Lewisham Disability Coalition back ground
Lewisham Disability Coalition Disabled Led Organisation.
The organisation was formally constituted25 June2002; it began delivering services in 2003.
LDC work and promotes the Social Model of Disability.
Campaigns for equality for disabled people andthe right for them to have full control over all aspects of their lives.
LDC delivers and developed services to promote and support independent living.
The oaganisation is uniquely placed toinvolve disabled people. People with long term health problems, understand their needs and that their voice can be heard. LDC helped in the struggle for the social inclusion of disabled people in Lewisham Borough, helped to maximise their participation in the planning, management, operation and take up of services, both specialist and mainstream.
LDC membership is open to all disabled people and others who share our aims, who live, work and learn in Lewisham.
We are funded by the London Borough of Lewisham.
LDC Structure
LDC currently hasover 450 members’ majority of who aredisabled and with chronic long term health conditions.
LDC has a Management Committee (Trustee) elected from the Members.
The Management Committee is elected annually.
Lewisham Disability Coalition has a well dedicated staff team.
Supported by a team of volunteers some are disabled or have long term health conditions.
Current Activity
- The organisation collaborates with different organisations.
- Contributes to consultations.
- Works to ensure the effective involvement of disabled people who may not usually participate.
- Works to represent its members and service users on a variety of committees and boards.
- Provides individuals with support to self advocate.
- Facilitates the Disability Sport and Activity Forum.
- Facilitates the Lewisham Personalisation Consortium.
- Facilitates Lewisham Access Action Group
- Participates in or facilitates a range of other meetings and working groups where disabled peoples concerns and issues need to be heard.
- Participates in the development of the equality strategies of statutory organisations in the borough.
- Providing a well respected and effective advice and information service.Which provides advice on a wide range of topics including welfare rights,
- Offers information and advice on any issue of concern to disabled people
- Provides one to one issue based casework advocacy
- Delivers local drop in and involvement/peer support work at a local ward level, currently in Evelyn ward: 2000 Community Action Centre, Grove Street, Deptford and Downham Ward: at the Wesley Halls Community Centre, corner of Shroffold road and Downham Way.
- Works in partnership with other advice agencies, community and voluntary organisations and works to increase collaboration and joint working.
- Takes referrals from other professionals such as occupational therapists, social workers, GP’S etc to meet the needs of clients.
LDC Priorities for development
- Secure more suitable premises which will provide opportunities to develop social enterprise and expand services.
- Resources to volunteer support
- Trained trustees and more trustees taking on a leadership role.
- Development of the organisations second tier role and activities
- Development of the organisations communication methods including our website
- Developing more opportunities for disabled people to be assisted and involved near where they live
- Development of LDC work with disabled children and young people
- Developing more diversified funding for LDC’s work
- Develop the LDC training offer