Little Barford

1901 Census
RG 13/1492


1901 Little Barford Census - RG 13/1482



1901 Little Barford Census - RG 13/1482

  1. Folio Number
  2. Schedule no.
  3. Address
  4. No. of rooms if less than 5
  5. Surname
  6. Forenames
  7. Relation to head of house
  8. Condition as to marriage
  9. Age last birthday
  10. Profession or occupation
  11. Worker Classification
  12. Where born – county
  13. Where born – Town or village
  14. Disability


1901 Little Barford Census - RG 13/1482

Chapman Codes


1901 Little Barford Census - RG 13/1482

ENG England

IRL Ireland

SCT Scotland

WLS Wales


CHI Channel Islands

ALD Alderney

GSY Guernsey

JSY Jersey

SRK Sark

IOM Isle of Man

IOW Isle of Wight

English Counties

BDF Bedfordshire

BRK Berkshire

BKM Buckinghamshire

CAM Cambridgeshire

CHS Cheshire

CON Cornwall

CUL Cumberland

DBY Derbyshire

DEV Devon

DOR Dorset

DUR Durham

ESS Essex

GLS Gloucestershire

HAM Hampshire

HEF Herefordshire

HRT Hertfordshire

HUN Huntingdonshire

KEN Kent

LAN Lancashire

LEI Leicestershire

LIN Lincolnshire

LND London (city only)

MDX Middlesex

NFK Norfolk

NTH Northamptonshire

NBL Northumberland

NTT Nottinghamshire

OXF Oxfordshire

RUT Rutland

SAL Shropshire

SOM Somerset

STS Staffordshire

SFK Suffolk

SRY Surrey

SSX Sussex

WAR Warwickshire

WES Westmorland

WIL Wiltshire

WOR Worcestershire

YKS Yorkshire

ERY East Riding YKS

NRY North Riding YKS

WRY West Riding YKS


1901 Little Barford Census - RG 13/1482


1901 Little Barford Census - RG 13/1482



1901 Little Barford Census - RG 13/1482

- unmarried

Ag Agricultural

Ag Lab Agricultural Labourer

Asst assistant

Au aunt

Bdr boarder

BL brother in law

Bro brother

Ck cook

Com Companion

Cou cousin

D daughter

da day(s)

Dom domestic

DL daughter in law

E Employer

E H Employer working at home

F father

GD granddaughter

Gen general

GGD great granddaughter

GMo grandmother

GNep great nephew

GS grandson

H working at home

Hd Head (of the household)

HK housekeeper

Hm Housemaid

Lab labourer

Ldg lodger

M married

MiL mother in law

Mo mother

mo month(s)

Nep nephew

NepL nephew in law

Nie niece

N.K. Not Known

Nu nurse

O Own account

O H Own Account and Working at Home

Occ occupier

Ord ag lab Ordinary agricultural labourer

Re relation

S son

Serv Servant

Si sister

SiL sister in law

SL son in law

StD step daughter

StMo step mother

StS step son

Sv servant

SWf son’s wife

Unc uncle

Vis visitor

Wid widow/widower

Wf wife

WfF wife’s father

WfMo wife’s mother

WfSi wife’s sister

W Worker

W H Worker working at home


1901 Little Barford Census - RG 13/1482

1901 Little Barford – RG 13/1482

The whole of the Civil Parish of Little Barford

The whole of the Parish of Lt Barford including The Mansion, The Rectory, the cottages in the Village Road, those near the Church, the Old Mansion, the Hill Farm and Cottages, the Hole in the Wall and the Rectory Farm and Cottages.

ENUMERATOR: Edward Ratchelous

HOUSES: Inhabited 33 PERSONS: Males 66 Uninhabited – In occupation 0 Females 71

Uninhabited – Not in occupation 0

Building 0 Total 137

Tenements of less than 5 rooms 20

Total number of schedules - 33

NB This census district includes Tetworth in Huntingdonshire. The census for Little Barford starts at schedule 38.


