Course Title & Number (EX: HUM 211)
Name of Course (EX: Humanities I)

Instructor Information

Name with email
Phone number: (828) 395-xxxx
Office Location:
Best times to contact:

Course Information

Course Description:Instructor note: [This is obtained from the NCCCS Combined Course Library. Be sure to include the statements about transferability]

Prerequisites: / Corequisites:
Credit Hours: / Contact Hours:

Textbooks and Other Required Supplies:

Course Overview: Instructions: [For instance, a multi--row table breaking content into units or modules. The idea here is that any instructor teaching this course will know the major content areas to be covered as well as have a pacing guide for covering the material. For instance, Unit One might cover______, ______, and ______. It should last five weeks. Unit Two might cover ______and ______. It should last only three weeks, etc.]

Course Outline:Will be provided by your instructor during the first week of class.

How to be Successful in This Class: Instructions: [Give students specific advice about the best way to prepare and to study in this particular class. You might address the amount of time you expect students to spend in preparation; strategies for improving time management; common misconceptions or errors; do’s and don’ts; information about supplemental resources or services; etc…..]

Course Outcomes

Intended Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of , you should be able to:






Instructions: [There should be 4-6 SLO’s, numbered, so that assessment plans and summaries can reference them. In parentheses beside each SLO, the instructor should state the Program Learning Outcome by number, such as (PLO 2) as well as the Gen. Ed. Competency the SLO relates to. So, each SLO would end like this, for example: (PLO 2, GEC 4). Each SLO should have at least one PLO; however, not all course SLOs require a link to a general education competency (abbreviated GEC).

General Education Competencies Addressed: (Include all that apply)

Your achievement of competency in general education skills is incorporated into all the courses you take at Isothermal. This course will focus on the skills listed below. For information on how they will be evaluated, review the criteria that have been established by the college. These are available on the college website.

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1.Written Communication

2. Presentation Skills

3. Information Literacy

4. Critical Thinking

5. Quantitative Skills

6. Technology Skills

Also important to your success are: Interpersonal skills, listening skills, and global awareness.

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Portfolio Assignment(s): Instructions:[If your program requires a graduate portfolio, here you should identify at least one assignment in your course that is suitable to be a graduate portfolio artifact. Give students some advice as to which competencies this assignment might represent.]

Policies and Statements

General Class Policies: Instructions:[For instance, do you accept late work? Is there a participation grade? Do you allow laptops and cellphones to be on during class? Do you allow students to enter after class has begun, and do “tardies” affect students’ grades, etc.]

Attendance Policy: You are expected to be present and on time for all class meetings. Extenuating circumstances or emergencies will be handled on an individual basis.

Academic Integrity Statement:You are expected to rely only on your own knowledge when taking tests and completing independent assignments. Cheating in any form, including plagiarism (the use of an author’s words or ideas without providing proper documentation), will not be tolerated and may result in loss of academic credit for the course and/or a failing grade on the assignment. See Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Judicial Procedures, Section VIII, of the Student Handbook.

Instructions: [Although this statement should not be altered for inclusion on course syllabi, additional statements relating to academic integrity may be added to the course syllabus by the course instructor].

Further Information
Deadline to Withdraw from Classes:[It is useful to include this specific date, but be sure to update it each semester]
ADA Statement:If you have a documented disability, it is your responsibility to contact Disability Support Services (828-395-1732) to discuss classroom accommodations.
Campus Safety: The College cares about the health and safety of its students. Please become familiar with safety information via the College’s Campus Safety webpage, Student Handbook, flyers across campus and other College publications. You may sign up to receive campus safety alerts and warnings via text at
The instructor of the course will review safety information relevant to the course.
If there is an imminent, life-threatening emergency, call 911 (9-911 from a campus phone). For other emergencies or if you become aware of a crime, contact Campus Enforcement at 828-298-5850.
Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence: The College is committed to providing and promoting an atmosphere in which students can engage fully in the learning process. Incidents of sexual harassment or violence thatdisrupts the learning process may be reported to the Title Coordinators.
  • Cindy Moore, Director of Human Resources 828-395-1294
  • Karen Jones, Director of Student Services 828-395-1429
  • Donna Hood, Dean of Continuing Education 828-395-1404
  • Jeremiah McCluney, Principle-REaCH 828-395-4164
Reports will be confidential. Anonymous reports may be submitted via the College’s website (
College counselors are available to provide confidential personal counseling assistance and referrals at 828-395-1660 or 828-395-1732.
Notice of Availability of Institutional and Financial Aid Information: The College distributes consumer information to students through a variety of sources, including the College Catalog and Student Handbook. For the convenience of students, the College has created a web page to provide quick and easy access to institutional and financial aid information. This resource is available at Printed paper copies are available upon request in Student Services.

Inclement Weather/ Alternate Assignment: Instructions:[This should be a generic assignment that can be done at any point in the semester in case of unplanned class cancellation. For instance, there might be a reading that you know is important but you don’t expect to have time to assign. This assignment is meant to make up time, so it should not be something that is already part of the course requirements.]

What Students Can Expect of Isothermal / What Isothermal Expects of Students
In their commitment to learning and to the achievement of a true learning-centered community, Isothermal personnel will:
Meet student needs by demonstrating professional, friendly, and courteous service in all aspects of student life
Maintain high professional and academic standards
Serve as role models in the development of leadership skills
Respect diversity and treat all students fairly
Be available to students and helpful with student problems
Communicate clear learning objectives and expected outcomes
Provide timely feedback in the assessment of learning outcomes
Stay current in subject matter
Practice effective teaching/learning strategies that promote critical thinking / In their commitment to learning, students will:
Accept responsibility for learning
Attend and participate in all classes
Complete required exercises and assignments as directed
Develop a time management plan that includes adequate time for study
Maintain an open-minded attitude toward learning
Strive to become independent critical thinkers
Seek help as needed from appropriate sources
Be respectful and considerate of others
Assume responsibility for knowing and adhering to all college policies
Acknowledge that learning how to learn is the ultimate objective of education
Recognize that struggle and discomfort often precede the rewards that accompany goal completion and success

Note: From Isothermal Distinction – Community of Learners; Statement of Expectations. Isothermal Community College, (Revised 2004).

The “Start Strong. Finish Stronger.” initiative is a part of Isothermal’s Quality Enhancement Plan which seeks to educate, engage, and empower first-time college students to achieve successful college completion through mandatory orientation, ACA within the first two semesters and a customized educational plan.

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