Lifetime Fitness

70% daily participation

30% fitness tests, logs, worksheets

3 Week fitness bike testing:

·  At the beginning of each semester the students will bike 5 miles and the times will be recorded. Heart rate must have an average over 150 or the test will be retaken until achieved.

·  Every three weeks the students will be asked to bike the 5 miles again and the times will be recorded. These tests will be recorded as 100 point tests

·  The goal is for students to better their 5-mile time every 3 weeks (students will need to improve time by specified times each test).

·  If a student sits out of class (unexcused), or does not make up a 3-week 5-mile test, the student will lose 100%.

·  During the first marking period, if the bike time achieved is within 30 seconds of the student’s best time a 70% will be given.. Improved times will receive 3 points per second of improvement.

·  During the last marking period, if the bike time achieved is within 30 seconds of the student’s best time a 80% will be given. Improved times will receive 2 points per second of improvement

·  Males whose times are under 14:00 will only have to improve by 5 seconds and Females whose times are under 15 minutes will only have to improve by 5 seconds. 6 points first marking period and 4 points second marking period.

·  If a student wishes to earn extra points for bike tests, each thirty minute bike ride after-school in the fitness room will count for 10%.


·  At the beginning of the semester the students will be asked to determine their 1RM for various lifts. Some examples are the dead lift, squat, bench press and power clean.

·  Students will record daily lifting and weights will be monitored daily.

·  Every 9 weeks the students will determine their new 1RM.

·  Every student will earn 70 points minimum for lifting all of the required lifts.

·  The goal is for the students to have a 10% increase in their 1RM every 9 weeks.

·  If students do not meet 10% they receive the % they did increase.

·  If students do not increase the 1RM, then they do not receive an additional %.

·  The teacher must observe 1RM, and the teacher may ask the student to increase weights.

·  Daily weight lifting charts will help determine is students are lifting at their maximum effort.

Daily Participation

·  Every student will wear a heart rate monitor during class.

·  Average heart rates need to be above 150 to receive full credit.

·  If you watch does not record you will lose your points.

·  If you push the wrong buttons on the watch you will lose your points.

·  You must show the watch to instructor right after exercise, do not touch buttons.

·  If weight lifting you need to finish all required repetitions to keep your points.

Medical Excuses/Injury-

·  Everyone in this class is graded on common assessments. If you are unable to do the common assessments, written work will be given.