1901 Little Barford Census - RG 13/1482

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14
111a / 38 / Hill Farm / Brown / George / Hd / M / 41 / Foreman on Farm / W / BDF / Eaton Socon
Brown / Rachel / Wf / M / 49 / HUN / Eynesbury
Brown / Florence / D / - / 23 / Stocking Knitter / W H / BDF / Eaton Socon
Brown / Nellie / D / - / 19 / Lace Maker / W H / BDF / Eaton Socon
Brown / George / S / - / 18 / Horse Man on Farm / W / BDF / Eaton Socon
Brown / Frank / S / - / 14 / Horse Man on Farm / W / BDF / Lt Barford
39 / Hill Farm / Pindred / Joseph / Hd / M / 42 / Horsekeeper on Farm / W / HUN / Wheald
Pindred / Elizabeth / Wf / M / 39 / CAM / Papworth
Pindred / Louisa / D / - / 15 / HUN / Wheald
Pindred / Edward J / S / - / 12 / Ord Ag Lab / W / BDF / Roxton
Pindred / Walter C / S / - / 10 / BDF / Tempsford
Pindred / Joseph A / S / - / 7 / BDF / Lt Barford
Pindred / George F / S / - / 4 / BDF / Lt Barford
Pindred / Annie E / D / - / 2 / BDF / Lt Barford
40 / Hill Farm House / Hoadley / James / Hd / M / 60 / Land Agent Auct. / W H / SSX / Henfield
Hoadley / Charlotte / Wf / M / 56 / SSX / Ditchling
Dale / Mary K / Nie / - / 28 / SSX / Twineham
41 / St Neots Rd / 3 / Brace / William / Hd / M / 77 / Stockman on Farm / W / BDF / Lt Barford
Brace / Ann / Wf / M / 67 / BDF / Blunham
42 / St Neots Rd / Sawyer / Samuel / Hd / M / 53 / Ord Ag Lab / W / HUN / Eynesbury
Sawyer / Mary / Wf / M / 53 / BDF / Lt Barford
Sawyer / George E / S / - / 16 / Ord Ag Lab / W / BDF / Lt Barford
Sawyer / Dora L / D / - / 11 / BDF / Lt Barford
Sawyer / Walter L / S / - / 8 / BDF / Lt Barford
Sawyer / Kathleen M / D / - / 5 / BDF / Lt Barford
43 / St Neots Rd / Bennett / Peter / Hd / Wid / 59 / Ord Ag Lab / BDF / Lt Staughton
Bennett / Alfred / S / - / 34 / Ord Ag Lab / BDF / Wilden
Bennett / Sophie / D / - / 25 / BDF / Lt Barford
Bennett / Peter / S / - / 14 / Ord Ag Lab / BDF / Lt Barford
Bennett / Archie / S / - / 12 / BDF / Lt Barford
111b / 44 / The St Neots Rd / 4 / Brace / Thomas / Hd / M / 38 / Shepherd on Farm / W / BDF / Lt Barford
Brace / Hannah / Wf / M / 34 / HUN / Eynesbury
Brace / George / S / - / 15 / Ord Ag Lab / W / HUN / Eynesbury
Brace / Florence / D / - / 13 / BDF / Lt Barford
Brace / Olive / D / - / 7 / BDF / Lt Barford
45 / St Neots Rd / 3 / Gale / Joseph / Hd / M / 46 / Gardener Domestic / W / HUN / St Neots
Gale / Thirza / Wf / M / 44 / BDF / Stotfold
Ridgley / Henry / Bdr / - / 23 / Coachman Domestic / W / STS / Wordsley
46 / St Neots Rd / Warrington / Joe / Hd / M / 51 / Farmer / E / HUN / Brampton
Warrington / Sarah / Wf / M / 57 / HUN / Earith
Warrington / Herman / S / - / 22 / Farmers son / America (British Subject)
47 / St Neots Rd / 4 / Brace / Joseph / Hd / M / 40 / Cattleman on Farm / W / BDF / Lt Barford
Brace / Mary A / Wf / M / 38 / HUN / Diddington
Brace / Chas W / S / - / 15 / Ord Ag Lab / W / BDF / Lt Barford
Brace / Albert V / S / - / 13 / BDF / Lt Barford
Brace / Agnes A / D / - / 11 / BDF / Lt Barford
Brace / Mabel M / D / - / 7 / BDF / Lt Barford
48 / St Neots Rd / 4 / Brown / John / Hd / M / 25 / Horsekeeper on Farm / W / BDF / Eaton Socon
Brown / Mary E / Wf / M / 21 / BDF / Colesden
49 / St Neots Rd / 4 / Brace / James / Hd / M / 28 / Ord Ag Lab / W / BDF / Lt Barford
