1Job Market 2039

Labor market forecasters believe that the new jobs of the future will increasingly be found in the service sector, particularly in the work on health, communications, entertainment and computers. But the new jobs will have unfamiliar titles

RTL-Universe is immediately looking for a
For the interstellar cooking show "Creative with the tube" we are looking for an enterprising entertainer. You like to take challenges and responsibility? / You're a warm personality and have heart to the matter?
Are you looking for a job with a lot of appreciation?
Become a defroster of frozen death!
E-mail to: / The Space Foundation for Life / God in Action is looking for development workers (male/female)
to work in extra-terrestrial areas such as Uranus or Alpha 2000. Are you looking for an interesting and responsible job and want to achieve something? Please check sww.spaceforlife.zon
Are you handy?
Everyone agrees that you have that special touch?
Then this job is the change of a lifetime
We seek a
Your tasks: amputation, resuscitation, organ transplants, etc.
You can use all your talents
More info at sww.everlife.moon / For our practice BRAIN SHELTER we are looking for an empathetic
ROBOT-therapist (E)
who gets depressed robots running again.
A rewarding job in a team, where you can use your initiative.
Pleas send yor application to

A The job market in 30 years will not be the same as now. View the vacancies in the year 2039 above. Invent yourself a job and describe it in the empty box above. Use at least four of the following concepts:

Concepts related to work

B What do you find important in a job? Indicate the statements below on a scale from 1 (not important) to 10 (very important).

1 / An interesting job
2 / A job where you can use your knowledge and skills
3 / Appreciation
4 / The ability to take initiative
5 / A job in which can achieve something
6 / A responsible position
7 / A good holiday arrangements
8 / Pleasant working hours
9 / Not too much stress
10 / Job security
11 / A good salary

CHighlight in the vacancies on the first page, the characteristics of workers in the future.

D Discuss the answers A to C with your neighbor, group or classroom.

2 Looking at motivations for work in a broader context

A Enter your results of question 1B in the graph below. In which country are the aspects that are important to the work most similar with yours? ______

B View the chart and both maps below (source: Atlas of European Values). Which countries show a difference between on the one hand, the expressive or intrinsic values (1 to 6) and on the other hand, the instrumental or extrinsic values (7 to 10)?

C Do you have an explanation for these differences?

Text 1 Two views on work motivation

Although most of us work a great part of our life there is no issue as ambiguous as "work", workcan be a blessing but also curse. In principle there are two distinct views toward work:

  1. People who have a so-called "intrinsic" motivation or work-orientation find work important work that is interesting, where they can use their capabilities and develop themselves. They want to achieve something, show initiative and responsibility.
  2. People with an "extrinsic" motivation or work-orientation find a good income and a guaranteed job the most important. They want to work under pleasant working conditions such as low stress, good hours and many holidays.

These differences in views on work motivation can be explained with the concept of "modernization". In the 60-70ies of the last century fundamental changes took place in economy, society, politics and culture. these changes are the result of the process of individualization: people accepted less and less authority and wanted increasingly to determine their own lives.

D Read the text above. In which direction will the focus on work in the future develop?Describe your answer.

Which country in the chart on page 3 meets most of the above theory? Which evidence can you give? Explain your answer.

Look again at the graph. What aspect of work will be important in every country? Can you explain this?

Which group of people would have a more intrinsic work motivation: highly educated or unemployed? Give reasons for your answer

3 Future reasons for work

The futurologist Opaschowski think that workers will increasingly behave as entrepreneurs without a having their own company. They will require and get more room to make their own decisions and to develop themselves. Boundaries between work and free time will disappear.Creativity, initiative and responsibility are asked in the 21st century. Young people should be trained for this: they must learn to be the entrepreneur of their "life project"!

A Do you think that Opaschowski is right or wrong? Give arguments for your opinion with observations from developments in the world of work.

B What actions do you undertake(or would you like to undertake) to give direction to your "life project"?

C Discuss the answers with your Discuss the answers to questions a and b in with a classmate, group or class.

D Richard Florida is an American sociologist. He became famous through his publications on the creative class and the role of this group in urban development. His famous book is The Rise of the Creative Class (2002), in which he describes the emergence of a highly (educated) creative class. The creative class is a part of the workforcethat does innovative work.

Name three occupational groups which belong to the creative class. Give reasons for your choice.

