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Sustainable Energy Utilization, 6 credits
/ PrintableCoordinator: / Hans Jonsson
Examiner: / Hans Jonsson
Course nr: / 4A1607
Date/period: / Period 1, 2
In brief: / -
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Welcome to the website of Sustainable Energy Utilisation!
Here you will be able to download handouts that are not included in the course literature. This homepage will also be the official billboard of the course. The homepage will be updated often, so visit it regularly. Updated .
Solution to the exam held 2004-12-14 is now available under handouts.
Next exam will be held Thursday March 17, between 08.00-13.00, rooms to be announced.
Material on Refrigeration covered by Björn Palm's lectures, Click here! Note that additional material in the book Refrigerating Engineering have been covered on Hans Jonsson's lectures 2004-11-26, and 2004-11-29 (most of chapter four), as well as 2004-12-03 (parts of chapter 1, and also in the SEU book), during laboratory exercises, and during computer labs.
For handouts, click here. For seminar assignments, click here.
It is important that you enlist as participant to this course (see above). Enlisting gives us an updated list of email addresses which we can use to inform you about recent changes. Enlisting also enables us to do online course evaluations.
Use the forum to ask questionsto the teachers or to discuss issues of interest. Anonymous posts will not be answered.
Questions and comments regarding the course, as well as this homepage, should be directed to Hans Jonsson.
This course will discuss the utilisation of energy in the present day society, taking into account sustainability and environmental aspects. The course will focus on the technologies used to meet a wide spectrum of energy demands needed for cooling, heating, and ventilation in the built environment.
After the course the student should be able to· describe different sources of primary energy and assess their environmental impact.
· describe the utilisation of energy in the present day society.
· understand and explain the physics that govern an indoor climate, and assess the changes needed to improve the indoor climate in existing buildings.
· perform heating/cooling load calculations for a single family residence.
· design heaters (radiators) and connecting tubing, and select a proper circulation pump.
· design a ventilation system to provide an adequate air flow of a proper temperature and humidity.
· understand and explain the basic fundamentals of conventional refrigeration systems, including components like heat exchangers, compressors, and expansion valves.
· develop and describe a computer model of a conventional cooling system.
· understand and describe different heating systems, and assess their applicability.
· understand and describe the function of passive systems.
· briefly discuss alternative cooling systems.
Course Coordinator
Assistant Professor Hans JonssonPhone: 08-790 74 26
Office: Brinellvägen 60, 1st Floor, Room K125.
Course Requirements
· One written exam, 3.5 credits.· Seven project reports, 2 credits.
· Active participation at laboratory lessons, 0.5 credits.
One credit is equivalent to 40 hours of studies.
Course Literature
The material used in the course will be for sale at the office of Ms Inga Du Rietz, Brinellvägen 60, 1st Floor.The literature include:
· Sustainable Energy Utilisation, KTH, Dept. Energy Technology, 2003, edited by H. Jonsson and P. Bohdanowicz.
· Granryd, E., et al., Refrigerating Engineering, KTH, Div. Applied Thermodynamics and Refrigeration, 2002.
Along with this material, handouts may be distributed during lectures and seminars (see below).
Date: December 14, 2004Time: 14.00-19.00
Place: Rooms M31-36, Brinellvägen 64.
Helping aids allowed: Calculator (not preprogrammed), Course literature mentioned above, Handouts, Lecture notes, Summaries of Exercises, Labs, Computer labs, and Seminar assignments, Dictionaries, if permission given by Hans Jonsson.
Not allowed: Solved problems, including instructions and solutions to Exams, Labs, Computer labs, Seminar assignments, and Exercises. Books other than the above stated.
The exam will be available in both English and Swedish and you may answer in any of these two languages.
The exam will consist of 8-12 questions (varies). About half of the questions will be calculation problems. The other half will be questions where you will be asked to either describe or explain a phenomena, or discuss a subject given. After each question, the maximum number of credits is stated within parenthesis.
To receive the grade: / 3, / 50 % of the maximum no. of credits is required,
4, / 65 % of the maximum no. of credits is required,
5, / 80 % of the maximum no. of credits is required.
Regarding the solutions, click here.
The course coordinator will be present during the exam. DO NOT HESITATE to ask if you do not understand the questions!
Project Reports
Each student is required to submit a written report for each of the three assignments:· Seminar 1-2 (1 report): Heating demand for a single family residence, 0.5 credits
· Seminar 3-4 (2 reports): Design of heating and ventilation systems, 0.5 credits
· Seminar 5-9 (1 report per group per seminar): Simulation of a refrigeration system, 1 credit
You can download the assignments from this homepage by clicking here.