Brace / Rose / Wf / M / 26 / HUN / Eynesbury
Brace / Frank / S / - / 1 / BDF / Lt Barford
50 / Hole in the Wall Public House / Austin / James / Hd / M / 53 / Publican / O H / BDF / Lt Barford
Austin / Sarah / Wf / M / 50 / HUN / Offord
51 / St Neots Rd / Simpson / George H / Hd / M / 34 / Railway Signalman / W / NTH / Peterborough
Simpson / Mary E / Wf / M / 24 / DBY / Kirklaugley
52 / St Neots Rd / Warrington / Albert / Hd / M / 27 / Farmer / E / America B. Subject
Warrington / Georgeina / Wf / M / 25 / HUN / Stukely
112a / 53 / St Neots Rd / 4 / Kirby / Frederick / Hd / M / 32 / Coachman Domestic / W / BKM / Aylesbury
Kirby / Alice Jane / Wf / M / 25 / LND / Bermondsey
Kirby / Frederick / S / - / 10 / LND / Bermondsey
Kirby / William / S / - / 9 / LND / Camberwell
Kirby / George / S / - / 8 / LND / Camberwell
Kirby / Henry / S / - / 6 / LND / Camberwell
Kirby / Stanley / S / - / 9 mos / BDF / Lt Barford
54 / Dwelling Room over stables / 1 / Bone / Herbert / Hd / - / 18 / Groom Domestic / NFK / Bircham
Brace / George / Sv / - / 17 / Groom Domestic / BDF / Lt Barford
55 / The Hall / Alington / Julius / Hd / M / 63 / Living on own means / BDF / Lt Barford
Alington / Catherine M / Wf / M / 54 / DOR / Wimbourne
Alington / Hilda C / D / - / 23 / LND / Hanover Square
Alington / Emily / D / - / 22 / LND / Park St.
Worsfold / Sarah G / Sv / M / 33 / Cook Housekeeper Domestic / W / SCO
Stephens / Joyce C / Sv / - / 32 / Ladies Maid Domestic / W / CON / St Columb
Maddock / Lily F / Sv / - / 24 / Ladies Maid Domestic / W / SRY / Long Ditton
Ketteridge / Sarah A / Sv / - / 39 / Housemaid Domestic / W / WAR / Lea Morton
Ketteridge / Susan / Sv / - / 22 / Housemaid Domestic / W / SFK / Haverhill
Butler / Alice / Sv / - / 17 / Housemaid Domestic / W / SSX / Brighton
Worsfold / Frank / Sv / M / 36 / Butler Domestic / W / SRY / Shelford
Pool / George / Sv / - / 24 / Footman Domestic / W / SFK / Sudbury
Truion / Jane A / Sv / - / 21 / Kitchen Maid Domestic / W / SCT
Blythe / Alice M / Sv / - / 18 / Scullerymaid Domestic / W / NFK / Horstead
56 / Old Mansions / 4 / Swallow / George / Hd / M / 33 / Gardener Domestic / W / HRT / Wheathamstead
Swallow / Jessie / Wf / M / 35 / ESS / Ongar
Swallow / George T / S / - / 3 / LND / Chelsea
57 / Old Mansions / 3 / Joyce / Emma / Hd / Wid / 64 / Laundress Domestic / W / NTH / Irthlingboro / Deaf
Hughes / Emma / Nie / M / 27 / Laundress Domestic / W / NTH / Irthlingboro
Joyce / Louise / D / - / 17 / Laundress Domestic / W / LIN / Boston
Hughes / Charles / GS / - / 9 / BDF / Lt Barford
112b / 58 / Old Mansions / 4 / Brightman / John / Hd / - / 58 / Shoemaker / O H / BDF / Lt Barford
Lewin / Ann / Si / Wid / 71 / Retired Nurse / BDF / Lt Barford
59 / Old Mansions / 3 / Baker / Jane / Hd / Wid / 66 / Laundress Domestic / W H / BDF / Everton
60 / St Neots Rd / 3 / Taylor / Elizabeth / Hd / - / 56 / Living on own means / SCT / Murrayshire Brinio
61 / St Neots Rd / 4 / Smith / George / Hd / M / 55 / Gamekeeper / W / HAN / Brown Landover
Smith / Martha R / Wf / M / 48 / HAN / Upper Wield
Smith / William C / S / - / 26 / Gamekeeper / W / HAN / Dummer
Smith / Percy R / S / - / 17 / Parks [?] House / W / BRK / Buckelby
Smith / Dorothy A / D / - / 10 / BRK / Early