Map 3 The percentage of creative occupations in Europe

Source: Dr. György Csepeli, Creative Economy, 22 juni 2006

Take a look at map 3. Describe the distribution of creative occupations in Europe

Compare map 3 with map 4 and 5.

According to Richard Florida the uneven distribution can be explained by differences in tolerance and openness of the society. Can you use maps 4 and 5 as evidence for the statement of Richard Florida that the more tolerant and open the society, the more people work in the creative industries.

Map 4Map 5

source: Atlas of European Values

Theories like that of Richard Florida are not undisputed. Discuss the usability of Richard Florida’s theory.

What would be a proper attitude if a theory like that of Florida is put forward in a textbook or article?

Teacher’s notes


In this assignment the theory of intrinsic and extrinsic work motivation plays a central role. The aim is to let young students understand this theory and to let them think about why an extrinsic work motivation could be important for their future.

Age of Students:

This assignment is suitable for 15-16 year students.

How many lessons:

This assignment is designed to be completed in two one hour lessons.

Notes for the teacher:

This assignment has been developed by the Comenius Project “European Values Education (EVE)”. The aim of this project is to let young students know more about European Values by using the results/maps of the European Values Study and films. The films will play a role in other assignments. The theme of this assignment is work. Other themes will be religion, family and society.

The lesson could be taught within Geography, Social Sciences and Economics.

Answering Model:

On the following pages you will find the possible answers.

For each assignment is indicated which one of the four stages (relating, describing differences, deepening understanding and developing critical perspectives) as described in the Curriculum Framework is emphasised.

1Job Market 2039

Labor market forecasters believe that the new jobs of the future will increasingly be found in the service sector, particularly in the work on health, communications, entertainment and computers. But the new jobs will have unfamiliar titles

RTL-Universe is immediately looking for a
For the interstellar cooking show "Creative with the tube" we are looking for an enterprising entertainer. You like to take challenges and responsibility? / You're a warm personality and have heart to the matter?
Are you looking for a job with a lot of appreciation?
Become a defroster of frozen death!
E-mail to: / The Space Foundation for Life / God in Action is looking for development workers (male/female)
to work in extra-terrestrial areas such as Uranus or Alpha 2000. Are you looking for an interesting and responsible job and want to achieve something? Please check sww.spaceforlife.zon
Are you handy and skilfull? Everyone agrees that you have that special fingerspitzengefuhl?
Then this job is the change of a lifetime
We seek a
Your tasks: amputation, resuscitation, organ transplants, etc.
You can use all your talents
More info at sww.everlife.moon / For our practice BRAIN SHELTER we are looking for empathetic
ROBOT-therapist (E)
who gets depressive robots running again.
A rewarding job in a team, open to your initiatives.
Pleas send yor application to

A(Relating)The job market over 30 years will not be the same as now. View the vacancies in the year 2039 above. Invent yourself a job and describe it in the empty box above. Use at least four of concepts on the next page.

Own answer, as long the concepts are used.

Concepts related to work

B (Relating) What do you find important in a job? Indicate the statements below on a scale from 1 (not important) to 10 (very important). Own Answer

1 / An interesting job
2 / A job where you can use your knowledge and skills
3 / Appreciation
4 / The ability to take initiative
5 / A job in which can achieve something
6 / A responsible position
7 / A good holiday arrangements
8 / Pleasant working hours
9 / Not too much stress
10 / Job security
11 / A good salary

C(Describing)Highlight in the vacancies on the first page, the characteristics of workers in the future. See the marked text on the previous page

D (Relating and developing critical perspectives) Discuss the answers A to C with your neighbor, group or classroom. In the discussion could be specially asked for the choices made in question B

2 Looking at motivations for work in a broader context

A(Describing) Enter your results of question 1B in the graph below. In which country are the aspects that are important to the work most similar with yours? ______own answer ______

B (Describing)View the chart and both maps below. Which countries show a difference between on the one hand, the values of 1 to 6 and on the other hand, the values 7 to 10? The graph shows that in the Netherlands and Germany there is a clearly difference between the values 1-6 en and 7 - 10. Great Britain shows a different pattern> Turkey scored equally high in both areas: The maps show a graduallydifference, but there are no major differences. Notice: the theory is only partially visible!

C (Deepening)Do you have an explanation for these differences?

Own answer, for example: may call that the Netherlands and Germany are rich countries, and it’s therefore easier to come to self-realization. In Turkey, labor is scarce, so therefore, all aspects may be important.

