SCT Banner YES Implementation Team
Meeting Notes
Item / DescriptionDate / July 9, 2007
Time / 8:30 a.m.
/ MESHEL HALL – Computer Center Conference RoomATTENDEES
Facilitator(s) / Eileen Greaf and Carol ChenNote Taker / Cheryl Beil
Participants / Mary Lou Castner, Troy Cross, Becky Geltz, Jeanne Herman, Dona Madacsi, James Stanger, Bob Tupaj and Beth Yeatts
Not Present
/ Catherine Cala, Donna Esterly, Betty Jo Licata, Rick Marsico, Cindy Miller, Donna Wainio, and Sue DavisAGENDA ITEMS
CORRECTIONS / NotesImpl Mtg – 6/25/07
/ Email any corrections to Cheryl Beil.REVIEW PRIOR ACTION ITEMS
/ See update on items #6a - b, and 11a.TEAM UPDATES
1. Studenta. Regis/Record
/ Jeanne, Beth Y., James S. and Elaine Ruse met last week to review Lyda Smith’s list of issues and drafted recommendations. Will meet with Donna E., Carol, Eileen and Rick M. to prepare a response. Student team consensus is to delay Mock Registration II in August and continue working with Tom Masters to clean up data in M-204 for conversion. Ray developed a report to kick out items that do not match; discovered 200 errors out of 4,100 students. Records Office is reviewing each error; will correct errors in M-204 before moving forward. Also experienced several issues with effect of new STEM and CLASS colleges on building the course catalog for Student system. Continue to use STMP for unit testing.
b. Admissions
(Carol Chen for
S. Davis) / Carol indicated that a meeting with Sue Davis, Jeanne H. and Donna W. is needed to discuss deletion of SGASTDN records in PROD when making changes to admission decision records.
c. Student
/ Have done limited testing in STMP until pop selection training is held. On 6/29, the Board of Trustees officially approved a change in the refund policy to one week only – see BOT agenda resolution for a copy of the policy.
2. Financial Aid / Held conference call last week with Great Lakes. Set up a test site and transmitted 5 records to them (3 guaranteed and 2 not guaranteed). Spoke with Wright State to discuss grant issues; will forward some of their cleanup scripts to modify Banner for Ohio grant processing. FinAid is still investigating solutions for programs such as ACT grant and SMART grant. Tom Masters showed Elaine Ruse how to do a quick admit and add a student’s number of completed hours and GPA in Banner’s STMP. Were able to admitted 40 students with ISIR codes and load; will load actual state aid files this week and test. Quick admit process has simplified task of recreating students that exist in M-204; have not experienced any problems thus far. Continue to document steps of all processes and update the procedure guide in preparation for training. Carol worked with Jeanne, Beth and Jamie to update the Student, A/R, and FinAid task log based on Mock Registration I testing results.
3. General Person
(Troy Cross for
R. Marsico) / Troy gave update on address integrity software project; Quick Address rep Tony installed QA software in the Admissions Office and Advancement Office for testing. Last week we received installation materials for SSB for students; Doug will install in TEST. Software would need to be installed on workstations to interface with INB but would not involve a Banner modification as does SSB. Jeanne reported that Records and Registration are updating all addresses in Banner INB and requested that QA also be installed in Student system if possible. Cost of Quick Address software is based on number of users and package would include: 1) SSB software; 2) the online Banner interface with INB; and 3) the batch interface that runs overnight and includes AccuMail feature which permits customizing address format. Need to survey the number of end users and request quote from QAS. Due diligence has been done in case a bid waiver is required. Tech staff has not yet installed Clean Address (Runners) software to do a comparison, but CA requires significant testing for compatibility with each system upgrade. Carol reported that Pop Selection training is scheduled for 7/11-13 with SCT consultant Bob Francescone; Wednesday will be an overview of materials and introduction to pop sels (will be videotaped) – Thursday AM is for HR/Payroll, with Admissions on Thurs. PM – Friday is for A/R, with Student or Advancement on Fri. PM as needed. Will include staff from Student, A/R, FinAid, HR, Alumni, Finance, Institutional Research tech staff.
4. HR/Payroll / Cindy could not attend today due to workload issues. Carol had Cindy review Bob Harwood’s proposed agenda for HR Consulting on 7/17-19 and include additional topics; Carol forwarded to Bob for his review and is awaiting confirmation. Bob sent training materials for Employee Relations; Cindy will determine number of copies Carol needs to provide. Troy worked with Cindy and Patty S. from Budget Office on the pre-scheduled Appworx jobs for the payroll encumbrance recast process that did not run at year end due to inexperience with year-end processing and position roll; first cloned PROD into PPRD to test run the job manually and the position control process and then ran it in PROD for the payroll encumbrance process. Will need to remember to run the job manually at year end for FY08 or have Troy modify current procedures and plan the timing to run the jobs in Appworx.
5. MyYSU / Contacted UDC to obtain input on working with channels. Team’s concern is that anyone can currently access any other channel. UDC responses thus far do not address fine-grain navigation access which restricts access solely to the channel creator. Bob has made a request for product enhancement; Troy suggested that it also be posted on the Banner list serve to recruit other support for the RPE. Bob updated the flowchart to include the new CLASS and STEM colleges for the targeted announcements staff. Also added a Classified channel for testing, that provides space for personal ads; policy would need to be developed for terms of use and site would require some administration.
