Dear Calculus Students and Parents,
That great day of joy and celebration, (The AP BC Calculus Exam on Wednesday, May 8), is just 23 school days away (hard to believe, isn’t it?). We have covered all of the material necessary, but now we need to review and become accustomed to the format of the AP Calculus Exam.
Reviewing, both in a classroom setting and for homework, is important. Wouldn’t it be nice, though, to have the opportunity to take the exam more than once, identifying and correcting your weaknesses by placing yourself in an environment identical to the one you will encounter on May 8? (Say “YES!”). On the dates of April 20 and April 27 (two Saturdays) you will have just such an opportunity. On these dates I will hold mock AP exams, in the mornings from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., in room D107. On April 20 we will work on Exam 5 from the workbook, and on April 27 we will work on Exam 6.
The format for each of these test sessions will be as follows:
April 20 and 27
8:30 – 12:00 Take the exam
12:00 – 12:30 Correct and score the exam
Note that you will not receive any type of credit for showing up on any of these dates. A word to the wise, however: Don’t kid yourself into thinking that setting aside time on your own to attempt these exams is “just as good”. Working in an environment where everyone else is also striving to do their best is a better motivator (and a better use of your time) than working at your desk in your room.
Please indicate the day(s) that you would like to attend, fill in the two signatures, and return.
_____ April 20 was a day made for the joy of learning about the derivative, count me in!
_____ April 27 will be the ideal day for clearer understanding of the integral, sign me up!
_____ If you think I’m going to show up for another day of calculus torture, sans police
escort, think again DeRuiter! OR Sorry, can’t make it to any of these sessions
Student Name (write legibly) ______
Student Signature ______
Parent Signature ______