Band Parent Testimonials

What about middle school band has helped your child?

“It's exciting to see my daughter excited about learning something new. To go from something very challenging, to realizing that "Hey, I can do this". To see their growth over the year is encouraging.” - Aaron Lee (Parent to 6th and 7th grade band students)

“I think it helped to establish a sense of community. With the big change from grade school to middle school having an instant group of kids with a similar interest was a plus.” – Shawna Mason (6th grade band parent)

What would you say to parents who are concerned about the price of an instrument?

“We were too, and thankful after putting out a plea on facebook, a friend from church had the instrument my son wanted to play and gave it to us. There are so many options and payment plans and every opportunity is given to find something that will work for your budget.” – Jenifer Jones (7th grade band parent)

“It is well worth the price. We have bought three instruments in the past two years. We consider them an investment because the boys love to play them and could even get a scholarship to college one day.” – Tabitha Potts (6th and 7th grade band parent)

What would you say to parents who are concerned about the time commitments of middle school band?

“It is not that hard to find a few minutes after school and before school to practice. Just a few minutes a day can make a huge difference.” – Deborah Shipley (7th grade band parent)

“With two children in band, we have yet to feel overwhelmed by the schedule. Most of what the students do is in class with some practice time at home. There aren't too many concerts or contests either. I would say the Band program calendar is spaced out really well.” – Karrie Papacoda (6th and 9th grade band parent)

What else would you say to encourage parents to have their children join our band program?

“The instructors are trustworthy, and really care about your kids! Your children will be trained to work hard to be their very best! The encouragement and feedback instilled in your kids by others who care, will shape and mold them to be quality young adults. All kids should try band, it is an awesome program in Van Buren.” – Pam Chenoweth (6th, 9th, & 11th grade band parent)

“The Van Buren Band program is one of the best programs I've seen. Just like a sports team, band teaches self-discipline and responsibility. Being a part of the band is being a part of a family! My best memories as a student were those I formed in band, and I want my child to create some of the same type of memories.” – Audrey Nowotny (6th grade band parent)