Our new Clerk, Rosie Hodgson, is now in post. This is Rosie’s first role as a Clerk, so obviously has a great deal to learn. Please be understanding if she is not able to give you an immediate answer to your questions, but I am sure she will do her best to be of help. Contact details are on the information page at the beginning of this magazine. Please note that after the problems encountered last month with the council’s “hotmail” address it has been decided not to use this one any longer but to change to This is the one on the website www.rogateparishcouncil.gov.uk Apologies to those who have tried to make contact using this email in the past few months and have not received a reply. This was not attended to properly during the time RPC was without a clerk. Rosie is now dealing with these old emails as well as the new ones coming in. Please also remember that she is only employed by RPC for up to 10 hours per week and therefore has other commitments. Tuesdays will usually be a good time to contact her and she will be checking emails and phone messages regularly throughout the week.
At our June meeting, Tom Warder from Action in Rural Sussex gave us a very interesting introductory talk on the Community Land Trust Umbrella Project. You will find flyers about this project in Rogate and Rake village shops.
Also at the June meeting the establishment of “Rogate Community Sky Centre” was formally approved. Do keep a look out for information about the various activities that will be arranged in the coming months as this begins to develop. It is hoped that this will really involve all sections of the community, young and old.
By the time you read this you will already be aware of the proposals for traffic calming as outlined in Ben Hamilton-Baillie’s report but as I am writing this before the public meeting on 26th June, I do not know how these will have been received. I hope that most of you interested in this will have been able to attend the meeting, learnt about the proposed way forward, had your questioned answered and been able to express your views, which will, of course, be taken into consideration by RATA and the whole council before any further steps are taken.
The “Rec” Playground Those of you with young children will know that it has been necessary to close part of the playground for safety reasons. It is taking a very long time get quotes for the repairs. Apologies from RPC and be assured that the necessary repairs will be carried out as soon as possible. In the mean time, thank you for your understanding and patience and please ensure that the roped off area is not used.
Neighbourhood Watch If you are part of a Neighbourhood Watch group in or around Rogate, it would be much appreciated if you would contact Murray Spalding, 821615 or the clerk. Some NW groups are active and receive regular information but there are other groups in the parish that are not receiving any of this information. It is hoped to rectify this so that relevant news is made available to all across the parish. Your help is needed to enable the system to work effectively, so please make contact so that Murray can act as a co-ordinator, unless there is someone else who would like to take on this role.
The weather is at last warming up, so here’s hoping for a lovely summer. RPC will continue to meet monthly and you can keep up to date with its activities by reading the Minutes and Agendas on the new larger notice boards or on the website.
Elizabeth Brown. 893112