Imperial Destiny Campaign
Session Thirty-six
“Two Gloves, a Shield, and a Tattered Cloak”
Planting 16-Flocktime 16, 782 CY
Planting 21
The heroes took advantage of the time afforded them by the emperor before the beginning of their next mission to rest and relax. There were therefore few events of note to report from the time between Asura’s unsuccessful attempt to earn the green to when the Hammer left Elredd. Of some interest though were rumors of a pair of popular new songs that began to sweep the city. As one of the songs was purportedly about the legendary Undercity that the Hammer and I had so recently become familiar with, I was most eager to see for myself who the mysterious performer popularizing the tune was. Thankfully, I received word from a friend similarly eager to hear the popular songs that the musician in question was to perform at a local watering hole on the day prior to the heroes’ departure for Eastgate. Making haste, we were able to secure seating just in time for the performance.
Although I did not at first recognize the bard that stepped up to the stage, when he began to sing, I was quick to identify the voice as that of the Emperor’s Hammer’s own Tchornak! Of course, this did not truly come as a surprise to me considering that the song I’d come to hear was about the Undercity. Tchornak had chosen to disguise himself rather cleverly, but having heard him sing on countless occasions over the last year as he rallied his fellows in battle with stirring songs, I was easily able to recognize his voice.
Tchornak played a variety of popular tunes, but eventually came about to play the two new songs that everyone had come to hear. The first, which was entitled “Heroes of Old”, was a fabulous tune that gave a glorious account of the ill-fated third imperial expedition to the Undercity. Despite being well familiar with the tale already, I found myself entranced as Tchornak described the grand battle against the Isles of Woe remnants led by the undead Twins and the heroic last stand made by the imperials. The crowd was equally rapt throughout Tchornak’s epic, and broke into loud applause at its conclusion.
Tchornak then played the other song that had people talking in Imperial City, which he called “Janill’s Folly”. My suspicions as to the topic of the song were quickly confirmed when the Teller launched into the whimsical tale of the foolishness of a certain member of an unnamed imperial house. The comic episodes described by Tchornak brought down the house with gales of laughter though I can’t imagine that Janill Dodonna would be nearly so jovial if he were present. Though I considered approaching Tchornak at the conclusion of the show to congratulate him on his fine performance, I realized that he would likely not be appreciative of such a gesture given his disguise, and so refrained from doing so.
Planting 22
Their vacation at last at an end, the heroes reported to the Imperial Palace, so they could begin their journey with the trip to Eastgate to see the warlord’s official introduction to the legions. The group was soon brought before the emperor, who told the champions that like himself, they would be teleporting to the outskirts of Eastgate shortly. Aerdicus explained that on formal visits such as this, it is traditional for Elreddi emperors to enter cities through more conventional means than teleportation. The heroes would be reunited with Master Dentatta of the Shadow Frontier, who would perform the teleportation spells to transport them to Eastgate.
Awaiting the emperor’s arrival there was a contingent of 500 legionnaires of the Imperial Guard, which has recently been restored to its customary 1000-member strength. This was news as none of the Guard’s terrible losses incurred in the Year of Despair had been replaced until now. The emperor stated that unbeknownst to any but a select few, the contingent of the Guard that had already marched to Eastgate would be given to the warlord to make up her personal guard, the traditional configuration of the Imperial Guard.
The emperor went on to inform the heroes of a glorious victory that had been won in the west against Keoland. Overlord Steadfast led his legions and Ulekan allies against the Keoish army that had so recently captured Tringlee, emerging victorious after a hard fought battle. The defeat inflicted upon Keoland was great enough that the Keoish were compelled to treat with the Empire and its allies to seek an end to the conflict. It is hoped that the negotiations can be quickly resolved with the desired outcome being for Keoland to retreat completely from the Ulek states once more. The Empire will surely settle for nothing less.
