Application for academic year 2012/13
Do not write in the box immediately below.It is for Secretariat only.
ID number
/Date of submission
// / 2012
HOME INSTITUTION (in BELGIUM-FL)Name of Institution / Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Address / Pleinlaan 2
Belgium / Country / BELGIUM-FL / Zip Code / 1050
1) CONTACT PERSON (should not be the same as the information of the person of exchange)
Last Name / Ms. Moelans / First Name / Annelies
Position / Staff member / Department / International office
Address / Pleinlaan 2
Belgium / Country / BELGIUM-FL / Zip Code / 1050
Tel / 0032 2 614 8066 / Fax / 0032 2 614 8080
E-Mail /
Last Name / Yang / First Name / Sophie
Date of Birth / 28/07/1991 / Gender / Male / x / Female
Nationality / (Please submit a copy of passport or national registration card)
Current Major / Handelsingenieur/ Business Science & Technology
Applying field of study / STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) / Theme / Intercultural dialogue
Political sciences / Sustainability
Social sciences / x / Innovation
x / Economy / Health care
Communication sciences / x / Others (pls. specify): Enterprise management in China versus Belgium
Others (pls. specify):
Year of study during exchange:
(Please submit the transcript of records of your previous years of study attached to the application form) / Number of ECTSalready awarded / 30
Tel / Fax
E-mail /
Institutional criteria for selecting above person to be exchanged:
(Please, describe why your institution recommends above person for the fellowship in detail)
HOST INSTITUTION (in Asian Country)
Name of Institution
Country / Zip Code
1) CONTACT PERSON (should not be the same as the information of the person of exchange)
Last Name / (Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms.) / First Name
Position / Department
Country / Zip Code
Tel / Fax
Last Name / First Name
Date of Birth / (dd/mm/yyyy) / Gender / Male / Female
Nationality / (Please submit a copy of passport)
Current Major
Applying field of study / STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) / Theme / Intercultural dialogue
Political sciences / Sustainability
Social sciences / Innovation
Economy / Health care
Communication sciences / Others (pls. specify):
Others (pls. specify):
Year of study during exchange:
(Please submit the transcript of records of your previous years of study attached to the application form): / *GPA / out of / scale
Tel / Fax
Institutional criteria for selecting above person to be exchanged:
(Please, describe why your institution recommends above person for the fellowship in detail)
Confirmation on Agreement with Host Institution
I, the contact person in the home institution, hereby confirm that the persons to be exchanged and the contact person in the host institution are all aware and agree that this application is submitted. (please, check the box at the right as appropriate) / YES
*If not applicable, please mark “N/A”.
FromFLEMISHto ASIANInstitution
Type Of Exchange / STUDENT / Bachelor / STUDENT / Bachelorx / Master / x / Master
Duration Of Exchange / Applying UNIT(S) / 1 semester / Applying UNIT(S) / 1 semester
Starting Date / (dd/mm/yyyy) / Starting Date / 24/09/2012
Ending Date / (dd/mm/yyyy) / Ending Date / 11/02/2013
STUDENT / x / Transfer of CreditsOthers:
FROM FLEMISH TO ASIAN INSTITUTION / (30 ECTS or equivalent is recommended)
How many credits for transfer? / 30
FROM ASIAN TO FLEMISH INSTITUTION / (30 ECTS or equivalent is recommended)
How many credits for transfer?
If your purpose of exchange is other than Transfer of Credit, please specify in detail:
DESCRIBE STUDENTS’LEARNING AGREEMENT DURING THE EXCHANGE(This will be closely examined at the stage of selection by the Selection Committee. Language training course ONLY is not acceptable. Any change in course schedule should be duly reported to the Secretariat for approval.)
Learning agreement(Class Schedule) of the Flemish Student:
Course Number / Course name-
Vrije Universiteit Brussel / ECTS- Credits / course Number / Course name - Tongji University / Contact Hours
ESP-APEC-11221 / International Trade / 6 / ?????? / International Trade / ??????
ESP-APEC-14715 / Onderzoeksmethoden in
economie en management / 6 / 2040153 / Research on enterprise management in China / 18
ESP-MOSI-15280 / Information systems strategy and management / 6 / 2010013 / Information Technology and management / 54
ESP-BUSI-12452 / Competition strategy / 6 / 2040099 / Strategic management in China / 36
ESP-BUSI-9072 / Internship (paper included) / 6 / 2040194 / Comany visit & internship / 36
Learning agreement(Class Schedule) of the Asian student:
Do you have any other source of finance to fund this exchange program, including room/board, airfare, stipend and others? / YES
x / NO
If YES, please specify detailed information of other source of finance:
I hereby certify on my honor that the information provided in this application is correct and complete. Any provision of inaccurate or false information or omission of information will render this application invalid and that, if selected on the basis of such information, I can be required to withdraw from the award.
Date: ______(Name/Signature) Contact Person of Home Institution:
(Name/Signature) President or Director of Institution:
Official stamp of institution:
** Authorized signature and official stamp are required after selection is made. There is no need for signature and stamp during application procedure.