Chemistry 121: Introduction to Chemistry, Fall 2014
Section 3Lecture MTWThF11:00-11:50am, SAM 0400
Laboratory T, 2:00-3:50pm, SAM 0405
InstructorDr. Heather ClaryOffice: SAM 421Telephone: (206) 934-3129 Email:
Website (requires invite):
Website (first two weeks only):
Office Hours: MTWThF1:00-2:00pm; other times by appointment
Email is the most reliable way to contact me.
Textbooks(required) Tro, Nivaldo J. “Introductory Chemistry" 5thEdition, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2015. (The accompanying Study Guide and Solutions Manual are optional.)
(required)CHEM 121 Lab Manual, for sale at the CopyCenter (BE 3105A)
Other required materials
A scientific calculator that does logarithms, exponents, and scientific notation.
A bound composition notebook to use as a laboratory notebook.
PrerequisitesMath 085 (with a 2.2 or better) is required; Math 098 is recommended.
Evaluation and Grading
Homework (9 assignments)15%
Labs (8 experiments), Lab notebook (graded twice)25%
Quizzes (9 quizzes, lowest score dropped)30%
Final Exam20%
To estimate your course grade mid-quarter calculate the following:
0.15(%Homework) + 0.25(%Lab) + 0.50(%Quiz) + 0.10(%Participation) = Current %Grade
Your final grade will depend on this percentage: 95% = 4.0; 90-94% = 3.5-3.9; 87-89% = 3.2-3.4; 84-86% = 2.9-3.1; 80-83% = 2.5-2.8; 77-79% = 2.2-2.4; 74-76% = 1.9-2.1; 70-73% = 1.5-1.8; 66-69% = 1.1-1.4; 60-65% = 1.0; <60% = 0.0.
Working through problems is the best way to understand chemistry. There will be one homework assignment due per week, generally at the end of class on Thursday. Assigned problems will be from the text, check website regularly for updated problem lists. Note that answers to selected problems are in the back of the book. For full credit, show all work needed to derive the answers, and offer explanations as necessary. Selected problems may be checked for correctness, however most of the points will be awarded based on completeness and timeliness. Answer keys will be available online after the homework is collected; it is your responsibility to check your answers against the key. Ask questions when your answers differ! The more problems you do, the more likely you are to succeed in this course; working additional problems beyond those assigned is highly recommended.
Come to lab prepared! Read the experiment, prepare the lab notebook, and complete the pre-lab assignment in advance of your lab period. Pre-lab assignments are due at the beginning of the lab period, lab notebooks will be initialed by the instructor shortly after experimentation begins. Record data and observations in your lab notebook as you proceed with the experiment, copying final numbers and other requested information into the report sheets (available in the lab manual) once you are done. Report sheets must be initialed by the instructor prior to leaving the lab to receive full credit. Lab reports, the combination of the report sheet along with answers to the post-lab questions, will be due at the beginning of the next lab period. No make-up labs will be allowed. The last day to check out of lab is December 10. Penalty if not checked out by then is 25% off the final exam.
Nine 25-30 minute quizzes will be given over the course of the quarter; one quiz each Friday. Your lowest quiz score will be dropped. Bring your calculator; no other materials or notes will be permitted. A copy of the periodic table will be provided as needed. Any student caught cheating will receive no credit for that quiz. If you can’t make a quiz as scheduled, you must contact me before the quiz takes place if you would like to arrange a make-up. Make-ups will only be considered if documented reasons for the absence are presented, otherwise this will be the quiz you drop.
Final Exam
The final exam is cumulative, covering concepts from the entire quarter. In order to pass this course, you must take the final exam. The final exam will take place on Monday, December 8, 10:30am.
Your participation score is based on attendance and effort displayed during the class. Participation in group exercises is expected. About once a week worksheets (available in class and online) will be distributed; these are to be worked on in groups of two or more students, and one completed worksheet per group (don’t forget anyone’s name!) will be turned in for participation credit after we discuss the problems in class.
CHEM& 121 Course-Level Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, students will be able to do the following:
- Apply the scientific method and use empirical data and observations to construct a sound scientific explanation.
- Distinguish between macroscopic observables and the underlying microscopic properties
of matter by interpreting and representing matter using molecular-level drawings.
- Demonstrate effective laboratory practices in conducting experiments and reporting experimental results (including the proper application of significant figures, precision,
and accuracy).
- Demonstrate strong problem-solving skills that are supported by basic algebraic and
numeracy skills.
- Demonstrate fluency in chemical vocabulary and symbolic representation.
- Use measurable quantities of matter to determine physical and chemical properties.
- Use stoichiometric calculations to predict quantities.
- Describe the general structure of an atom.
- Explain the historical development of the atomic theory and the evolution of the current modern atomic model.
- Explain the relationship between the position of an element in the periodic table and its physical and chemical properties, including periodic trends.
- Describe the differences in the structure and properties of substances based on different types and models of bonding.
- Compare and contrast the properties of the three states of matter.
- Use kinetic-molecular theory to explain ideal gas behavior.
- Describe intermolecular forces and chemical bonds and how they influence physical and chemical properties and changes.
- Recognize and describe changes in heat and temperature associated with physical and chemical changes.
- Classify and balance chemical equations and predict products for different types of reactions.
- Apply the properties of ionic and molecular substances in aqueous solution to describe systems and predict behavior.
- Recognize what factors influence reaction rates.
- Distinguish between chemical and nuclear reactions.
