ACTION PLAN – 2012 - 2013
ACTION / METHODOLOGY / EXPECTED OUTCOME / WHEN / LEAD1. / Finalise the Pan Dorset Child Sexual Exploitation Policy and Procedure and monitor it’s effectiveness.
- Include a Vulnerability Screening Tool
- To include child trafficking
Ongoing monitoring via LSCB PEP group and Annual Report to LSCB / Improved identification and effective interventions for young people at risk of CSE. / December 2012 / Jill Aiken
Fiona Haughey
Gerry Moore
2. / Ensure effective cross reference of CSE priority actions within the Pan Dorset Sexual Violence Strategy. / Sexual Violence Strategy to be monitored through SARC Strategic Group and DV Strategy Groups with reference also to CSP’s, CJB and LSCB’s. / Joined up strategic approach to CSE by all agencies. / December 2012 and ongoing / Sara Glen
Gerry Moore
3. / CSE Data Collection. To develop a comprehensive dataset which maps the prevalence and profile of CSE across Dorset. / Dorset Police to act as lead data collection and analyst point.
Provide an updated Sexual Offences profile in Dorset
Explore University of Bedfordshire data monitoring tool/ or any other useful tools.
Children’s Social Care to identify CSE as a referral category. / To provide accurate and comprehensive data on CSE across Dorset.
To analyse CSE profiles and trends in order to inform service delivery and best practice and commissioning needs / March 2013 / Sara Glen
4. / Ensure effective CSE preventative work in schools and open access setting with a focus on safe relationships and emotional well being / Work in partnership with SSCT and other providers
Work with LSCB Safeguarding in Education Group (s) / Improved emotional resilience and reduce vulnerability of young people at risk of CSE. / Ongoing / Dorset Police SSCT
5. / CSE Action Research in partnership with Barnardo’s and Re-Run to obtain improved intelligence and young peoples views on CSE. / Bournemouth and Poole Pilot project in partnership with Barnardo’s.
Re- Run intelligence and information reporting / A better understanding of the needs and experiences of young people who have experienced CSE in order to inform service delivery / March 2013 / Christine Robinson
Gerry Moore
Sara Glen
6. / To ensure a robust Multi-Agency and operational response to children / young people who go missing.
- Ensure accurate and regular data on missing children for monitoring purposes.
- Address service gap in Bournemouth and Poole for return home interview.
- Ensure key information and intelligence from return home interview is shared by agencies in order to reduce repeat incidents.
- To include information relating to Language School students who go missing (15-18 age group)
Bournemouth and Poole / Barnardo’s Action Research Project / Improved multi-agency response to young people who go missing
Reduction in number of young people missing. / Gerry Moore
Sara Glen
Jill Aiken
Jean Haslett
Kevin Stanilake
7. / Identify gaps in CSE services and develop commissioning opportunities.
- Young Peoples ISVA
- Therapeutic services for under 16’s
Sara Glen
8. / Deliver CSE Multi-Agency training and improve communication and awareness
- CSE Strategy Training Proposal.
- LSCB Annual Conference – Launch of new Strategy
Commission CSE training through Pan Dorset LSCB training group. / Improved knowledge and understanding of CSE amongst professionals. / December 2012 / Jill Aiken
Geoff Nash
Jean Haslett
9. / Ensure effective offender management and improve victim support. /
- Identify Serial Perpetrators Of Violence who target-18.
- Ensure effective Registered Sex Offender management within the Offender Management Unit.
- Identify Organised Crime Groups (OCGs) who are targeting-18 for prioritisation through TCG.
- SARC pathways to provide support to all victims going through Police processes
- Work with partners and voluntary sector to ensure effective treatment and support for victims who do not use Police processes.
Continue high level of Offender management with Probation and Dorset Police.
Quickly identify any OCGs in Dorset operating in this area and commence investigations to ensure effective prosecution. / Ongoing / Sara Glen.
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