Little Highlanders Childcare Center Parent Handbook
Age Group / Full Week(5 full days) / Half Week
(3 full days)
Infants / $210 / $145
Toddlers / $200 / $135
Preschool Age / $190 / $125
School Age Before & After School / $90 / $60
School Age (Summer) / $180 / $115
- Parents/legal guardians will pay a $25, $50 for family, non-refundable registration fee. All registration forms and medical forms must be on file before the child can begin day care. A one-week prepayment is also required prior to your start date.
- Late start or Early Dismissal is an additional $10.00 per school-aged child.
- School Closure is an additional $15.00 per school-aged child.
- At least twoweek notice is required for giving your desired start date. The director or owner will preapprove the date.
- Parents should schedule a tour (by phone or email) and meet with the Director and/or Owner prior to enrollment to become familiar with the Center’s policies. We strongly recommend that the parent and child visit the program. Unannounced visitors will not be permitted a tour until making an appointment for one.
- Your child will not be able to start care until all the required paperwork is completed.
- Your child’s start date is a “trial day”. If your child attends on this day and you decide not to continue with our program for any reason, your one-week prepayment will be refunded in full.
- If the room that you wish your child to attend is full, you will be placed on a waiting list. There is no fee to be on our waiting list and the Director or Owner will call your family when a spot opens for your child to attend.
- Little Highlanders Childcare Center offers a “holding fee” per week (see pricing below) if there is an available spot in one of our rooms and your child is not yet ready to begin care until a particular date. While this is not mandatory, we suggest that families that may fall into this particular situation choose to partake in our “holding fee” agreement in order to ensure their child’s spot is waiting for them when they are ready to start. Without this fee, we will not be able to guarantee a spot. “Holding fees” may not exceed 3 months,but if possible, consideration will be given to those requesting an extended holding period. This will be based on our current availability and cannot be guaranteed. If you would like to hold a spot for longer than this, please speak to the Director or Owner.
- Holding Fees-
Infant Room: FT- $80.00 PT- $60.00
Toddler Room: FT- $70.00 PT- $50.00
Preschoolers: FT- $60.00 PT- $40.00
Before/After School: FT- $25.00 PT- $15.00
School-Aged Summer Program: FT- $50.00 PT- $30.00
Little Highlanders Childcare Center reserves the right to refuse admission or dismiss any child at any time with or without cause.
Possible reasons for the refusal of admission include but are not limited to:
- The need to maintain compliance with licensing/ratio regulations.
- Staff determines the child is too ill to attend.
- Domestic situations that present a safety risk to the child, staff or other children if the child were to be present at the center.
- Parents’ failure to maintain accurate, up to date records.
- Parents’ failure to complete and return required documentation in a timely fashion.
Reasons Little Highlanders Childcare Center may choose to dismiss a child enrolled, but are not limited to:
- Child’s behavior threatens the welfare of the staff or other children at the Center.
- Families that fail to comply with the Center’s policies.
- Payment has not been paid or has gone unpaid for more than one week.
- If it is deemed that the child requires more care than the staff can accurately provide without compromising the care of the other children.
- The Center believes child is too ill to attend and staff cannot provide proper care to ensure that child’s safety and health.
Parents will not be reimbursed tuition for days when their child is refused admission to the program.
- Large supply of diapers
- Large supply of wipes
- Diaper cream
- Bottles/baby food/formula
- Pacifier
- Sippy cups
- A fitted crib sheet
- A small blanket
- Changes of clothing
- Large supply of diapers
- Large supply of wipes
- Diaper cream
- Sippy cups
- Breakfast (if would like to eat here), lunch, and a drink
- A fitted crib sheet
- A small blanket/pillow
- Changes of clothing
- Breakfast (if would like to eat here), lunch, and a drink
- A fitted crib sheet
- A small blanket/pillow
- A change of clothing
School Age:
- Breakfast, lunch, and a drink (during summer program and days off)
- A Change of clothes
*Please label all items brought from home!
- We are open from 6:30a.m.-6:00p.m.If you would like your child to eat breakfast at school, please arrive by 8:30 a.m. We strongly encourage parents to arrive by 9:00 a.m. at the latest, so that childrenare included in greeting activities, do not miss out on lessons, and have time to calmly set their minds for the day ahead. We may choose to not permit drop-off after 10:00 a.m. unless parent notifies the Director in advance if it presents an issue in the future.
- Other people authorized to drop off or pick up your child must ring the bell and will be screened at the door. No one will be allowed in the Centers before 6:30 a.m. Parents are required to bring their children into his/her classroom, sign them in, and make contact with the teacher before leaving. Please assist your child with the removal and storage of outer garments.
- Bus transportation is provided to and from Paynter Elementary before and after school.