The briefing with the emperor at an end, the heroes made some last minute preparations before returning to the Palace to meet with Master Dentatta to begin their trip. Master Dentatta’s spells brought the Hammer to a grassy field in a small area that had been cordoned off by lines of red string. Looking about, the champions found themselves in the midst of a small army, surrounded by the contingent of elite legionnaires of the Imperial Guard. In the distance were the gleaming walls of Eastgate itself. As Master Dentatta headed off to join a group of War Wizards, an Imperial Guard lieutenant saluted the Hammer and offered to escort them to the command tent where the emperor awaited them.
Arriving at the command tent, the heroes found it in the midst of being disassembled as the soldiers made ready to march. The emperor himself was found mounting an impressive black warhorse armored in plate barding and clad in full imperial regalia. With the Imperial Guard gathering efficiently into marching formation, the emperor welcomed the Hammer and directed them to a number of other warhorses that had been set aside for their use, including a warpony for Patch. Also present were Overlord Vintisane, Archmage Ichindar Blackstar, Patriarch Jandrill Fairlight of Heironeous, and a goodly number of their underlings of various ranks.
Riding in the emperor’s company, we soon crested a rise to reveal an immense army encamped about Eastgate. The thought that this vast conglomeration of soldiery and their supplies represented less than half of the full might of the Empire struck me with awe. According to the emperor, no less than 50 full legions had been assembled for the defense of the Imperial East against the Great Kingdom, which totaled some 250,000 legionnaires.
As the imperial party approached Eastgate’s Galaric’s Gate, a group of ten generals could be seen gathered before it to formally greet the emperor to the city. Nearly lost amidst them was the city’s mayor, who seemed desperate to be noticed among all the military men. The generals excitedly greeted Emperor Evilbane as he approached, welcoming him to Eastgate in obsequious fashion. The generals and mayor joined the imperial party after the emperor gave thanks for the greeting, allowing us to enter the city proper.
The moment that the emperor passed through Galaric’s Gate, a great roar went up from the crowd that was massed on both sides of the Avenue of the Conquerors. The imperial party was greeted with the sight of similarly wildly cheering people throughout the entire journey to the Overlord’s Palace. Chants of, “Evilbane and Borune!” and “The Hammer!” could be heard amidst the cheering. It was a singularly heartening sight to see the hope and joy reflected in the faces of the people as they looked upon their new emperor for the first time. To better complete the image, I took note of the fact that all the damages wrought upon the city by the battle between the Iron Bitch and Danaal Malhauven looked to have been repaired.
At the Overlord’s Palace, the imperial party was greeted by another gaggle of excited officers. Once they finished their bows to the emperor, Overlord Vintisane ordered them off to assemble the legions to be addressed by the emperor. The imperial party then entered the palace.
Marching purposefully through the halls, it wasn’t long until the imperial party entered a private dining hall where Warlord Jarna Trueblade awaited them. After the she greeted the emperor and the rest of the group, all sat to enjoy a fine lunch. I must admit that it was somewhat daunting to share a meal with so many of the truly elite of the Empire, but enjoyable nevertheless. Over the meal, Aerdicus explained his plan for how he desired the warlord’s introduction to the legions to progress.
The warlord was to remain hidden amongst the Emperor’s Hammer with a helmet and cloak to conceal her identity until the proper moment. The emperor would first address the legions, after which the warlord would be revealed to the troops and give a speech of her own. Citing their heroic efforts that brought the warlord back amongst us, Aerdicus asked if any of the Hammer desired to make a speech before the legions as well. Tchornak was happy to take the opportunity so afforded, and spent the remainder of the lunch mentally preparing himself for the task. With the conclusion of the meal, preparations began for the show to come.
Warlord Trueblade joined the Hammer, laughing as she donned the full helm that would conceal her features that this was likely the last time that she would be an unknown in the Empire. She then donned a heavy white cloak to cover her violet uniform and trademark red cape to complete the “disguise”. The imperial party then returned to their mounts to begin the trip to Crusader’s Hill where the legions had gathered.