In order to promote continuous learning, you will get bonus points on the exam if you submit the reports before the deadline expires and receive a passing grade.
Number of reports with a passing grade (submitted before deadline expires) / Bonus for the exam
7 / + 15 % of score on the exam
6 / + 12 % of score on the exam
5 / + 10 % of score on the exam
4 / + 8 % of score on the exam
3 / + 6 % of score on the exam
2 / + 4 % of score on the exam
1 / + 2 % of score on the exam
Example: You have submitted seven reports, all receiving a passing grade (+ 15 % bonus) and have achieved a score of 40 credits on the exam. Your total score on the exam will be: 1.15 x 40 = 46 credits.
NOTE: If you receive the grade "fail" on one of the reports you will need to correct it and submit it again in order to pass the course. You will NOT receive any bonus points for the corrected report!
Laboratory Lessons
NOT ALLOWED ON EXAMLab. 1: Solar Collectors
Lab. 2: Flow Measurements
Lab. 3: Basic Refrigeration System
Lab. 4: Heat Transfer from a Tube and Fin Coil
The laborations will start at the end of october. The laboratory is located at Brinellvägen 60, ground floor ("Applied Thermodynamics and Refrigeration").
LecturersHans Jonsson (HJ) / Email / 08-790 74 26
Peter Kjaerboe (PK) / Email / 08-790 76 81
Björn Palm (BP) / Email / 08-790 74 53
Semida Silveira
Tutors (T), Seminar Assistants (SA), and Laboration Assistants (LA)
Paulina Bohdanowicz (PB), (SA) / Email / 08-790 76 82
Samer Sawalha (SSa), (SA) / Email / 08-790 78 89
Oxana Samoteeva (OS), (T, SA) / Email / 08-790 74 55
Wahib Owahib (WO), (SA) / Email / 08-790 78 89
Claudi Martin (CM), (SA, LA) / Email / 08-790 74 91
Wimolsiri Pridasawas (WP), (SA) / Email / 08-790 89 41
Primal Fernando (PF), (LA) / Email / 08-790 89 41
Course Schedule
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) / Time / Room / Activity / Theme / Teacher in Charge2004-09-01 / 08.15-09.00 / M2 / Lecture / Introduction to the Course / HJ
2004-09-01 / 09.15-12.00 / M2 / Lecture / Sustainability / SSi
2004-09-02 / 08.15-10.00 / M2 / Lecture / History of Energy Usage + Examples / HJ
2004-09-06 / 13.15-16.00 / M2 / Lecture / Thermal Comfort / PK
2004-09-08 / 13.15-16.00 / M2 / Lecture / Heating Demand Calculations / HJ
2004-09-09 / 08.15-10.00 / M2 / Seminar 1 / Heating Demand for a Single Family Residence 1 / PB
2004-09-13 / 13.15-16.00 / M2 / Lecture / Cooling Demand Calculations / HJ
2004-09-15 / 13.15-16.00 / M2 / Lecture / Ventilation Demand / PK
2004-09-16 / 08.15-10.00 / M2 / Seminar 2 / Heating Demand for a Single Family Residence 2 / PB
2004-09-20 / 10.15-12.00 / M2 / Lecture / Liquid Heating/Cooling Distribution Systems 1 / HJ
2004-09-23 / 08.15-10.00 / M2 / Lecture / Liquid Heating/Cooling Distribution Systems 2 / HJ
2004-09-27 / 10.15-12.00 / M2 / Seminar 3 / Design of Heating Systems / WO
2004-09-29 / 13.15-15.00 / M2 / Lecture / Ventilation Systems 1 / PK
2004-09-30 / 08.15-10.00 / M2 / Lecture / Psychrometrics 1 / HJ
2004-10-04 / 10.15-12.00 / M2 / Lecture / Psychrometrics 2 / HJ
2004-10-06 / 13.15-15.00 / M2 / Lecture / Ventilation Systems 2 / PK
2004-10-07 / 08.15-10.00 / M2 / Seminar 4 / Design of Ventilation Systems / WO
2004-10-11 / 10.15-12.00 / M2 / Lecture / Heat Sources 1 / PK
2004-10-13 / 13.15-15.00 / M2 / Lecture / Heat Sources 2 / PK
2004-10-25 / 15.15-17.00 / M2 / Lecture / Passive Systems 1 / PK
2004-10-27 / 08.15-10.00 / M2 / Lecture / Passive Systems 2 / PK
2004-10-29 / 13.15-15.00 / M2 / Lecture / Conventional Cooling Systems 1 / BP
