ACTION PLAN – 2012 - 2013

1. / Finalise the Pan Dorset Child Sexual Exploitation Policy and Procedure and monitor it’s effectiveness.
  • Include a Vulnerability Screening Tool
  • To include child trafficking
/ In conjunction with the Pan Dorset Policy & Procedures Group
Ongoing monitoring via LSCB PEP group and Annual Report to LSCB / Improved identification and effective interventions for young people at risk of CSE. / December 2012 / Jill Aiken
Fiona Haughey
Gerry Moore
2. / Ensure effective cross reference of CSE priority actions within the Pan Dorset Sexual Violence Strategy. / Sexual Violence Strategy to be monitored through SARC Strategic Group and DV Strategy Groups with reference also to CSP’s, CJB and LSCB’s. / Joined up strategic approach to CSE by all agencies. / December 2012 and ongoing / Sara Glen
Gerry Moore
3. / CSE Data Collection. To develop a comprehensive dataset which maps the prevalence and profile of CSE across Dorset. / Dorset Police to act as lead data collection and analyst point.
Provide an updated Sexual Offences profile in Dorset
Explore University of Bedfordshire data monitoring tool/ or any other useful tools.
Children’s Social Care to identify CSE as a referral category. / To provide accurate and comprehensive data on CSE across Dorset.
To analyse CSE profiles and trends in order to inform service delivery and best practice and commissioning needs / March 2013 / Sara Glen
4. / Ensure effective CSE preventative work in schools and open access setting with a focus on safe relationships and emotional well being / Work in partnership with SSCT and other providers
Work with LSCB Safeguarding in Education Group (s) / Improved emotional resilience and reduce vulnerability of young people at risk of CSE. / Ongoing / Dorset Police SSCT
5. / CSE Action Research in partnership with Barnardo’s and Re-Run to obtain improved intelligence and young peoples views on CSE. / Bournemouth and Poole Pilot project in partnership with Barnardo’s.
Re- Run intelligence and information reporting / A better understanding of the needs and experiences of young people who have experienced CSE in order to inform service delivery / March 2013 / Christine Robinson
Gerry Moore
Sara Glen
6. / To ensure a robust Multi-Agency and operational response to children / young people who go missing.
  • Ensure accurate and regular data on missing children for monitoring purposes.
  • Address service gap in Bournemouth and Poole for return home interview.
  • Ensure key information and intelligence from return home interview is shared by agencies in order to reduce repeat incidents.
  • To include information relating to Language School students who go missing (15-18 age group)
/ Strategic and operational priorities overseen by Pan Dorset Missing Children Strategic Group.
Bournemouth and Poole / Barnardo’s Action Research Project / Improved multi-agency response to young people who go missing
Reduction in number of young people missing. / Gerry Moore
Sara Glen
Jill Aiken
Jean Haslett
Kevin Stanilake
7. / Identify gaps in CSE services and develop commissioning opportunities.
  • Young Peoples ISVA
  • Therapeutic services for under 16’s
/ Commissioning priorities to SARC and DV Strategic Groups. / Improved range of services for young people at risk of CSE / March 2012 / Gerry Moore
Sara Glen
8. / Deliver CSE Multi-Agency training and improve communication and awareness
  • CSE Strategy Training Proposal.
  • LSCB Annual Conference – Launch of new Strategy
/ LSCB Conference on CSE – October 2012
Commission CSE training through Pan Dorset LSCB training group. / Improved knowledge and understanding of CSE amongst professionals. / December 2012 / Jill Aiken
Geoff Nash
Jean Haslett
9. / Ensure effective offender management and improve victim support. /
  • Identify Serial Perpetrators Of Violence who target-18.
  • Ensure effective Registered Sex Offender management within the Offender Management Unit.
  • Identify Organised Crime Groups (OCGs) who are targeting-18 for prioritisation through TCG.
  • SARC pathways to provide support to all victims going through Police processes
  • Work with partners and voluntary sector to ensure effective treatment and support for victims who do not use Police processes.
/ Reduce levels of sexual offences on -18
Continue high level of Offender management with Probation and Dorset Police.
Quickly identify any OCGs in Dorset operating in this area and commence investigations to ensure effective prosecution. / Ongoing / Sara Glen.


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