Mn Quarterly UI Reporting
- Confirm that the correct Pay Codes are being excluded
- Update the Default Hours for any contract Pay Codes
- Either update the Override Hours for each employee in the Employee Detail panel and/orupdate the Override Hours in the Employee Summary panel.
- Click the file cabinet to save the changes.
- Proof your work using the Quarterly UI Reports
- When data is final Create the MN Quarterly UI File which is saved to \SMARTHR\Client\MN_UI
- Submit the file to Minnesota Unemployment Insurance (UI) via
Agency Reporting Group/ Create MN Quarterly UI File
Select theYear and Quarter you want to work on.
Excluding employees and wages from the quarterly UI report and file
It is possible that some employees should be excluded from this reporting process – for example, students of the school district who may have earned wages during the quarter. This is accomplished by assigning them to “Unemployment Location” 9999.
It is also possible for an employee to have some earnings that must be reported, as well as other earnings that must be excluded from this reporting process. For example, a School Board member may be paid for service on the School Board, (which is not to be reported), but may also work in other capacities for the School District, (which are to be reported). This is accomplished by specifically designating the paycodes that are to be excluded from this report.
A) Setup – left panel
- Excluded paycodes - Wages and hours for the following paycodes should not be included in the Quarter UI file. Be sure that the Excluded check box is checked for the following codes: BOARD, BOARD_UNIT, XBOARD, XBRD_UNIT, BRD2_UNIT,XBRD2_UNIT, BRDPERA_UNEBENONW2, and EBENONTAX. If you are using another paycode name for similar payments for board pay or as an EBENONW2 or EBENONTAX payment then those pay codes should also be checked as excluded.
NOTE: EBETAXABLE should not be checked. It should be INCLUDED as wages.
- Setting default hours by paycode -You can change the Default Hours for a paycode by typing in the Default Hours field. You will see the default hours changein the Employee Detail section as you key the change. You can assign default values to as few or as many contract paycodes as you want.
B) Employee Detail - top panel
- The actual units displays from the timecard and payroll history.
NOTE: SUBTCH pay code is days not hours you will need to convert to hours.
- The default hours is populated from the Default Hours in the Setup panel.
- You can override the actual or default values for an employee’s paycode by entering a value in the “Override Hours” column.
- The Paycode Hours Column displays the value that will be used in the Employee Summary Section (C).
C) Employee Summary – bottom panel
- The Paycode Hours in this section totals the hours for all paycodes of the employee.
- You can make final changes to the summary total by entering the hours worked in the “Override Hours” column.
- Report hours is the value that will be reported in the file.
Total wages displayed at the bottom of the window is the total of all pay less the excluded paycodes.
You may find it helpful to sort the information in the Employee Detail panel by something other than Employee Name.
Click the Sort button and specify the columns to sort on.
- If you’re not ready to create the file but want to save your work, click the File Cabinet.
- When your data is ready to submit to UI, click the “Create UI File” button to save your changes and Create a File. The file name is MN_UI_DDDD_YYYY_Q where DDDD is your district number YYYY is the calendar year and Q is the quarter. Your file will be saved to \SMARTHR\CLIENT\MN_UI folder. Be sure this folder exists before you create a file. When you click the Create UI File button a snapshot of the file is also being saved in the database. This can be viewed in the External Application Files window.
Reports are available to help you insure the correct information is reported. You must first retrieve and save a quarter’s info using the Create MN Quarterly UI File window, before any of the reports for that quarter will have data.
Mn Quarterly UI Default Hours
Use this report to verify the default hours that were used for a year and quarter.
MN Quarterly UI Detail
Use this report to proof your detail information.
Tip: If this report is run with just the Year and Quarter selected the “Total Amount” at the end of the report should match the Totals Register from History Report “Total for Pay” for that same quarter.
Tip: Run this report with Year, Quarter, and Reported to UI=N to be sure you haven’t erroneously excluded a pay code or erroneously assigned an employee to unemployment location 9999.
MN Quarterly UI Summary
Use this report to proof the final summary information. You will want to run this report once for the information that will be reported to UIand once for the information that will not be reported to UI.
Tip: The total on the two summary reports (reported to UI and not reported to UI) should equal your total quarterly wages shown at the bottom of the Create MN Quarterly UI file window. Reminder: Excluded paycodes are not included in any summary reports.
TIP: To review the wages submitted to UI for an employee run this report. You can retrieve several quarters across multiple years for an employee ID in the report’s retrieval arguments.
Message boxes on the Create MN Quarterly UI File window
When you retrieve a quarter if certain conditions exist you will get a message box.
When new data is being inserted into this window you will receive this message. If you retrieve a quarter and then run an adjustment or supplemental payroll that is using NEW paycodes for an employee you will receive this message.
If you have previously worked on a quarter and are opening the window for a subsequent time, you will receive a message stating when the data was changed and by who.
If you have previously created the UI file you will receive this message.
If you have employees that you have voided a check from one quarter into another you may have negative wages. This message is informing you they cannot be included in the file.
You will receive this message if you have made changes to the hours worked information and do not click the file cabinet or the “Save Changes And Create UI File button”.
If you select a quarter that was completed using the old MN DEED window you will get the following message warning you that data was converted.
If you select “Yes” the window will return the rows that it now has for that quarter. Unfortunately, some of the old data in the old table could be incomplete or inaccurate because the old window allowed the user to do things that corrupted the data. The default hours will be filledwith whatever the last value that was stored on the paycode level at the time of conversion. That probably is not what the default hours were at the time for that quarter. If you need to resubmit a file for a previous quarter that was converted you will want to review this data before sending.
Payroll Utilities Group / External Application Files
Every time you create a UI file a snapshot of that information is saved. Use the External Application Files window to view the data or re-create the file in the event that you need to resubmit a file the MN UI.
Dept Economic Security Summary Report:
In the past this report was used to tally the number of employees paid on the 15th of the month. That information is included in the file that is created. This optional report can be found in the Processing Reports group. It is run by calendar and tallies the number of employees and wages paid by location.