Text 1 Two views on work motivation

Although most of us work a great part their life there is no issue as ambiguous as "work":, working lives is not an issue as ambiguous as "work": it can be a blessing but also curse. In principle there are two distinct views toward work:

  1. People who have a so-called "intrinsic" motivation or work-orientation find work important work that is interesting, where they can use their capabilities and develop themselves. They want to achieve something, show initiative and responsibility.
  2. People with an "extrinsic" motivation or work-orientation find a good income and a guaranteed job the most important. They want to work under pleasant working conditions such as low stress, good hours and many holidays.

These differences in views on work motivation can be explained with the concept of "modernization". From the years 60-70 in the last century fundamental changes took place in economy, society, politics and culture. these changes are the result of the process of individualization: people accepted less and less authority and wanted increasingly to determine their own lives.

D (Deepening)Read the text above. In which direction will the focus on work in the future develop? Explain your answer.

The intrinsic motivation becomes more important, because people are becoming more and more individualistic

(Deepening)Which country in the chart on page 3 meets most of the above theory? Which evidence can you give? Explain your answer

The Netherlands. Germany diverges regarding value 10 (security).

(Deepening)Look again at the graph. What aspect of work will be important in every country? Can you explain this?

Salary; because each individual must earn a living

(Describing and deepening)Which group of people would have a more intrinsic work motivation: highly educated or unemployed? Give reasons for your answer

The highly educated: their jobs are more secure. Therefore it’s easier for them to achieve self-actualization (theory of Maslow)

3 Future reasons for work

The futurologist Opaschowski think that workers will increasingly behave as entrepreneurs without a having their own company. They will require and become more room to make their own decisions and to develop themselves. Boundaries between work and free time will disappear. Creativity, initiative and responsibility are asked in the 21st century. Young people should be trained for this: they must learn to be the entrepreneur of their "life project" !

A (Relating and developing critical perspectives) Do you think that Opaschowski is right or wrong? Give arguments for your opinion with observations from developments in the world of work

Pro: initiative is even rewarded and promoted in supermarkets. People change jobs more often and more aware. Fewer people will have permanent jobs

Contra: many companies do still have a hierarchical structure where especially low-paid jobs ( cleaner, etc.) have little flexibility

B (Relating) What actions do you undertake (or would you like to undertake) to give direction to your "life project"?

Own answers, f. ex. career planning, developing skills like computer skills

C (Relating)Discuss the answers with your Discuss the answers to questions a and b in with a classmate, group or class.

The responses to question B can be discussed. There after the pupils can compare their own situation with the theory

D (Deepening) Richard Florida is an American sociologist. He became famous through his publications on the creative class and the role of this group in urban development. His famous book is The Rise of the Creative Class (2002), in which he describes the emergence of a highly (educated) creative class. The creative class is a part of the workforcethat does innovative work.

Name three occupational groups which belong to the creative class. Give reasons for your choice.

Own answer. For example: architects, fashion designers, artists, writers, journalists, scientists, etc.

(Describing) Take a look at map 3. Describe the distribution of creative occupations in Europe

Own answer, fo example: there is no pattern in the distribution of creative occupations in Europe. The Netherlands, Belgium and Irelandhave the highest percentage. It’s striking that France and Italy have one of the lowest percentage creative occupations

Map 3 The percentage of creative occupations in Europe Map 4 Sexual-ethic permissiveness

Map 5

(Deepening) Compare map 3 with map 4 and 5. According to Richard Florida the uneven distribution can be explained by differences in tolerance and openness of the society. Can you use maps 4 and 5 as evidence for the statement of Richard Florida that the more tolerant and open the society, the more people work in the creative industries.

No, the maps do not show a clear relation between the percentage of creative workers in a country and the tolerance and openness of the society. There are a few countries with a high percentage of people working in the creative sector and who are tolerant: The Netherlands for example is such a country. France on the contrary has a lower percentage of people working in the creative sector but is rather tolerant

(Deepening)Theories like that of Richard Florida are not undisputed. Discuss the usability of Richard Florida’s theory.

Own answer. A theory may be useful to describe and explain for certain developments in society.

(Developing critical perspectives)What would be a proper attitude if a theory like that of Florida is put forward in a textbook or article?

Own answer, for example: A critical attitude is necessary. You have to realize that a theory is an abstraction and that reality different