LEXICAL TEST (10th form, Unit 2)

I.  Определите понятия по дефинициям. (18б)

a)  The same in status (equal).

b)  A person who can change his ideas according to the situation (pliable).

c)  To choose a person among others (elect).

d)  A person who defends your interests in the Duma, the Federation Council and so on (representative or deputy).

e)  A person who says one thing and does the other (hypocritical).

f)  A system of government by a monarch (monarchy).

g)  A group of the most important ministers (cabinet).

h)  The number of seats the leading party has in the Parliament (majority).

i)  The party that challenges the official policy (opposition).

II . Найдите лишнее слово в каждой группе и переведите его. (8б)

a.  executive, legislative, loyal (преданный, верный), judicial,

b.  appoint, approve, elect, draft (составлять),

c.  bossy, eloquent (красноречивый), deceitful, hypocriyical

d.  Prime Minister, the President, the Administration, the Duma

III. Подберите синонимы к следующим словам. (8б)

a)  sly (cuning),

b)  project (bill)

c)  chamber (house),

d)  the highest (supreme),

IV. Составьте слова из букв. (8б)

a)  r,o,a,e, m, i, c, e, n, l, (ceremonial)

b)  s,n,a,s,t,e (assent)

c)  w, o,p,r.e (power)

d)  m,c,d,r,a,e,o,y,c (democracy)

V. Заполните пропуски. (26б)

a) Congress represents the ______of power.(legislative branch)

b)  The ______of the Russian Federation was _____ in 1993.(Constitution, adopted)

c)  The House of Lords can ______bills for one year. (delay)

d)  The President appoints the ______of the Government but the Duma must _____ his appointment. (Chairman, approve)

e)  The functions of the House of Lords are to _____ bills, _____the bills, ______bills, ______bills, _____laws and _____ new laws. (approve, vote on, examine, revise, pass, discuss/ draft)


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LEXICAL TEST (10th form, Unit 2)

I.  Определите понятия по дефинициям. (18б)

j)  The same in status.

k)  A person who can change his ideas according to the situation.

l)  To choose a person among others.

m)  A person who defends your interests in the Duma, the Federation Council and so on .

n)  A person who says one thing and does the other.

o)  A system of government by a monarch.

p)  A group of the most important ministers.

q)  The number of seats the leading party has in the Parliament.

r)  The party that challenges the official policy.

II . Найдите лишнее слово в каждой группе и переведите его. (8б)

e.  executive, legislative, loyal, judicial,

f.  appoint, approve, elect, draft,

g.  bossy, eloquent, deceitful, hypocriyical

h.  Prime Minister, the President, the Administration, the Duma

III. Подберите синонимы к следующим словам. (8б)

e)  sly

f)  project

g)  chamber

h)  the highest

IV. Составьте слова из букв. (8б)

e)  r,o,a,e, m, i, c, e, n, l,

f)  s,n,a,s,t,e

g)  w, o,p,r.e

h)  m,c,d,r,a,e,o,y,c

V. Заполните пропуски. (26б)

a) Congress represents the ______of power.

f)  The ______of the Russian Federation was _____ in 1993.

g)  The House of Lords can ______bills for one year.

h)  The President appoints the ______of the Government but the Duma must _____ his appointment.

i)  The functions of the House of Lords are to _____ bills, _____the bills, ______bills, ______bills, _____laws and _____ new laws.


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