6. Finance / Worked with Patty S., Cindy M. and Troy to get the budget position roll done on 7/5. Plan to do Finance year-end processing on 7/12 beginning about 6:00AM; this will allow for a complete backup from previous night and for some early morning control reports. Will request that Doug disable the Finance SSB tab beginning 9:00PM on 7/11 through 7/12 until notified to reactivate it. One email was already sent announcing date/time but will follow up with another announcement. Mary Lou will be testing year-end finance process in PPRD; requested exclusive use 7/9 through 7/11 in case a reclone is needed – will notify Impl Team and tech staff.
7. Advancement / No report given.
8. Communication / No report given.
9. ODS/EDW / No report given.
10. Training / No report given.
11. Technical / Will work closely with Finance area to facilitate testing and year-end processing later this week.
New Action Items / Issues /Owner
/Due Date
/ / /Prior Items / Issues
/Due Date
/Current Status
1. SETA Midwest ConferenceSept. 23-25, 2007 – Indianapolis, IN /
Team Leaders
/ August 2007 / Begin to determine area staff interest; Joe Blankenship (ex-faculty) may be presenting.2. MABUG Conference
Oct. 8-9, 2007 – Blacksburg, VA /
Team Leaders
/ September2007 / Will be hosted by Virginia Tech; begin to determine area staff interest.
3. Banner upgrades for various systems /
Team Leaders
/ On-going / FinAid notified Carol of 7.8.1 upgrade due out shortly; since 7.8 has bugs, James will send Req for Ban Maint form to Troy when 7.8.1 is available. SCT notice indicated that Student 7.4 will include all 7.3 upgrades but will impact SSB for advisors. Jason and Troy did the 7.3.1 Ban upgrade last week; affected only the Student system. Some indiv system upgrades require Banner to be fully upgraded – would require notice and testing by all areas4. Review single sign-on password issues /
General Person
/ ASAP / Research best process for single sign-on access in portal.5. Decision document re: MyYSU email
addresses for alumni and current
graduates /
Catherine Cala
/ ASAP / Catherine, Bob, Donna and Carol met to discuss status of SS impl for Alumni & Friends plus possibility of using a permanent email addr for alumni. Will meet w/ Deans to discuss email options for grads incldg recom to award permanent emails only to Alumni Assoc members. Will draft decision doc & consider feasibility of conducting a survey of alumni/current grads to determine interest.6. Student System issues –
a. Parking fees – Bosscars
b. Classroom/Events Management
Scheduling – Ad Astra /
Project Managers
/In process
In process /● Training schedule may be adjusted to 8/7-8 after Jason remotely loads software to hand-held device; will confirm with Bosscars and Parking Services. Lisa/Dan has set up parking permit type. Beth has required detail code set up in Banner
● Work team received 85-90% return rate on survey memo from academic areas re: type of equipment needed for classrooms. Work team is building preferences to run the faculty classroom scheduling simulation program. Events Management can begin compiling info for their scheduling needs. Carol will arrange a demo on Astra’s event mgt
7. Evaluate if WYSU should use BannerAdvancement for pledges /
Advancement Team
/In process
/Working on process for decision re: WYSU using Banner sys; workgroup compiled list of questions for the 5 stations that responded on UDC. Currently use MEMSYS that can inventory premiums for donation & calculate tax deductibility for donor.
8. Requests for Labelsa. Determine policy for departmental
requests for data lists & labels for
for Alumni/YSU donors
(centralize or decentralize)
b. Create workgroup to determine
responsibility for handling other
departmental label requests /
Catherine Cala
C.Cala &
Gen Person Team /In process
In process /Invited Gen Person team and other selected staff to participate in List & Label workgroup. Ron Williams (mailroom) has equipment that can run a report of bulk mail addresses to determine which ones do not meet new postal regulations that go into effect 8/1/07. Cannot print labels but has machine (inkjet) that can print addresses directly on mailing. Depts could then either print their own labels or use mailroom equipment to address bulk mail pieces; will still maintain policy of 1,000 or fewer pieces. Must have procedure to update M-204 and Banner with correct addresses.
Determine process/procedure for handling all other general label requests from depts and designate responsible area/staff.9. Engaging faculty w/ Student
issues in Ban7 /
Donna Esterly
/Create a pilot training group (incldg academic advisor/fac rep from each college) to identify functional and academic issues. Donna will present info at next Dept. Chairs meeting.
10. SCT Quality Assurance Council /Project Managers
/Recommend YSU gets involved in Council to assure issues are shared/addressed.
11. a. Develop report to identify fac /staffand respective Banner ID’s.
b. Create timeline for notification /
Carol Chen
Gen Person Team /In process
In process /John Dalbec created a method in TEST to display a person’s Banner Y-ID by their portal login name.
GP to determine timeline to notify employees. Troy proposed self-service lookup capability (person enters SS# & other relevant info to receive Ban ID). Will re-evaluate to determine if need to assign Ban ID to new students for Sum/Fall or utilize MyYSU logon capability
12. Policy/procedure to create/ mini-databases /
Project Managers
/Will determ policy for departmental databases after Banner is fully implemented.
Next Meeting – Monday, July 23, 2007 at 8:30 a.m. in Meshel Hall, 4th floor conference room.