Hawaii Foundation Seeds


More than 1200 RILs (recombinant inbred lines) are available from HFS. They were created by selfing from singlecrosses involving elite maize inbreds (largely by Moon, H.G. et al., 1999, Maydica 44:301-311). The parents are described fully in Section 4 below. They included temperate inbreds B73 (Iowa), DB544 (Korea), Ia453sh2 (Iowa), Fla2BT73 (Florida), Hi31 (Hawaii, ex Iowa B68) and Mo17 (Missouri). Tropical inbreds included Hi34 (Hawaii, ex Antigua), Hi38bt (Hawaii), Ki14 (Thailand), Narino 330 (Philippines), Tx601 (Texas, from Tuxpeno), TZi4 (Nigeria, ex Guatemala) and TZi17 (Nigeria). All lines are publicly available from Hawaii Foundation Seeds; most have been converted to Mv gene for maize mosaic resistance.

2. RILs created at HFS, with major segregating QTLs

A. Hi34 x Tx601. 115 rils. Head smut (HEAD), Fall armyworm (FAW), Ostrinia stalk borers

(OST), plant height (PH), ear height (EH), kernel weight (KW)

B.B73 x Narino 330. 100 rils. Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV), Maize mosaic virus (MMV),

downy mildew (DM), southern rust (POLY), Northern blight (TURC), OST, dentiness

(DENT) maturity (DTS), PH, daylength sensitivity (DAYS), EH, internode length (INT),

tassel branching

C. B73 x Tx601 (103) MDMV, DM, kernel rot (FUS), FAW, EH, leaf number (LNO), INT,


D. B73 x TZi4 (118) DM, Maize streak virus (MSV), POLY, common rust (SORG), TURC,

FAW, OST, DTS, Seed color (WHITE), DAYS, LNO, INT, Striga witchweed

E. DB544 x Fla2BT73 (118) Black streak dwarf virus (BSDV), Bacterial leaf blight (BLB),

Southern blight (MAYD), STRIGA, DTS, PH, EH, LNO, tip leaf burn, tassel branches

G. Hi31 x Ki14 (250) MDMV, MMV, DM, Maize stunt mycoplasm (STUNT), Lime-induced

chlorosis (LIME), Curvularia maydis, POLY, Stewart’s wilt (WILT), MAYDIS, Ustilago

maydis (SMUT), TURC, DS, pericarp thickness (PT), staygreen (SG), tassel type, KW

H. Hi34 x TZi4 (142) MMV, MSV, DM, SORG, root lodging (LODG), WHITE, INT

I. Hi34 x TZi17 (109) MMV, MSV, STUNT, SMUT, SORG, TURC, Stalk rot, OST,

STRIGA, WHITE, tassel length, KW

J. Tx601 x TZi4 (121) MMV, SMUT, SORG, TURC, OST, PH, Kernel Color

L. Mo17 x Nariño 330 (145) MMV, DM, DENT, MAT, POLY

M. Ia453sh2 x Hi38bt (70) MMV, MAT, SORG, POLY, DAYS, Flag leaves (FLAG),

Tillering (TIL), sh2 and bt loci


Set G (127 RILs) was RFLP-mapped by Ming et al. (1999, Maydica 44:319-323), working with Mike McMullen (U. Mo.). Set H was partially mapped at OARDC (Ohio) by Kyetere et al. (1999 Genome 42:20-26). Set I has been mapped at CIMMYT by X. Lu and S. Nourse (Lu et al.,Maydica 44:313-318).



B73Te Y DIowaIowa Stiff Stalk Synthetic

DB544Te Y FKoreaKorean Composite

Fla2BT73Te Y DFloridaFlorida Multiple Cross

Hi31Te Y DHawaiiB68(Iowa) = (Argentine Flint x B14)BC3

Hi34Tr Y FHawaiiAntigua 2D

Hi38cTr Y btHawaiiHi bt Comp 3 (tropical x temperate)

Ia453sh2Te Y sh2IowaIa453su1 (conversion to sh2)

Ki14Tr Y FThailandKU1414, from Suwan 1 Composite

Mo17Te Y DMissouri187-2 x C103

Narino330Tr Y FThailandCuban Flint Variety

Tx601Tr Y DTexasYellow Tuxpan

TZi4Tr W FNigeriaIITA1393 Guanacaste7729xTZSR

TZi17Tr W FNigeriaIITA9091, Oh43 x Rpp Streak Resistant Comp.

Te = temperate, Tr = tropical; Y = yellow, W = white; D = dent, F = flint; Several inbreds above were given Hi designations after conversion to Mv gene for resistance to Maize Mosaic Virus, including: B73 (Hi47), Ki14 (Hi58), Mo17 (Hi60), Tx601 (Hi65) and TZi4 (Hi66).


Brewbaker, JL and AD Josue. 2007. Registration of 27 maize parental inbred lines resistant to maize mosaic virus.

Crop Sci. 43:459-461.

Moon, HG, JL Brewbaker and XW Lu. 1999. Major QTLs for disease and insect resistance identified among

recombinant inbred lines from tropical maize hybrids. Maydica 44:301-311.

Example of use of RILs to identify QTLs (genes) affecting a trait, in this example the tolerance of Southern Rust (Puccinia polysora) in Set G RILs where a single major QTL is “expected” and confirmed. (from Moon et al., 1999).

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