2004-11-01 / 15.15-17.00 / M2 / Exercise / Cooling Systems 1 / OS
2004-11-03 / 08.15-10.00 / *1 / Seminar 5 / Simulation of a Refrigeration System 1 / SSa
2004-11-05 / 13.15-15.00 / M2 / Lecture / Conventional Cooling Systems 2 / BP
2004-11-08 / 15.15-17.00 / M2 / Exercise / Cooling Systems 2 / OS
2004-11-10 / 08.15-10.00 / *2 / Seminar 6 / Simulation of a Refrigeration System 2 / SSa
2004-11-12 / 13.15-15.00 / M2 / Lecture / Conventional Cooling Systems 3 / BP
2004-11-15 / 15.15-17.00 / M2 / Lecture / Conventional Cooling Systems 4 / BP
2004-11-17 / 08.15-10.00 / *2 / Seminar 7 / Simulation of a Refrigeration System 3 / SSa
2004-11-19 / 13.15-15.00 / M2 / Exercise / Cooling Systems 3 / OS
2004-11-22 / 15.15-17.00 / *2 / Seminar 8 / Simulation of a Refrigeration System 4 / SSa
2004-11-24 / 08.15-10.00 / *2 / Seminar 9 / Simulation of a Refrigeration System 5 / SSa
2004-11-26 / 13.15-15.00 / M2 / Lecture / Alternative Cooling Systems 1 / HJ
2004-11-29 / 15.15-17.00 / M2 / Lecture / Alternative Cooling Systems 2 / HJ
2004-12-03 / 13.15-15.00 / M2 / Lecture / Preservation of Food, Summary / HJ
*1: Rooms ”Toker”, ”Kloker”, and ”Prosit”, Brinellvägen 64, 3rd floor.
*2: Rooms ”Kloker”, ”Prosit”, and “Glader”, Brinellvägen 64, 3rd floor.
Seminar Assignments
Here you can download the seminar assignments. You are required to submit a written report for each of the three assignments in order to receive a pass in this course. Please put your name and email address on the first page of the reports.Title
NOT ALLOWED ON EXAM / Deadline for submission
to receive bonus / File format
Heating demand for a single family residence / September 29, 2004 /
Design of Heating Systems / October 6, 2004 /
Design of Ventilation Systems / October 14, 2004 /
Simulation of a Refrigeration System:
Part 1:
How to start EES
Introduction to EES
Carnot Cycles and Efficiencies
(More material about EES available under "Handouts") / November 10, 2004 /
Part 2:
The Vapor Refrigeration Process
Lab2.ees / November 17, 2004
Part 3: Heat Exchangers / November 24, 2004
Part 4:
System Analysis
Lab4.ees / December 1, 2004
Here you can download the handouts not included in the course binder.Title / File format / Date
Course Description / / September 1, 2004
Building a Sustainable Energy Path, Lecture notes by Dr. Semida Silveira.
Password protected file. Ask for the password during lectures! / / September 1, 2004
Energy in Sweden 2000. Source: Swedish National Energy Administration (STEM).
Introduction to Energy Utilisation. Lecture notes by Hans Jonsson. Some of the slides are a little "blurry". However, in the file "Energy in Sweden 2000" above, you can download all the diagrams shown during the lecture in full size. / / September 2, 2004
Thermal Comfort. Lecture notes by Peter Kjaerboe. / / September 6, 2004
Heating Demand Calculations. Lecture notes by Peter Kjaerboe.
Heating Demand Calculations. Lecture notes by Hans Jonsson - to appear in future. / / September 8, 2004
Cooling Demand Calculations. Lecture notes by Hans Jonsson. / / September 13, 2004
Ventilation Demand. Lecture notes by Peter Kjaerboe. / / September 15, 2004
Liquid Heating/Cooling Distribution Systems-Part 1. Lecture notes by Hans Jonsson. / / September 20, 2004
Liquid Heating/Cooling Distribution Systems-Part 2. Lecture notes by Hans Jonsson.
Errata to chapter 6 in the book. This page should replace page 23 of chapter 6 in the book. / / September 23, 2004
Ventilation Systems part 1. Lecture notes by Peter Kjaerboe. / / September 29, 2004