All APICS Student Chapter members and Student at Large members are invited to attend the 20th Annual District Meeting and Student Case Competition in Downers Grove IL., February 21st & 22nd, 2014. Open Registration Period will be from 11/10/2014 thru 01/30/2015 or when all 24 available spaces are filled!(Limited to 24 Teams)


The Student Case Competition is designed to encourage Student Chapter involvement in District and Professional Chapter activities allowing students to; compare their education with that of other students, test their classroom education and its usefulness in solving real-world situations, and heighten the importance of APICS involvement now as a college student and as a professional.

Application PROCESS

1)Team Advisor or Team Captain will complete the STUDENT TEAM REGISTRATION online. (Nov 10, 2014 – Jan 31, 2015 or until full)

a)Affiliated Student Chapters/Universities are allowed up to two teams; however each team is only allowed one entry. The number of members per team is (Min: 2and Max: 8).

i)You will be asked:

(1)Full University Name

(2)Parent Chapter Name

(3)University Team (if 2 teams, A or B)

(4)Faculty Advisor Name

(5)Faculty Advisor email

(6)Expected Team Size (2 – 8)

(7)Exact Name to be on Prize Check

2)Individual Registration–EACH PARTICIPANT MUST REGISTER INDIVIDUALLY! This is required for Name Badges, Food Counts and qualification to compete. (Must Complete by 5:00 PM on February 6, 2015!)

a)Each Attendee will complete and event registration ticket as a Student, Academic or Profession.

i)You will include

(1)Full University Name

(2)University Team (A or B if more than 1)

(3)APICS Membership #

(4)Special Food Option (Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten Free, Lent –No Meat or None)

3)Each team must secure their own accommodations at the DoubleTree Hotel.

Entrance Fee

The entry fee for each participating Team is $ 550.00 and must be paid by check. (Parent Chapter Sponsorship may be available.) Checks are to be endorsed to APICS and mailed to Tim Wilson, 2140 Center Avenue Suite 100, Northbrook IL, 60062-4517 during the registration period.


APICS Policy prohibits the supplying of Alcohol to Students participating in the Case Competition, regardless of age!!


The Hospitality Room will open from 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm on Friday night! There will be food and non-alcoholic beverages available.

Each attendee will receive a Friday Night food ticket and this ticket will be required between 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm and there will be a limit of one plate of food during this time. Starting at 9:30 pm, when we are sure everyone has had a chance to eat; there will be no limitations on the remaining food.

Breakfast and Lunch will be provided on Saturday.

Friday PM:

During the opening session the students will be networking with the professional members and other teams.

The case will be distributed at approximately 7:30 pm. The teams will be given time to review the case and prepare their series of questions to be presented to the Case Subject Matter Expert(s). During this time it is the responsibility of each Team captain to meet with the District Manager and receive his / her Pre-numbered Flash drives. It is at this point the teams will be assigned their Team Numbers. These Drives are for teams to submit the final copies of their Written and Oral Case Presentations to the judges. Written Cases will be formatted in MSWord version 2007 or older. MS PowerPoint version 2007 or older will be used for supporting the Oral portion of the Case Competition.

The teams will then reconvene in the main hall and be given the opportunity to ask their questions. Time Limit TBD.A tool kit containing additional pertinent information about the case may also be provided.


Both written (Word) and oral (PowerPoint) presentations must be turned in between 8:00 am - 9:00 am on Saturday in the Hospitality suite. All submissions will reflect only your Team number. No references to any school will be allowed.

The Team Captain or a pre-designated proxy shall submit the final presentations to the District Manager in the Hospitality suite.

The Saturday agenda is expected to run from 8:00 am – 5:30 pm. We will then reconvene in the Ballroom at 7:30 pm for the 20th Anniversary Party until 11:00 pm.

Paper and Presentation Requirements: Not to exceed 6 pages of text (min. 12 pt. type Lines @ Dbl spaced) and 2 pages of visuals.

Oral Presentations: Each team will have 5 minutes to make their Case presentations. Judges will be scoring the live presentations.Teams will receive a brief critique and a team photo will be taken immediately after each presentation. Awards will be presented upon conclusion of the judging.