British Broadcasting Corporation
Gender Equality Scheme
Foreword by the Chairman of the BBC Trust 4
Foreword by the Director-General of the BBC 5
Summary of the Gender Equality Scheme 6
Review and Extension for 2010-11 6
Overview of TV Licensing 6
TV Licensing objectives 6
Overview of the BBC Trust 7
BBC Trust objectives 7
The BBC Agreement 8
Overview of digital switchover, including the Digital Switchover Help Scheme (i) 8
BBC objectives relating to the Digital Switchover Help Scheme 9
BBC objectives relating to Digital UK activity 9
Overview of other BBC public functions (ii) 10
Other BBC public functions (under the BBC Agreement) – objectives 10
1 Introduction 12
1.1 The BBC 12
1.2 Review and Extension of the Gender Equality Scheme – 2010-11 13
1.3 Application of the Gender Equality Scheme to Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man 13
2 The Gender Equality Duty 13
2.1 The Equality Act 2006 amended the Sex Discrimination Act (SDA) 1975 13
3 The BBC’s Gender Equality Scheme 14
3.1 Background 14
3.2 Consultation 15
3.3 Information 15
3.4 Pay 16
4 Key elements of the BBC’s Gender Equality Scheme 18
4.1 Information-gathering – arrangements for gathering information about the performance of the BBC on gender equality and to examine the gender effects of policies and practices which are related to performance of the relevant public functions 18
4.2 Information usage – review 23
4.3 Impact assessment of the BBC’s current and future policies and practices on gender equality 24
4.4 Consultation and engagement 25
4.5 Implementation – action plan, monitoring and evaluation 28
5 Reviewing and revising the Scheme 31
5.1 Formal review for 2010-11 31
6 Progress reports 31
6.1 Gender Equality Scheme Performance Summary 2009/2010 31
Public function: TV Licensing 31
Public function: the BBC Trust in relation to certain functions under the BBC Charter and Agreement 34
Public function: the BBC’s obligations in relation to digital switchover 37
Other BBC public functions (under the BBC Agreement) 41
7 The BBC’s broader approach to promoting gender equality 42
7.1 BBC Diversity Strategy 42
8 Action Plan 47
Action Plan 1: TV licensing function 47
Action Plan 2: The BBC Trust in relation to certain functions under the BBC Charter and Agreement (relating to involvement) What is the BBC Trust? 56
Action Plan 3: The BBC in relation to certain functions under the BBC Agreement 60
Action Plan 3: The BBC in relation to certain functions under the BBC Agreement 75
Annex 78
The BBC’s public functions 78
Foreword by the Chairman of the BBC Trust
Everyone in the UK, whatever their background or identity, is entitled to get something of real value from the BBC. Women and men may require different services and different approaches to meet their needs. Sometimes in order to achieve equal outcomes, we have to treat people differently. One of the main roles of the BBC Trust is to listen to and understand the different needs and views of the public, in order to ensure that the BBC does as well as it can among every section of UK society.
This Gender Equality Scheme is just one way the BBC contributes to enhancing the lives and meeting the diverse needs and expectations of women and men. It outlines the framework for how the BBC will develop, implement, monitor and review its work towards achieving equality for women and men in relation to its relevant public functions. The BBC published its first Gender Equality Scheme in 2007. The scheme was then fully reviewed in Spring 2010.
It is the BBC Trust’s responsibility to both assess and hold to account the BBC Executive’s performance in delivering the BBC’s services and activities. This includes the BBC’s performance in meeting all of its equalities duties. The Trust is fully committed to the principles behind the equality scheme, which seek to eliminate unlawful discrimination and promote equality and positive relationships and takes its role of overseeing the BBC Executive in this area very seriously. The Trust is committed that all of the BBC’s activity to ensure gender equality should focus on outcomes rather than just process, so that there are real changes to the life experiences of women and men. The Trust has been and will be continuing to work with the BBC Executive on this.
The recent review of the Gender Equality Scheme gave the BBC the opportunity to reflect on its performance in meeting its objectives and actions over the last three years. Each of the BBC’s public function areas (e.g. Digital Switchover, Television Licensing, regulatory functions of the BBC Trust and miscellaneous collection of activity, including emergency and defence announcements) captured in the scheme were required to review their set of objectives and actions on the basis of progress, involvement with key stakeholders and evidence gathered to date. In addition, the different public function areas were asked to review the sections on implementation and monitoring progress, capturing their performance and outcomes achieved during the past three years.
The Trust recognises that progress has been made in a number of areas across the BBC. Both Television Licensing (TVL) and the Digital Switchover Help Scheme have worked closely with voluntary sector organisations to ensure that their services are accessible and appropriate for the wide range of licence fee payers’ different needs. This has resulted in an improved complaints system for TVL and more considered and tailored communication by the Digital Switchover Help Scheme. However, based on what people tell us we know that more could be done. The Trust will, therefore, be monitoring those areas marked for improvement over the forthcoming year.
The Trust also welcomes all the other activity which the BBC undertakes to ensure that it is fulfilling its Charter commitment of serving the needs of all audiences. Through the annual reporting of the BBC Executive’s Diversity Strategy we will make sure that this good work continues.
Following the enactment of the Equality Bill this year, the BBC will be working on a Corporate Equality and Diversity Plan to replace this and its two other Equality Schemes (Disability and Gender) in Spring 2011. The bringing together of the new and existing equality strands into one accessible document will be an important project for the BBC over the course of the year, and one which the Trust will be closely involved in.