Tentative Course Schedule (changes will be announced in class)
Week / Dates / Chapters covered and Lab: / On Friday1 / Sept. 22-26 / Reading: Chapter 1 (The Chemical World) and Chapter 2 (Measurement and Problem Solving)
Lab: Introduction and Lab Safety / No quiz
2 / Sept. 29-Oct. 3 / Reading: Chapter 3 (Matter and Energy) and Chapter 4 (Atoms and Elements)
Lab: Check-in; Experiment 1—Introduction to the Metric System / Quiz 1
3 / Oct. 6-10 / Reading: Chapter 4 continued and Chapter 5 (Molecules and Compounds)
Lab: Experiment 2—Density / Quiz 2
4 / Oct. 13-17 / Reading: Chapter 6 (Chemical Composition) and Chapter 7 (Chemical Reactions)
Lab: Experiment 3—Testing of Cations and Anions / Quiz 3
5 / Oct. 20-24 / Reading: Chapter 7 continued
Lab: no lab / Quiz 4
6 / Oct 27- 31 / Reading: Chapter 8 (Quantities in Chemical Reactions) and Chapter 10 (Chemical Bonding)
Lab: Experiment 4—Chemical Reactions / Quiz 5
7 / Nov. 3-7 / Reading: Chapter 10 continuedand Chapter 11 (Gases)
Lab: Experiment 5—Stoichiometry, Analysis of a Household Product / Quiz 6
8 / Nov. 10-14
(no class Tues) / Reading: Chapter 11 continued and Chapter 12 (Liquids, Solids, and Intermolecular Forces)
Lab: no lab, Veterans Day / Quiz 7
9 / Nov. 17-21 / Reading: Chapter 12 continued and Chapter 13 (Solutions)
Lab: Experiment 6—Generating Hydrogen Gas / Quiz 8
10 / Nov 24-26
(no class ThF) / Reading: Chapter 14 (Acids and Bases)
Lab: Experiment 7—Kinetics and the Clock Reaction / No quiz
11 / Dec. 1-5 / Reading: Chapter 15 (Chemical Equilibrium) and Review
Lab: Experiment 8—pH, Buffers, and Indicators; Check-out / Quiz 9
12 / Dec.8 / Final Exam: Mon. Dec. 8th, 10:30am
Lab: no lab
Course accommodation: If you have any special circumstances requiring course accommodation, please see me as soon as possible so that we can make suitable arrangements in advance. In this course(as in all courses at Seattle Central) all students will be granted an equal opportunity to learn and succeed, regardless of race, class, gender, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, sexual orientation or physical disability. If you have any concerns pertaining to these issues, please feel free to speak to the instructor or department dean.
Students with documented disabilities requesting class accommodations, requiring special arrangements in case of building evacuation, or have emergency medical information the instructor should know about are asked to contact the disability support services office (DSS) in Rm. 1112. Once the disability is verified with DSS you will be given a letter of accommodation to be handed to your instructor.
Laboratory Notebook
Whether you work in a health-related profession or in a lab setting, it is of the utmost importance to learn how to keep accurate records of any procedure performed. In Chemistry 121 we shall start to introduce you to this by requiring that you keep a lab notebook.
In all laboratories, data taken in the lab is written down (in pen) in a lab notebook with numbered pages. All entries must be kept current and entered as the work is performed. Strict guidelines have been developed for those working in all types of lab settings: Biotechnology, chemical, analytical chemistry, environmental labs, etc. The purpose of this strict record keeping is to insure that anyone can duplicate your work, if necessary. If patents have to be applied for, the date and time of your original work can be documented and proven in court and you can take your work and produce professional reports for submission to your boss or other authorities. The lab notebook will be collected and graded twice—once just after the Cations and Anions lab and again at the end of the quarter.
Guidelines for record keeping:
1. Purchase from the bookstore a hardbound notebook (composition book). Pages should be numbered (by hand is acceptable).
2. On the outside, write your name and course number clearly so you can identify your book easily.
3. On the inside cover, draw a diagram of the lab highlighting the safety equipment. This drawing must be shown to the instructor on the second lab day.
4. Use the first right-side page to construct a Table of Contents and keep this current with titles of experiments and page numbers. As you come to lab each week your instructor will initial your new entry after checking that your lab notebook preparation is complete.
5. Pre-Lab notebook preparation—prior to the start of each lab period write out the following in your lab notebook for the experiment you will be conducting:
- Title of the experiment
- A short purpose (what you intend to accomplish with this experiment).
- A brief summary of the procedure you will use; about one page will suffice. Do not copy the procedure verbatim from the packet!
- Data Tables similar to the report sheets included in your lab manual.
Note: Use the right-hand pages for records and data; leave the left-hand pages empty or use them for scratch paper, preliminary observations, notes and calculations. All notebook entries are to be done in pen only.
6. When you come to lab the instructor will collect your pre-lab assignments (available in the lab manual, to be completed separate from the lab notebook and turned in) and check your pre-lab preparation. During the short talk preceding each lab, make notes on changes in the procedure or other pertinent information in your lab notebook. This is an important part of the record.
7. As you perform the experiment, record all data in ink in the notebook. Include descriptions and observations. The notebook should be a diary of your work with sufficient information such that an outsider can repeat the experiment and reproduce the results following your procedure.
8. Once you have finished the experiment, copy final numbers and other requested information from your lab notebook into the report sheets available in the lab manual. Report sheets must be initialed by the instructor prior to leaving the lab.
9. Before the next lab period, answer all post-lab questions outside of the lab notebook; these questions in combination with the report sheet constitute your Lab report which is due at the beginning of the next lab period.
CHEM 121: Introduction to Chemistry
Name you’d like to be called (if different)
Why are you taking Chemistry 121? What do you hope to get out of the class (besides a certain grade)?
What other math and science classes have you taken? Is this your first chemistry course?
What do you think will be the most difficult part of this course?
Is there anything else you think it is important that I know about you?