Literary Head Project
Directions: Fill in the cranial space below (or a larger drawing of a similar space) with symbols and images representing the thoughts, ideas, visions, motivations, and actions of a main character/author from this unit. Think about multiple and /or changing meanings of different symbols. You may use your own drawings, magazine pictures, downloads, etc. Use a minimum of five images and be sure to number them.
For each image:
- Include an important quote from the novel, play, or essay that demonstrates your understanding of the author and his or her characters, ideas, etc.
- Using your quote and image as a starting point, write a short explanation (one paragraph will do) that explains the significance of the image and the quote combination. These explanations are essential and account for at least half of the project grade.
- In addition to possibly using these explanations and quotes ON your drawing/poster, you must upload the quotes with explanation to
Book for which you are assigned this project:______
Character chosen______Due______
Literary Head Project Grading Standards:
A/A-: Superior Work
Student demonstrates exceptional insight and understanding of character and work being studied.
-All instructions have been followed.
-Images are in color and neatly and creatively arranged.
-All images and quotes chosen illustrate the character’s significance and important themes of the work.
-Statements demonstrate particular insight and are at least 6-8 sentences in length.
-Statements are typed or neatly written in blue or black ink.
-Rules of grammar and spelling have been followed.
B+/B: Above Average Work
Student demonstrates substantial understanding of character and work being studied.
-All instructions have been followed.
-Images are in color and neatly and creatively arranged.
-All images and quotes chosen illustrate the character’s significance and important themes of the work.
-Statements are typed or neatly written in blue or black ink.
-Statements demonstrate some insight and are 4-5 sentences long.
-Rules of grammar and spelling have been followed with very few errors.
B-/C+: Average Work
Student demonstrates understanding of character and work being studied.
-All instructions have been followed.
-Images are in color and neatly arranged.
-Most images and quotes illustrate the character’s significance and important themes of the work.
-Statements are typed or neatly written in blue or black ink.
-Statements demonstrate some understanding, but may be less than 4-5 sentences in length.
-There are some errors in grammar and spelling.
C/C-: Below Average Work
Student demonstrates a limited understanding of character and work being studied.
-Some instructions have been followed.
-Images may not be in color, nor neatly arranged.
-Some images and quotes chosen illustrate the character’s significance and important themes of the work.
-Statements are written in pencil, or are poorly presented.
-Statements represent limited reflection and are 3 sentences or fewer.
-Grammar and spelling mistakes are evident and distract from quality of the work.
D/F: Poor Work
Student demonstrates minimal understanding of the character and work being studied.
-Few instructions have been followed.
-Images are not in color, or are sloppily presented.
-Images and quotes are poorly conceived and/or missing.
-Statements on back of page are written in pencil, or are poorly presented.
-Statements show limited effort and understanding, and may be only 1 sentence.
-Grammar and spelling mistakes are evident and distract from quality of the work.