sit two innings in a row. Players may only sit out for one

Inning (3 outs) on defense at a time.

They may = play, sit, play, sit, play

They may not = play, sit, sit, play, play

NOTE – During tournament time, player rotation and minimum play rules change.

Players must play consecutive 6 defensive outs in a

row and bat once in every game.

While continuous batting order (all players bat) is in effect, free substitutions

(any player in/out on defense for any player) will be permitted. Once

tournament rules start, players will be “married” to their substitute (they may

only sub for each other and both must meet minimum playing time before


These are only the basic rules that seem to come up the most, or deal with player safety.

Please read your rule book and have a basic understanding of the Little League Rules. As managers and coaches, it is your responsibility to know the rules.

If at any time there is a question, call time out and discuss it with the umpire and the other manager.

You are required to have your rule book with you at the game. If you think there is a rule violation, you must be able to prove it and show it in the rule book.

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