Brainerd Helicopters Inc.
8850 Airport Blvd.
Leesburg, FL34788
Phone:(352) 365-9077
FAX: (352) 365-0077
Please provide the following information, so that we may generate a proposal to meet your needs.
Date of Request:
Primary Contact Person:
Alternate Contact Person:
Company Name:
Company Address:
Location of job
- Job Site Address:
- Type of property:
- How many stories:
- Landing area description:
- Maximum Weight:
- Number of lifts:
- Type of load:
- Customer rigging or our rigging:
- Expected date:
- Weekend or weekday:
Project Information:
- Customer must provide job site security. The lift area will be closed during the entire lift operation. The operational safety area will be secured of all persons not directly affiliated with the helicopter lift operation. The entire area inside any building on the top two floors (or more as ordered by the FAA) underneath the helicopter flight path will be evacuated
- Customer will be expected to provide sufficient personnel to send and receive. loads. Usually 2 at bottom and 4 at receiving. (additional personnel may be required due to load configuration or weights)
- We will provide radio support between the helicopter and ground personnel..
- We will deal with the FAA and need at least three weeks advance notice for lift plan approval.
- Many jobs require an advance site inspection.
- Customer will be expected to pay at the job upon completion.
- A pre-work safety briefing will take place after the arrival of the helicopter and the final staging of personnel. Only after this safety briefing will we proceed with the lift operation.
Jobsite Preparations:
Since wind caused by the helicopter rotors is strong, the following safety precautions MUST be taken BEFORE the arrival of the helicopter:
- All loose materials of any type (the lighter the more hazardous) MUST BE REMOVED OR ADEQUATELY WEIGHTED DOWN, BOTH AT THE PICK SITE AND THE SET SITE! For example: Items that roll or slide easily, patio furniture, small plants, loose plastic sheeting or tarps, loose hoods or vents, insulation, shingles and other roofing material must be covered, weighed down or secured.
- Notify any other companies working in close proximity to the helicopter pick and set sites to protect any of their loose materials in a similar manner.
- Try to locate units so helicopter has a clear approach to roof. We must block off all streets that we have to cross.
- The units to be set must be staged a minimum of 150 feet from any public roads, sidewalks, etc. If this condition can not be met, we must block the affected public road(s) due to FAA requirements.
- Federal regulations prohibit other workers, not connected with the helicopter lift job, from working on the floor directly beneath areas where units or lifts are to be set. Notify other companies to VACATE THE IMMEDIATE AREA DURING THE HELICOPTER LIFT OPERATION.
- If the pick site is sandy or dusty, water or other means should be used to thoroughly soak the area before and during the lift operation.
Getting the units ready:
- All crating and packing materials must be removed from the units and the pick site prior to our arrival.
- Attach lifting eyes if they are available (minimum 1 ½ “ hole).
- When offloading units from trucks onto the staging area, space them a minimum 3 feet apart. If space prohibits, please call our office to discuss.
- If there are no lifting eyes, raise the units on a 2x4 or 4x4 so that nylon slings can be used.
- Be sure units are well clear of overhead obstructions such as power or phone lines, pipes, roof overhangs or extension arms on transmission or other towers. When units must be precision set and chronological order/placement is not obvious, number the units (on the side and on top) and number the curbs (or frame, etc) with the same number. Place the numbers on each unit and curb so that when the numbers are lined up, the unit is facing the proper direction for final connection, etc.
- Have the lifting order (to the roof as well as off the roof) written down with copies available for the personnel in charge on the ground and on the roof.
- Brainerd Helicopters, Inc. will provide all standard rigging required (cables, straps, shackles and hooks). If you have any questions about rigging, please call our office.
Arrival of helicopter:
- We will be at job site approximately 45 minutes before beginning the lift(s).
- Our crew will inspect the pick site and set site for loose material. Safety dictates that WE CANNOT WORK UNTIL THE SITES ARE CLEARED AND SECURED.
- Our crew will hold a safety briefing with those persons responsible for attaching, detaching and directing the loads into place. All persons involved should have hard hats with chin straps, hearing protection, safety goggles, and work gloves.
- In order for you to obtain maximum benefit from the helicopter, Brainerd Helicopters, Inc. will conduct briefings relating to the manner in which the helicopter work will be performed. Work will begin only when mutual agreement pertaining to said work is reached. Failure on the part of the contractor to cooperate with Brainerd Helicopters, Inc. shall give Brainerd Helicopters, Inc. the right to a) stop performance of the work or b) leave the job site, with the contractor liable to Brainerd Helicopters, Inc. for the liquidated damages as specifically provided to contractor for consequential damages.
- A normal flight crew consists of two pilots and two ground crew coordinators, one at pick site and one at the set site. Even though they are equipped with helmets, headsets and two-way radios, more effective coordination will take place if both pick site and set site supervisors discuss in-depth the lifting schedule prior to start up.