Feeding guilds of birds in different habitats in Costa Rica (from the lowland forests of the Caribbean and Pacific to the highlands of Monteverde)



Levey and Stiles - Bird: ecology, behavior and taxonomic affinities. (reader)


Behavior and social structure of leaf cutter ants (in the Caribbean and Pacific lowland forests)



Mueller et al. 1998 - The evolution of agriculture in ants. (reader)

Kricher – Fungus gardens and leafcutting ants – in A Neotropical Companion

Linksvayer et al. (2002) - The function of hitchhiking behavior in the leaf-cutting ant Atta cephalotes. (in web site database)


Invertebrate biodiversity on the forest floor in different habitats in Costa Rica (from the lowland forests of the Caribbean and Pacific to the highlands of Monteverde)



Sheil and Burslem (2003) - Disturbing hypotheses in tropical forests. (reader)

Evans et al. (2003) -The influence of logs on the spatial distribution of litter-dwelling invertebrates and forest floor processes in New Zealand forests

Wyman et al. (1999) – A new device for extracting living invertebrates from large samples of leaf litter

Jansen (1997) – Terrestrial invertebrates community structure as indicator of a tropical rainforest restoration project

Kelly and Samways (2003) – Diversity and conservation of forest-floor arthropods on a small Seychelles island


Abundance and size of buttresses in different forests of Costa Rica (from the lowland forests of the Caribbean and Pacific to the highlands of Monteverde)



Crook et al. (1997) - The function of buttress roots: a comparative study of the anchorage systems of buttressed (Aglaia and Nephelium ramboutan species) and non-buttressed (Mallotus wrayi) tropical trees

Warren SD, Black HL, Eastmond DA, Whaley WH. 1988. Structural function of buttresses of Tachigalia versicolor. Ecology 62, 532–6.

Lewis AR. 1988. Buttress arrangement in Pterocarpus o cinalis ( Fabaceae): e ects of crown asymmetry and wind. Biotropica 20, 280–5.


Disappearance of human feces in different forest habitats in Costa Rica (from the lowland forests of the Caribbean and Pacific to the highlands of Monteverde)



In Tropical Nature

Andresen (2002) – Dung beetles in a Central Amazonian rainforest and their ecological role as secondary seed dispersers

Andresen (2002) –Effect of forest fragmentation on dung beetle communities and functional consequences for plant regeneration

Holter et al. (2002) – Dung feeding in adult scarabaeines (tunnelers and endocoprids): even large beetles eat small particles


Relationship of herbivory and the presence of symbiotic ants in Cecropiaspp. in different habitats of Costa Rica (from the lowland forests of the Caribbean and Pacific to the highlands of Monteverde)




Nocturnal invertebrate diversity in different habitats of Costa Rica (from the lowland forests of the Caribbean and Pacific to the highlands of Monteverde)




Species abundance in different sized tide pools in different habitats of Costa Rica (from the lowland forests of the Caribbean and Pacific to the highlands of Monteverde)



Connell (1978) - Diversity in tropical rainforests and coral reefs.

Krüger and McGavin (2000) - Macroecology of local insect communities. (in website database)

Thompson and Withers (2003) - Effect of species richness and relative abundance on the shape of the species accumulation curve

DeVres et al. (1999) - Species diversity in spatial and temporal dimensions of fruit-feeding butterflies from two Ecuadorian rainforests

Ugland (2003) - The species–accumulation curve and estimation of species richness

Thompson et al. (2003) - Assessing biodiversity with species accumulation curves; inventories of small reptiles by pit-trapping in Western Australia


Diversity and abundance of epiphytes in different habitats of Costa Rica (from the lowland forests of the Caribbean and Pacific to the highlands of Monteverde)