1.0Table 1: WIDP procurement stages
Project stage / Client action in relation to CD&E waste / Bidder action / Design team work stagesStrategic Planning / Discuss and agree requirements, performance levels and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). / n/a
Outline Business Case (OBC) / Include agreed requirements and KPIs in outline Output Specification using the WIDP template clause.
Obtain sign-up within project governance structure (Project Board, members etc). / n/a
Issue Descriptive Document / Provide bidders with the outline Output Specification, ensuring that the WIDP template clause and agreed performance levels are embedded. Core requirements are:
-measure and report the quantity of waste produced and the quantity of waste sent to landfill;
-include a waste reduction target in the SWMP;
-recover up to [x%] and at least a minimum of 80% of construction and demolition materials; and
-ensure that up to [x%] and at least a minimum of 15% of total material value derives from reused and recycled content in new build. / Read and understand the client’s requirements relating to CD&E waste and take account of these requirements in the decision to bid for the contract. / Appraisal
Design brief
The bidder will typically engage an internal or external design team to contribute to the bid.
The bidder should ask their design team to include the client’s performance standards in the SWMP from an early design stage.
Draft ISOS documentation and associated evaluation methodology / Client’s team to include CD&E waste requirements as a compliance item in the tender evaluation method. Bidders’ previous experience and proposed waste savingmay be given a weighting in the evaluation score. / n/a / Concept
Design development
The design team will implement the design brief and develop a design for the infrastructure.
Issue Invitation To Submit Outline Solutions (ISOS) / Invite comments on the CD&E waste requirements as part of the bidder’s response. / Bidders to establish whether they can meet or exceed the client’s levels of performance. Ensure that the Outline Solution document describes and evidences the bidder’s understanding and track record (e.g. are they signatories to the Waste to Landfill Commitment?) / Design development (continued)
Commence initial dialogue with bidders / Dialogue offers an opportunity to discuss designing out CD&E waste, the SWMP, targets for waste reduction, reuse and recovery, and reporting up the supply chain. / Bidder to demonstrate capability and track record on CD&E waste management during dialogue meetings.
Justify proposed levels of performancein relation to the client’s requirements. / Design development (continued)
Evaluation of ISOS bids / Evaluate the impact of bidders’ commentary on the evaluation scores. Will performance levels in the Output Specification require revision to account for comments received? / n/a
Issue Invitation To Submit Detailed Solution (ISDS) / Provide bidders with updated Output Specification.
Set out the CD&E information required from bidders for bid evaluation. / Bidders to consider any changes to Output Specification made since ISOS. Have the performance requirements for CD&E waste changed?
Bidders to consider if there is competitive advantage to offering more stretching targets. / Technical design
Bidder’s design team will refine design prior to submission of detailed solution, based on dialogue and content of ISDS documentation.
Evaluation of ISDS bids / Evaluate the method statements supplied by bidders. / n/a
Close competitive dialogue / Agree the final Output Specification which will form part of the contract. / n/a
Issue Call for Final Tenders (CFT) / Issue the final Output Specification to the Contract which will reflect all mark-ups and dialogue. / At this stage bidders should be reaffirming their commitment to meeting client requirements. / Technical design
Bidder’s design team will further refine design prior to submission of final tender.
Evaluation of Final Tenders / Final tender evaluated, including the final method statements relating to CD&E waste. / n/a
Financial Close / n/a
Pre-Construction / This stage may involve obtaining planning permissions, surveys, site preparations etc.
Client reviews contractor’s SWMP prior to work starting on site. / Preparation of production information, tender documentation etc, required to obtain tenders.
Tenders will specify CD&E waste performance, measurement and reporting.
Application for statutory approvals. / Production information
Tender documentation
Tender action
Construction / It is at this stage that the principal construction contractor and sub-contractors will commence site work.
Data demonstrating performance on CD&E waste will be reported back to the client in the SWMP. / Letting the construction contract and appointing principal contractor. SWMP recording and reporting responsibility passes to principal contractor.
Bidder is contractually committed to monitoring and reporting performance against requirements, demonstrating RC and evidencing recovery rate and overall delivery of the SWMP. / Mobilisation
Construction to practical completion
Use / There will be a commissioning and licensing period required for waste infrastructure. The length of commissioning is dependant on the type of facility and specific technology employed. / Completion of construction and hand-over of site from principal contractor to site operator. / Post practical completion