Date : 13.03.2002 Time: 18h00

Subject : BULLETIN NO : 1 Document No: 1.1

(FIA approval 15th March 2002)

From : The Clerk of the Course

To : All competitors /Crews members

Number of pages 6



Wednesday, 20 March

Administrative checks 15.00 – 21.00

It is reminded that documentation control must be completed before crews attend scrutineering

Scrutineering detailed timetable
18.00 - 18.20 / 1 - 2 - 3 / 4 - 5 - 6
18.20 - 18.40 / 14 - 15 - 16 / 1 - 2 - 3 / 4 - 5 - 6
18.40 - 19.00 / 17 - 18 - 19 / 14 - 15 - 16 / 1 - 2 - 3
19.00 - 19.20 / 7 - 8 - 10 / 17 - 18 - 19 / 14 - 15 - 16
4 - 5 - 6
19.20 - 19.40 / 11 - 20 - 21 / 7 - 8 - 10 / 17 - 18 - 19
19.40 - 20.00 / 22 - 23 - 24 / 11 - 20 - 21 / 7 - 8 -10
20.00 - 20.20 / 25 - 26 - 27 / 22 - 23 -24 / 11 - 20 - 21
20.20 - 20.40 / 28 - 32 - 33 / 25 - 26 - 27 / 22 - 23 - 24
20.40 - 21.00 / 34 / 28 - 32 - 33 / 25 - 26 - 27
21.00 / 34 / 28 - 32 - 33 - 34
Thursday 21 March

Administrative checks 06.00 – 13.00

It is reminded that documentation control must be completed before crews attend scrutineering

Scrutineering detailed timetable

08.00 - 08.15 / 57 - 63 - 72
08.15 - 08.30 / 78 - 51 - 66 / 57 -63 - 72
08.30 - 08.45 / 59 - 68 - 75 / 78 - 51 - 66
08.45 - 09.00 / 53 - 64 - 61 / 59 - 68 - 75
09.00 - 09.15 / 56 - 70 - 54 / 53 - 64 - 61
09.15 - 09.30 / 55 - 76 - 58 / 56 - 70 - 54
09.30 - 09. 45 / 52 - 60 - 62 / 55 - 76 - 58
09.45 - 10.00 / 65 - 67 - 69 / 52 - 60 - 62
10.00 - 10.15 / 71 - 73 - 77 / 65 - 67 - 69
10.15 - 10.30 / 71 - 73 - 77
10.00 / 114
11.00 - 11.20 / 101 - 102 - 103
11.20 - 11.40 / 104 - 105 - 106 / 101 - 102 - 103
11.40 - 12.00 / 107 - 112 - 113 / 104 - 105 - 106
12.00 - 12.20 / 115 - 116 - 117 / 107 - 112 - 113
12.20 - 12.40 / 118 / 115 - 116 - 117
12.40 - 13.00 / 118 - 108 - 109 - 110
13.00 - 13.20 / 111 - 119 - 120

Thursday, 21 March

18.40  Photo FIA 1st priority drivers at the official ceremony start zone – Av. Just Marlés

19.00 Official ceremony start (Av. Just Marlés)

Friday, 22 March

05.30  1st driver start

Sunday, 24 March

18.00 (instead of 17.30) Final scrutineering

20.00 (instead of 19.30) Publication provisional final classification

20.30 (instead of 20.00) Publication final official classification



FIA visa nº 4CMR / 270202

1.3.Officials of the Rally


The following officials are nominated: Josep Mª Almar, Fernando Carbayeda, Antolín Diaz, Joan Manel Fernandez, Jordi Giralt, Jordi Giribet, Adolfo Gómez, Joaquin López, Jordi Macia, Jordi Masó, Antoni Muñoz, Ferrán Orsola, Marc Paradell, Ramón Pou, Rafael Rodríguez, Rafael Rodríguez Jr, Josep Sánchez, Oriol Sellent, Isaac Colomer, Albert Revull.


