William Diamond Middle School

99 Hancock Street

Lexington, Massachusetts, 02420-3484

Ms. A. Carothers, Principal Office: (781) 861-2460

Mr. B. Klimasmith, Assistant Principal Fax: (781) 274-0174

Ms. Liz Sharp, Assistant Principal

August 2015

Dear Parents/Guardians & Apollo Students:

Welcome to Team Apollo! In a few weeks you will begin a three-year journey that will include making new friends, getting to know your teachers and administrators, and experiencing countless new learning opportunities and challenges. Sixth grade will become the foundation upon which your 7th and 8th grade years will be built. One way to begin building your foundation is to think about your strengths as well as your challenges. Consider making a goal you want to work on during the first two months of school. Your goal might be in the area of managing time, developing ways to keep organized, making new friends, or trying a new sport or activity. Goal setting is the first step to becoming the student you want to be.

Team Apollo has two team leaders, Steve Gallagher and Tami Hancock. Please contact either one of us when you have questions or concerns. In addition to your team leaders, there is your guidance counselor, Michael Kon. He will work with you throughout your middle school experience, and he is always available to help with concerns and questions. It is easiest to contact any of us by email.

One feature unique to Team Apollo is the way we recognize students for behaviors that reflect personal character. A few times during the school year, Team Apollo comes together as a community to recognize students who have demonstrated the characteristics of honesty and responsibility, courtesy and respect, citizenship, exemplary behavior, scholarship and academic excellence. These FACET assemblies foster team identity and model a culture of caring for others.

The following is aMaterials and Supplies list needed for middle school. Purchaseonly the supplies listed below, at this time. During the first few weeks of school, other team and non-team teachers may ask for additional supplies. In addition, Diamond will supply all students with a homework agenda in the first days of school. It includes a calendar and space for daily homework assignments.

1. Pencil case “A”: put inside a hole-punched, zippered pencil case
  • 4 pencils with erasers
  • hand-held pencil sharpener
  • 4 pens (one red and then either black or blue)
  • 1 black permanent marker, ultra fine point
  • 2 highlighters (any color)

2. General binder: 2-inch binder, D-ring is recommended for durability(Avery® 434654)

Inside put about 30 sheets of lined paper, 4-7 dividing tabs, one for each subject(Staples® 153866)

You MUST have one two-pocket plastic divider for organizing homework(Avery® 11906)
3. Pencil Case “B”: putinside a pencil case (hard or soft) that will be kept in the locker
  • 12 pencils
  • 12 black or blue pens
  • 3 red pens
  • 1 black permanent marker, ultra fine point
  • 2 highlighters
  • flash drive (for small file or image transfer as needed for projects)
  • hole reinforcers

4. Math
calculator (non-scientific, basic functions)
1-1” binder with subject dividers
5. Social Studies
1-plastic two pocket folder
20 sheets lined paper
6. English
2 - 100 page composition book(one for reader’s notebook, one for writer’s notebook)
4 - two pocket (paper, the cheapest you can purchase at Staples) folders (red, blue, green, yellow)

1 small package of tabs(Redi-Tag® 1" Durable Tabs, 48 Tabs/Pack 395508)

7. Science
1 ½”- one and a half inch binder - inside put about 20 pieces lined paper
10 sheet protectors
1- two pocket (paper) folder
8. Box of tissues (for your team teachers)

9. Home supplies

The following items are necessary to have at home:
  • 3 packages of 3x5 index cards, 2 packages 4x6 index cards
  • lined filler paper
The following items are useful to have at home:
  • glue stick
  • colored pencils
  • ruler with standard and metric systems
  • protractor
  • stapler
  • three hole punch
  • hole reinforcers

Sometime during these last few glorious weeks of summer, please take a photograph of yourself doing something you love or in a place that is special to you. Bring a copy of this photo, no larger than 4” x 6”, to school the first week. We will use these photos as a way to get to know each other.

Another good way to get to know your new school is to take a “tour” of the Diamond Webpage at You can take a look at the activities that are offered and get a feel for how things work when you look at your individual teacher’s webpages. Our Team Apollo page will make its debut this September, so make sure to visit then and often throughout the year.

We look forward to meeting all of you!

Ms. Linda Crowne,

Mr. Stephen Gallagher, Ancient Civ., co-team

Mr. Andrew Wong,

Ms. Tami Hancock, English, co-team

Mr. Michael Kon,