Questions for day – 28 Nov 2015

1)Identify the correct statements regarding the structure, composition and functions of common wealth?

1)It consists of most of the countries that are monarchies

2)All the countries who are members of common wealth shall accept the suzerainty of the queen.

A)1 only (43% people opted for this answer)

B)2 only (14% people opted for this answer)

C)Both 1& 2 (15% people opted for this answer)

D)Neither 1 nor 2 ( 28% answered it correct)

Answer – D

Common wealth has total 53 member countries. Among them 32 are Republics and remaining 21 are Monarchies. Queen represents 16 and own monarchs are represented in 05 other countries.

No country need to accept the suzerainty of the queen. It is more a cultural organization now.

Carry home point

Most of the common wealth nations are Republics. Representation in common health, where Queen is the head no way damages sovereignty of the country.

Further detail –Just take a look at this pic from Hindu

2)Identify the sequence of climate change summits in order

  1. Kyoto summit
  2. Bali Road Map
  3. Durban conference
  4. Lima conference





Ans) A

1)Kyoto protocol has established emission cuts for Annex 1 countries and summit was held in 1997.

2)Bali summit was held in 2007 and Bali Road map demanded for financial and Technical transvers from developing countries

3)Durban conference was held in 2011. The conference agreed to alegally bindingdeal comprising all countries, which will be prepared by 2015, and to take effect in 2020,

4)Lima conference – It was held in 2014 and it was brought in INDCs.

So, the right answer is A.

Objectives of Learning

  • Remember the Patterns of change that has come up in climate change Negotiations. That is from common but differential responsibilities based on respective capabilities to Intended nationally determined contributions.
  • Only Remember the Landmark Events and their outcomes. Paris conference is going to be one such.

3)Consider the following statements in connection with climate change

1)Developing countries are demanding for technological and financial transfers from developed countries.

2)Developed nations are demanding to bring in India, China, Mexico in to the emission reduction Targets.

3)The INDCs declared by all the countries are not sufficient to achieve the intended goals of reduction.

4)India is now against to the principle of differentiated responsibilities that was fundamental to the Kyoto protocol.





Answer A

Topic – E – S1 – Q2 video – E – S1


1)At Copenhagen, world’s advanced industrial nations committed to“mobilizing jointly $100 billion a year by 2020, to address the needs of developing countries.” The money was to come from “a wide variety of sources, public and private, bilateral and multilateral, including alternative sources of finance.”

No significant progress is achieved till date. We still don’t have an internationally agreed definition of what is climate finance. Developing countries are demanding for deliverables.

2)Developed countries also want to bring in developing countries such as china, India, mexico, Brazil etc. in to the emission cut framework. India is stressing on Percapita emissions shall be the basis for emission cuts. But, developed Nations argue for overall country specific emissions.

3)The available carbon budget of nearly 1000 bn tones will get exhausted in less than two decades even if all the countries adhere to their INDC

4)India still stresses on differentiated responsibilities for emission cuts and Equity in the use of available carbon space.

Objectives of Learning

  • Understand the arguments of developed and developing countries at the climate change conference

4)Which of the following is not a social security scheme that demands a financial contribution from Beneficiaries.

1)Pradhan MantriJeevanJyothiBima yojana

2)Jan Dhan Yojana

3)Atal Pension Yojana

4)New Pension scheme




D)None of the above

Answer –D

A,B,C, D all of them need contributions from Beneficiaries.

Objectives of Learning

  • Understand the nature of new developmental schemes. Differentiate them from state centric development schemes of the past.

5)Identify the following statements in reference to the Ban on Dance bars in Mumbai

1)Art 19 (1) (g) provides for freedom of a vocation and ban on dance bars is a violation of such a right

2)Art 19 (1) (g) is an absolute right and state can not impose any restrictions on such a right.

A)1 only B) 2 Only c) Both 1 and 2 d) Neither 1 Nor 2

Answer – A


Supreme court of India held that ban on dance bars violates Right to a vocation Guaranteed under Art 19 (1) (g). But, that right is not absolute and state can impose reasonable restrictions.

Objectives of Learning

Recollect Reasonable restrictions on Fundamental rights