- It is the parents’ responsibility to take their children to school if they have missed their bus or are late.
- If your child will be absent for any reason, please take the time to call the Center and speak with the Director or Owner. Please also call if your child will be arriving after 9:00 a.m.
- Once a parent signs their child out, the parent is then solely responsible for supervising their child while on the property of Little Highlanders. Parents should directly exit the building once they have signed their child out of care.
- Parents will receive written “Today I…” reports at pick-up. The classroom teacher will be able to briefly discuss the report with you or other authorized adult at pick-up. However, should you feel it necessary to have an in depth discussion that may last longer than two minutes, it is most appropriate to schedule a meeting for a later date because the teacher is responsible for supervising the remaining children in the classroom.
- Our program ends at 6:00 pm. Parents who pick-up children after that time will be charged $5.00 for every five minutes late, to be paid in cash at the time of pick-up (total late fee will be calculated based on the clock on the wall in the classroom). If payment in cash is not possible at that time, it is to be paid at pick-up or drop-off the following program day. If balance is not paid, the child’s enrollment may be terminated without refund. All late pick-up fees go directly to the staff members who stay past their regularly scheduled shift. Therefore, payment must be in cash and cannot be combined with tuition payment.
- Should the staff contact a parent for any reason, and the parent is unable to pick up the child, it is then the responsibility of the parent to arrange for their child to be picked up by someone on the emergency list. We will require that the person who is picking up your child be authorized on the Emergency Contact Form. Before they can take the child off the premises they will need show their photo identification card. There will be no exceptions to this rule.
- All needed changes and/or additions to the Emergency Contact Form must be made in writing and be dated and signed. Only legal guardians have the right to make changes or additions to this form.
- Any messages for the parent will be kept in your child’s locker. Please make sure you check your child’s locker before leaving each day.
- Please feel free to bring in any breakfast foods, or cereals that your child likes. Please label any food items that your child brings and we will store for them.
- Children must bring their lunch and a drink each day. We are able to heat up food in containers.
- A morning and afternoon snack will be provided.
- Please remember that this is a nut free environment!!
- All payments are due in advance of provided service. Weekly payments are due prior to or on Monday of that week; you may also pay every other week, which would be due every other Monday or before. We ask that you do not pay monthly unless you need a special exception for a particular month.
- Tuition is charged based on enrollment, not based on attendance. You will not owe payment for days that we choose to be closed (exception being National Holidays such as New Years Eve, New Years, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas). No refunds will be issued for absenteeism or for closings due to hazardous weather.
- Each family receives a one “free vacation week” per year. You can choose to use this anytime at your expense for any week that your child/children will not be attending. Your free vacation week will reset every Summer.
- If you do not pay tuition by the Monday that it is due, we will leave a reminder to pay form in your child’s locker. Failure to pay childcare for the week will result starting the following Monday in a $5.00 late fee for each day that childcare goes unpaid.
- You may be asked to leave the program if not successfully paying tuition on time.
Toddler Room Schedule
6:30-8a.m.: Indoor Free Play (children can eat breakfast from home during this time)
8-8:45: Outside Free Play or Indoor Gross Motor
8:45-9:15: Clean up, diaper check, and bathroom break for toilet training toddlers
9:15-9:30: AM snack (provided by center)
9:30-10: Circle Time
10-10:30: Planned academic activity
10:30-11: Indoor Free Play with Fine Motor choices
11-11:30: Clean up and wash hands for lunch
11:30-12pm: Lunch
12-12:30: Diaper check, bathroom break, and story time
12:30-2:30: Nap Time
2:30-3:15- Wake up time, diaper check, potty break, and quiet activities
3:15-3:30: PM snack (provided by center)
3:30-4:30:Outdoor free play (if weather permits)
4:30-4:45: Bring inside, bathroom break, and diaper check
4:45-6pm: Indoor Free Play
Preschool Room Schedule
6:30-8:30: Parent Drop Off/Indoor Free Play (Children may eat breakfast from home during this time)
8:35-8:45: AM Snack (Provided by Center)
8:45-9:00: Bathroom Break
9:00-11:00: Preschool Lessons (Easy Breezy Preschool Curriculum)
11:00-11:30: Outdoor free play (or indoor depending on weather)
11:30-12:00: Lunch
12:00-12:10: Bathroom Break
12:10-12:30: Story Time
12:30-2:30: Nap Time
2:30-2:45: Bathroom Break
2:45-3:00: PM Snack (Provided by Center)
3:00-4:00: Stations (Such as work pages, coloring, play dough, board games, etc)
4:00-4:15: Bathroom Break
4:15-5:15: Outdoor Free Play (Weather Permitting)
5:15-6:00: Indoor Free Play/Parent Pick-Up
*Infant room schedules go by infants own individual needs.