8.4  Reconnaissance


It will be possible during the reconnaissance to return over the last 1,650 km of SS3/6 in reverse direction in order to cut out the long section from the end of this stage. This distance (two ways) must be run at the maximum speed of 60km/h and will be controlled by GPS. The GPS equipments will be mounted to the recce cars at the Hotel NH Ciutat de Reus - Avda. Marià Fortuny, 85 – 43203 – REUS (telephone + 34. 977 345 353, fax +34 977 343 234 on Monday 18 March 2002 (from 19h00 to 21h00: all nominated drivers (see enclosed list)

The information from the GPS equipment will be collected every day during the reconnaissance according to the following schedule:

·  Monday, 18th March 2002: 17h30 – 19h30: Hotel NH Ciutat de Reus

·  Tuesday, 19th March 2002: 17h30 – 19h30:

Hotel NH Ciutat de Vic –tel.: +34 93 889 2551 fax +34 93 889 1447

·  Wednesday, 20th March 2002: 17h30 – 19h30
Rally Headquarters: Hotel Olympic Park
Lloret de Mar tel+34. 972 37 10 27

In case of any problem please contact:

M. Didier COMOY : +33 6 70 27 17 53

M. Xavier GUEGAN: +33 6 70 27 17 65

Jérôme TOQUET: +41 79 459 0870

In case of any change : M. COMOY or M. GUEGAN will inform you


N° / Pilot / GPS Reco
1 / Burns / X
2 / Gronholm / X
3 / Panizzi / X
4 / Sainz / X
5 / Mc Rae / X
6 / Martin / X
7 / Delecour / X
8 / Mc Rae A. / X
10 / Makinen / X
11 / Solberg / X
14 / Eriksson / X
15 / Gardemeister / X
16 / Blomqvist / X
17 / Schwarz / X
18 / Loix / X
19 / Kuchar / X
20 / Radstrom / X
21 / Loeb / X
22 / Bugalski / X
23 / Rovenpera / X
24 / Thiry / X
25 / Puras / X
26 / Mortl / X
27 / Campos / X
28 / Al Waheibi / X
32 / Pozzo / X
33 / Griazine / X
34 / Kremer / X
51 / Dallavilla / X
52 / McShae / X
53 / Basso / X
54 / Stenshorne / X
55 / Duval / X
56 / Valimaki / No GPS
57 / Galanti / No GPS
58 / Chemin / No GPS
59 / Kangas / No GPS
60 / Caldani / No GPS
61 / Evans / X
62 / Tuohino / X
63 / Rowe / X
64 / Galli / X
65 / Sola / X
66 / Baldacci / No GPS
67 / Carlsson / No GPS
68 / Schelle / No GPS
69 / Katajamaki / No GPS
70 / Haaf / No GPS
71 / Doppelreiter / No GPS
72 / Blasquez / No GPS
73 / Llovera / No GPS
75 / Kazuhiko / No GPS
76 / Foss / No GPS

9.2 A ceremonial start of the Rally will take place at Lloret de Mar on Thursday 21st March at 19.00 hrs. The crews must park their cars in a parking zone located Av. Just Marlés, near by the ceremonial start podium. during the following times:

P1 and P2 between 18:00 and 18:30

P3 between 18:30 and 19:00

Non seeded teams between 19:00 and 19:30

This parking zone will closed and under vigilance.

There will be no fixed penalties at TC 0 or TC 0A. However lateness or non-appearance at either control will be reported to the Stewards who may apply penalties.

After check-in at TC0A, crews may leave their cars in the secure park or exit the park if they wish. If they do, the car must remain in the park until the crew’s start time on Friday, 22nd. Cars not left in the secure park must be returned to this same (Pre-Start) park on Friday, 22nd between 03.30 hrs and 04.30 hrs. However the access to the pre-start park must be done through the back entrance of the park (at the opposite side of the podium). Cars may be returned by a member of the team.


In addition to the supplementary refuel zone at the end of the 1st leg mentioned in the Art. 8.6.4, the following refuel zones will be installed


Leg 1:

·  Between TC 0B and 0C located at 173,50 km Motorway A-7 (and 105,61 km away from TC 0B – Lloret de Mar)

·  Drawing 27, just in front of the crossing C-242 x TV 7012:

on page 46 (between SP “B” and SP “C”

on page 88 (between SP “D” and SP “E”)

Leg 2:

·  Drawing 12 crossing C17 x C-26:

on page 125 (between SP “F” and SP “G”)

on page 157 (between SP “G” and SP “H”)


A representative from ISC-T will distribute in-car equipment to all competitors for fitting into their vehicle prior scrutineering at the Hotel OLYMPIC LLORET DE Mar during following times:

Tuesday, 19th March 12:00 to 20:00

Wednesday, 20th March 08:00 to 18:00


In addition to the briefing mentioned in this appendix, please note that an other briefing co-ordinated by Mr. Jeremy James will be also held on Thursday, 21st March at 20.00 hrs at the Hotel Pallas Pineda Salou tel 977.37 0808. Pilots based at this hotel are requested to attend.


3rd LEG

At the crossing shows on page 182 and on page 214 (drawing 16), a roundabout has been built.

Aman Barfull
Clerk of the Course
DC – 3 - CAT