Once again, the streets were thronged by masses of people eager to catch a glimpse of the emperor, cheering wildly down the length of the Avenue of Eagles to Boot Gate. Eventually, the imperial party made it to the top of Crusader’s Hill to look down upon the meticulously arrayed ranks of the vast army that encircled the hill. The soldiers were organized by legion, with their golden standards clearly identifying each, and had a wide circular aisle running between them that ringed the hill. Once all had settled into their places, the emperor stepped forward to deliver his speech, most of the magically amplified words of which I have taken the honor of recording below:
“Soldiers of Elredd, there are many who thought this Empire doomed 15 years ago when we suffered our greatest defeat ever. Despite the power wielded by our enemies, I tell you that it is their days that are numbered. I am told that both the blind overlords of the East and our enemies alike scoffed when I announced the great Borune’s plan to restore the Empire. Today, you shall see the proof that Borune’s secret weapons are no joke.
“Thanks to the heroic efforts of the Emperor’s Hammer, I have the great honor of introducing someone to you who was torn away from us by foul treachery at the height of her glory, but who has since been cured from her long ago brush with death. I think you will recognize her.”
The emperor then gestured towards the warlord, who advanced past the Emperor’s Hammer to stand at the emperor’s side. She then doffed her helm and threw off the white cloak to reveal herself in all of her statuesque glory before mounting a splendid white charger that had been brought forward for her. Without a word, Trueblade launched herself down an aisle between two legions, drawing her blade Avenger with a satisfying hiss as she began the ride.
With Avenger held aloft, it’s blade glowing a bright blue, the warlord was at first greeted by a stunned, utter silence so great that only the beats of her horse’s hooves could be heard. By the time she reached the central aisle that ringed the hill, the first cries of, “Trueblade!” could be heard from the ranks. These few voices quickly turned into a thunderous roar as the warlord continued to ride through the legions, Avenger still held aloft. Grizzled veterans could be seen weeping in joy as others fell to their knees in reverence as she rode past as if pleading with the gods not to reveal this glorious vision to be a mere illusion. Most, however, simply cheered as loudly as they were able.
By the time that Trueblade completed her circuit of the hill, the formerly orderly ranks were in utter shambles. This came as no surprise since the officers were in much the same state as their men. Even the generals on the hill looked awestruck, some chatting excitedly while others gaped openly. Emperor Evilbane simply took in the scene with a smile of deep satisfaction. When the warlord returned to the hilltop, the generals clamored around her, babbling breathlessly and bowing all at the same time. Politely acknowledging their bows, Trueblade at last made it the emperor’s side once again to deliver a bow of her own to him, which he properly returned before stepping aside to allow her to address the legions.
Although it took some considerable time, sufficient silence was at last restored among the legionnaires to allow her to speak. Fortunately, I was able to record the glorious speech given by Warlord Trueblade nearly word for word, and have provided said words below:
“The world thought me dead from Janazen’s treachery, but even the Abyssal poison used by that lackey of the Old One couldn’t finish me off. Archmage Morolinth put me to sleep to keep it from killing me, which gave the Emperor’s Hammer a chance to find a cure. I have now returned to lead you to war!
“The Empire has more enemies than ever, but I can tell you that we have already defeated one of them. Yesterday, Overlord Steadfast and our Ulekan allies inflicted a great defeat upon the Empire of Keoland. The campaign against the Keoish is at an end!
“Your job will be much more difficult, however. Soon, we will be going to the Iron Frontier to defend it from the Great Kingdom. Together, we will take the fight to the Aerdians and the Dark Nine. I especially would like to have a long talk with Janazen! We won’t be stopping there though. I vow to you now that I will lead you to triumph in Rauxes itself before this campaign is over! Once we finish the Great Kingdom, we will then deal with Iuz; I have a mission to complete that I didn’t have a chance to before.