Libya Matters Workshop
Saturday 18 February 2012
Safra Lecture Theatre, Strand Campus, King’s College London
The Centre for Hellenic Studies at King’s College London and the Society for Libyan Studies present a workshop, open to all, as an opportunity to record and celebrate the historical and cultural importance of Libya.
The surge of recent events in Libya may have left people with a sense of a country which is nothing but a battlefield – rather than the home of five World Heritage sites, reflecting an exceptionally long and diverse cultural heritage. The transformations which are now taking place in Libyan society should include a transformation in examining and protecting the cultural monuments. We aim to present this rich tradition to a wider audience, and explain its importance for our understanding of several phases of human history – to make clear why Libya Matters to us all.
From 9.15Registration: Coffee and tea
9.45 – 11.15Unique and diverse: Libya before the historical record
Kevin WhiteThe Physical Geography of Libya
Marta LahrA sand bridge across Africa – prehistory of the Libyan Sahara
Graeme BarkerDeep prehistory in the Haua Fteah cave, Cyrenaica.
11.15 – 11.30Break
11.30 – 12.30
Tertia BarnettThe engraved landscape: rock carvings of the Wadi al-Hayat, Fazzan
Robert MorkotThe Libu and the Meshwesh: Egypt’s view of “Libyans”
12.30 – 13.30Sandwich lunch
13.30 – 15.30Greek and Roman Libya
Susan WalkerApollo’s children: Cyrene’s story in sculpture
Andrew WilsonThe focus of trade: Lepcis and Sabratha
Philip KenrickOn the desert margin: rural settlement in Tripolitania and Cyrenaica
Paul BennettLayers of culture: Euhesperides/Berenike
15.30 – 16.00Tea break
16.00 – 17.30Continuities and changes
David MattinglyThe Garamantes and other Desert Cultures
Isabella SjöströmAfter Rome: the archaeology of Islamic Libya
Saul KellyWars in the Desert: Libya in the two world wars
17.30 – 18.30The present and the future
Hafed WaldaThe current situation
Round-table discussion: The Future for Libya’s Past
Admission (to include tea, coffee and a sandwich lunch): £25.00.
Discount price for members of the Society of Libyan Studies and for alumni of King’s College London: £15.00.
Booking procedure:
- Complete the accompanying form and return it with your cheque (made out to the Society for Libyan Studies) to the address shown on the form, to arrive no later than 11 February
- Visit and book online. This facility will be available at the beginning of January and the latest date for bookings to be accepted will be 15 February.
Please note that access to King’s College on a Saturday is controlled, and for this reason pre-booking is essential. There is disabled access from the Strand.
Libya Matters Workshop
Saturday 18 February 2012
Safra Lecture Theatre, Strand Campus, King’s College London
Forename: ______
______Post code: ______
Please reserve for me
____ places @ £15 for members of the Society for Libyan Studies = £ ______
____ places @ £15 for alumni of King’s College London = £ ______
____ places @ £25 for non-members = £ ______
I enclose a cheque (to the ‘Society for Libyan Studies’) for the total of £ ______
Please return this form with your cheque (to arrive no later than 11 February 2012) to
The Honorary Treasurer
The Society for Libyan Studies,
7, Abbey Close,
OX14 3JD