Little Highlanders has chosen to integrate the Easy Breezy Preschool Curriculum in our Preschool Classroom Monday-Thursday’s from 9AM-11AM. This includes PA approved 3 and 4 year old daily detailed lesson plans including reading, writing, math, art, music, science, and all things necessary to best prepare your child for Kindergarten. Certified Preschool teachers will be teaching the curriculum to our preschoolers.
Little Highlanders Childcare Center is always open for the parent/guardian to observe the daily activities of the Centers; however, please check in with the Director so that she and the staff are aware of your presence.
Parents of a child in our care are entitled to immediate access, without prior notice, to their child whenever they are in care at Little Highlanders Childcare center, as provided by law.
In cases where the child is the subject of a court order (e.g., Custody Order, Restraining Order, or Protection from Abuse Order), Little Highlanders must be provided with a certified copy of the most recent order and all amendments thereto. The orders of the court will be strictly followed.
In the absence of a court order on file, both parents shall be afforded equal access to their child as stipulated by law. Little Highlanders Childcare Centercannot, without a court order, limit the access of a one parent by request of the other parent, regardless of the reason. If a situation presents itself where one parent does not want the other parent to have access to their child, it is suggested that the parent keep the child with them until a court order is issued, since our rights to retain your child are secondary to the other parent's right to immediate access. Staff will contact the local police should a conflict arise.
Under the Child Protective Services Act, mandated reporters are required to report any suspicion of abuse or neglect to the appropriate authorities. The employees of Little Highlanders Childcare Center are trained and considered mandated reporters, under this law, and are not required to discuss any suspicions with parents prior to reporting the matter to the appropriate authorities, nor are they required to investigate the cause of any suspicious marks, behavior or condition prior to making a report. Under the Act, mandated reporters can be held criminally responsible if they fail to report suspected abuse or neglect. Little Highlanders Childcare Centertake this responsibility very seriously and will make all necessary reports to the appropriate authorities. The Child Protective Services Act is intended to protect the well-being and best interest of all children. As mandated reporters, staff cannot be held liable for reports made to Child Protective Services which are determined to be unfounded, provided the report was made in “good faith” and by legal responsibility.
Causes for reporting suspected child abuse or neglect include, but are not limited to:
- Unusual bruising, marks, or cuts on the child’s body
- Severe verbal reprimands
- Improper clothing relating to size, cleanliness, season
- Transporting a child without appropriate child restraints (car seats, seat belts, etc.)
- Dropping off or picking up a child while under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol
- Failure to attend to the special needs of a disabled child
- Children who exhibit behavior consistent with an abusive situation
- We are dedicated to maintaining a positive relationship between home and daycare. It is very important to us that parents and teachers keep an open line of communication at all times. Your child’s teacher will keep you in touch with your child’s daily activities, and we hope that you will keep us informed of any necessary information we should know about your child.
- Parent messages and other important information will be left in your child’s locker. Please check your child’s locker during each pick-up/drop-off for these notes. Little Highlanders will not be held responsible if a parent fails to check their child’s locker and misses any important information in a timely manner.
- Our Parent Board is located on the bulletin board by the office. There you can find calendars, schedules, announcements, and any other important memos.
- If we are experiencing hazardous weather, Little Highlanders may choose to delay or cancel care. If Paynter Elementary has a two-hour delay, we will most likely still open at our regular time 6:30am. If Paynter has a cancellation, and Little Highlanders chooses to remain open, we will most likely have at least a one-hour delay and open at 7:30am. All delays and cancelations will be emailed to parents by 6:00am that morning. There will not be any reimbursements on days that we close due to weather and safety reasons.
- We do not provide all day care for school-aged children when Paynter Elementary is open.
- Child evaluations will be scheduled twice a year (mid Winter and Summer) for the Parents of our toddlers and preschoolers and will include an overview of the observations of the child while at the program. Topics will include the child’s strengths, achievement of developmental milestones, and social-emotional growth in a classroom environment. Parents are welcome to schedule a Parent-Teacher conference at any time to further discuss the evaluations, and are encouraged to communicate freely with their child’s teachers.
- During program time, staff members are usually not available to have long conversations. Parents are welcome to write notes, call or send e-mails to the Director, Owner, or other childcare worker. If you leave a message on the answering machine, we will return your call as soon as possible. Little Highlanders feels that most uncomfortable conversations (i.e. payment issues, simple misunderstandings, etc) are better to be discussed through written notes left in your child’s locker, e-mail or phone call to prevent the children or other outside parties to listen in, breaking confidentiality and leading to further complication. If for any reason, a parent or guardian wishes to speak about the issue in person they will need to schedule a meeting with the Director and/or Owner based on their schedule after program hours and without their child that is attending the program present.