Sample of Combined Letter of Information and Consent Form
Project title: < provide project title >
Researcher: < name researchers and institutions >
Sponsorship: < identify funding or sponsor >
Purpose: < present details of the project >
Scholars Portal Search is a new interface that can be used at Queen’s to access, in a single search, a vast number of scholarly publications that previously only existed on many different systems. The goal of this study is to gain a better understanding of students and researchers perceptions of Scholars Portal Search, and in particular learn about their satisfaction with search results and their opinions on proposed access routes into Scholars Portal Search. You will be participating in a semi-structured interview. You will be asked to compare results from three different search tools and chat out loud as you think about them, and you will be asked several questions. This is meant to help find the best way to present information, not to test your knowledge of searching. Your signature below indicates that you understand and consent to what is expected of you.
The interview should take no longer than <time> and there will be no follow-up studies.
There are no known risks to participation in the study.
Participation is voluntary and you are free to withdraw at any time. Your signature below indicates that you understand that your participation is voluntary and that you are free to withdraw at any time.
You are not obliged to answer any questions that you find objectionable or which make you feel uncomfortable.
No recording devices will be used.
No identifying information will be collected.
Confidentiality will be protected. Reports of this study will aggregate interview data and will not discuss individual interviews. Interview notes will be stored on a password-protected computer at Queen’s University and destroyed after 3 years. Only the researcher will have access to this data. Your signature below indicates that you understand these provisions around confidentiality and anonymity.
Research results will be presented at a conference and/or in an open access publication relevant to the digital library community. There are no foreseeable secondary uses of the data.
This study has been granted clearance according to the recommended principles of Canadian ethics guidelines, and Queen's policies.
You will be given a $15 Campus Bookstore gift certificate on completion of all or part of the interview.
Your signature below indicates that you are aware that you may contact the principle investigator, or the General Research Ethics Board if you have any questions, concerns or complaints about the research procedures.
Principle investigator insert name and contact information
General Research Ethics Board Chair at 613-533-6081 or email:
Your signature below indicates that you have read this Letter of Information and have had any questions answered to your satisfaction. Please keep a copy of this letter for your records.
Name: ______
Date: ______
Signature: ______