As the Chairman of the BBC Trust I am personally committed to ensuring that we get the best out of the BBC for all licence fee payers and will continue to challenge the BBC Executive to ensure that it finds the best way to provide distinctive services of the highest quality to all the people and all the communities across the UK.
Sir Michael Lyons
Foreword by the Director-General of the BBC
I am delighted to join Sir Michael in introducing our Gender Equality Scheme, which was recently reviewed and extended for the next 12 months while we await new duties under future equality legislation.
The BBC is deeply committed to ensuring diversity is embedded within everything that we do. Responding meaningfully to our responsibilities under the Gender Equality Duty is one part of our Diversity Strategy, and our Gender Equality Scheme sets out our commitments across those of our public services which are subject to the duty.
I am proud of what we have achieved over the last three years. Making sure that no one is left behind in the switch to digital television is a critical responsibility for us, and developing measures to ensure that those delivering these services on our behalf do so in an inclusive and non-discriminatory way has also been a key feature. It is one of our key challenges for the coming year to maintain the high standards we have set.
Challenges this year include maintaining high quality services to anyone using the Switchover Help Scheme or arranging their TV licence. Beyond our legal duties expressed here and as part of our Diversity Strategy, we will be examining how we portray men and women on our programming over the coming year.
There is more to do of course; our audiences and the BBC Trust have high expectations of us and rightly so. Diversity should be an integral part of how we operate precisely because of how we are funded. We look forward to preparing our Corporate Equality and Diversity Plan, based on our Diversity Strategy and informed by our diverse audiences, which we will publish in April 2011.
In the meantime my directors and I will remain vigilant about our progress on gender equality through the BBC Diversity Board, which I chair.
Mark Thompson
Summary of the Gender Equality Scheme
Review and Extension for 2010-11
The BBC was due to review in full its Gender Equality Scheme and, in advance of the Equality Bill, develop a Corporate Equality and Diversity Plan to replace all three of its equality schemes. However, keen to understand fully any new duties, the BBC has decided to wait for the new legislation to pass before setting a new three year plan.
This document represents a reviewed Gender Equality Scheme which has been extended for 12 months. This process has involved reviewing each of the objectives and actions on the basis of progress, evidence gathered to date, involvement and consultation. It also contains progress reporting for the third year of the GES and an update of the substantive document.
The BBC will develop a single plan on the breadth of its equality and diversity commitments and activity. A Corporate Equality and Diversity Plan will be developed to respond to the new equality duty, ready by 1 April 2011. This plan will enable the organisation to communicate how it is:
· Meeting new legal requirements in the shape of a new equality duty
· Keeping diverse audiences at the heart of everything the BBC does
· Presenting a positive and coherent picture of the complete range of our equality and diversity activity
Overview of TV Licensing
‘TV Licensing’ is a trade mark of the BBC and is used under licence by companies contracted by the BBC to administer the collection of television licence fees and enforcement of the television licensing system.
Outcomes from the BBC’s consultation process on the development of the Gender Equality Scheme heavily informed TVL’s commitments to promoting gender equality in its activities.
As a result, a comprehensive Action Plan was established to ensure that women and men, including transgender people, experience and receive appropriate and accessible TVL information, advice and targeted support services. This year, using relevant information and data, the action plan has been reviewed and updated for the next 12 months.
TV Licensing objectives
1 To communicate, wherever practicable, in a way that is accessible and appropriate to facilitate a clear understanding of television licensing obligations for all sections of the community.
2 To ensure that all BBC TVL staff and contractors fully understand their duty to promote gender equality and are active in implementing actions identified.
3 To continually review and, wherever possible, improve or develop service support (including technology) to provide accessible and convenient support and advice services and to encourage all sections of the community to engage with TVL as necessary.
4 To develop and maintain a strategic and systematic approach to integrating gender equality into all TVL activities.
5 To maximise the potential for data and information management systems to enhance and promote gender equality.
6 To develop and maintain strategic leadership and commitment to the broad implementation of the Gender Equality Scheme and the TVL Action Plan.
7 To ensure that all payment methods and processes are accessible and appropriate for a range of needs and lifestyles.
8 To ensure a strategic approach to integrating gender equality into all TVL procurement activities.
Supporting each of these objectives is a list of specific actions. Examples of some of these are:
· Conducting equality impact assessments on relevant communications and policies which are being developed or reviewed.
· Continuing to make communications representative and available in a range of styles, formats and languages.
· Continuing to impose contractual obligations on contractors to comply with legal obligations including the Gender Equality Duty and this Scheme and monitoring their compliance.
Overview of the BBC Trust
The BBC Trust is the governing body of the BBC. The Trust is here to make sure the public who own and pay for the BBC get the best out of the BBC. The Trust sets the strategy for the BBC and holds the Executive to account. The Trust’s work includes deciding whether or not to allow the BBC to launch a new service or significantly change an existing one; reviewing the performance of the BBC’s services and setting the BBC’s complaints framework. When carrying out these activities the Trust takes into account the views and needs of audience groups in their full diversity. The Trust does this by commissioning new and reviewing existing audience research, carrying out consultations, drawing on the work and insight of the Audience Councils and holding public and stakeholder meetings.
Preparing for this revised version of the Gender Equality scheme involved a combination of monitoring the information collected, reviewing and assessing performance and evidence gathered over the last three years and internal and external stakeholder involvement. The following set of objectives and actions have been developed based on the insight this activity has provided.