62 / St Neots Rd / 3 / Barnes / Edward / Hd / M / 59 / Railway Labourer / W / BDF / Lt Barford
Barnes / Augusta / Wf / M / 51 / Schoolmistress / W / WIL / Melksham
63 / St Neots Rd / 4 / Dickerson / William / Hd / M / 34 / Horsekeeper on Farm / W / HUN / Eynesbury
Dickerson / Jane / Wf / M / 32 / HUN / St Neots
Dickerson / George / S / - / 11 / HUN / Eynesbury
Dickerson / Fanny / D / - / 10 / HUN / Eynesbury
Dickerson / Nellie / D / - / 8 / HUN / Eynesbury
Dickerson / Edith / D / - / 6 / HUN / Northam
Dickerson / Mabel / D / - / 2 / HUN / Eynesbury
64 / St Neots Rd / 3 / Darrington / Emma / Hd / Wid / 50 / Charwoman / W / BDF / Wilden
Darrington / John H / S / - / 11 / BDF / Lt Barford
Darrington / Susan E / D / - / 19 / Cook Domestic / W / BDF / Chawston
65 / St Neots Rd / 3 / Trueman / Catherine / Hd / Wid / 71 / Living on own means / BDF / Tempsford
Hancock / Herbert / Bdr / - / 22 / Basket Maker / W H / LND
Cobb / Albert / Bdr / - / 13 / Stable Lad Domestic / W / N K
66 / St Neots Rd / Gray / Henry / Hd / M / 32 / Brewers Traveller / W / HUN / Eynesbury
Gray / Mary H / Wf / M / 34 / HUN / St Neots
Gray / Samuel D / S / - / 6 / BDF / Lt Barford
Gray / Reginald H / S / - / 4 / BDF / Lt Barford
Gray / Elsie M / D / - / 3 / BDF / Lt Barford
Worsfold / Lilian M / Bdr / - / 3 / BDF / Lt Barford
113a / 67 / St Neots Rd / 3 / Gill / William / Hd / M / 62 / Gardener Domestic / W / BKM / Monks Risborough
Gill / Sarah / Wf / M / 65 / BKM / Princes Risborough
Gill / Frank / GS / - / 8 / BDF / Lt Barford
68 / St Neots / 3 / Livett / Samuel / Hd / M / 26 / Ord Ag Lab / W / BDF / Roxton
Livett / Emily / Wf / M / 28 / BDF / Roxton
Livett / Lily / D / - / 2 / BDF / Roxton
Livett / Annie / D / - / 1 / BDF / Roxton
White / Joseph / Bdr / - / 40 / Ord Ag Lab / W / BDF / Ampthill
113b / 69 / Tempsford Rd / Mayes / Charles / Hd / M / 31 / Farmer / E / BDF / Girtford
Mayes / Charlotte / Wf / M / 30 / BDF / Tempsford
Mayes / Maggie / D / - / 8 / BDF / Tempsford
Brown / Polly / Si / - / 37 / Living on own means / BDF / Tempsford
70 / The Rectory / Royds / Nathanael / Hd / M / 65 / Clergyman Church of England / CHS / Briereton
Royds / Hester F / Wf / M / 60 / LEI / Candlesby
Royds / Hester M A / D / - / 31 / BDF / Lt Barford
Royds / Bridget A / D / - / 21 / BDF / Lt Barford
Royds / Thomas A / S / - / 16 / BDF / Lt Barford
Scrivener / Eva M / Sv / - / 22 / House & Parlourmaid Dom. / W / HUN / Tilbrook
Heathfield / Maud / Sv / - / 16 / Housemaid Dom / W / BDF / Shefford


1901 Little Barford Census - RG 13/1482

Index to 1901 Little Barford Census


1901 Little Barford Census - RG 13/1482

Alington / 112a
Austin / 111b
Baker / 112b
Barnes / 112b
Bennett / 111a
Blythe / 112a
Bone / 112a
Brace / 111a, 111b (3), 112a
Brightman / 112b
Brown / 111a, 111b, 113b
Butler / 112a
Cobb / 112b
Dale / 111a
Darrington / 112b
Dickerson / 112b
Gale / 111b
Gill / 113a
Gray / 112b
Hancock / 112b
Heathfield / 113b
Hoadley / 111a
Hughes / 112a
Joyce / 112a
Ketteridge / 112a
Kirby / 112a
Lewin / 112b
Livett / 113a
Maddock / 112a
Mayes / 113b
Pindred / 111a
Pool / 112a
Ridgley / 111b
Royds / 113b
Sawyer / 111a
Scrivener / 113b
Simpson / 111b
Smith / 112b
Stephens / 112a
Swallow / 112a
Taylor / 112b
Trueman / 112b
Truion / 112a
Warrington / 111b (2)
White / 113a
Worsfold / 112a, 112b