Letitia Goodman
MEDT 6463
Dewey Website Reviews
Choose any 4 of the websites provided, or locate Dewey websites on your own, and complete a review of each. You may use the following chart, or you may present this information in any format you choose. Include the title of the website, the url, a brief sentence explanation of what is offered at the site, a full review of features and quality of the site, and how you would use this site for instruction in your classroom. (10 points per site reviewed)
Website # 1Title of Website / Quia-Java Games (Dewey Decimal System)
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One sentence description / This site provides a fun and interactive way for students to learn the basics of the Dewey Decimal Classification System.
Full review (Good, solid review covering all features of the site) / This site was very interactive. There were three games available to assist in learning about the Dewey Decimal Classification System. The matching game allows users to match the Dewey number with the actual classification. Concentration is very similar in that you match but you constantly have to keep flipping the cards to get the correct match. The Flash Card feature is a basic learning aid in that you are provided with the Dewey number on one side and its correct classification is on the other side.
Application into instruction – describe activities you might develop using this site / This is a great way for students to learn about the Dewey Decimal System either before going to the Media Center for orientation or after as a reinforcement aid. The Quia site is also a great tool for instruction in that you can purchase a membership and create aids such as tests, surveys, web pages and games with the templates provided. The membership is $49 each year with a free 30-day trial.
Website # 2
Title of Website / Cambria Friesland School District: Dewey Decimal for Kids/Library Resources
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One sentence description / This website is a library resource center for the Cambria-Friesland School District in Wisconsin; there is a page specifically designated for the Dewey Decimal System for kids.
Full review (Good, solid review covering all features of the site) / I enjoyed navigating my way through this site. It was very user friendly and provided a multitude of library resources. Not only was the page with the Dewey Decimal System for Kids a great resource, but there were also links to financial aid and colleges, on line magazines, and Accelerated Reader (AR).
Application into instruction – describe activities you might develop using this site / This site serves as a great resource in and of itself. There is a wealth of information available to users that will allow for easy access of information. If nothing more, the site serves as an excellent model for a good website to store media information, as well as provides a great handout for kids that breaks down the Dewey Decimal Classification System.
Website # 3
Title of Website / The Dewey Decimal Classification System by Jean Halsey
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One sentence description / This page provides an in-depth overview of the Dewey Decimal Classification System in an interactive, fun way.
Full review (Good, solid review covering all features of the site) / This site really provides thorough information to assist students in learning as much as possible about the Dewey Decimal Classification System. Jean Halsey does a great job of integrating hands-on activities with practical information to allow students to experience both tutorial activities and self-discovery activities. Students should have fun learning about Dewey from this engaging site. Students have the opportunity to create a Dewey game, create a rap and even take a quiz to reinforce their knowledge of the DDCS.
Application into instruction – describe activities you might develop using this site / It would be great to use the exact activities that are provided. The breakdown of the activities would serve middle school students very well. The site provides several ways to get the DDCS across to students in a non-threatening way.
Website # 4
Title of Website / OCLC: Resources for teachers and students of the DDC
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One sentence description / This site provides an informative power point for both students and teachers on the basics of the Dewey Decimal Classification System.
Full review (Good, solid review covering all features of the site) / This site provides several interesting resources for students and teachers alike. The most practical feature I found (although there were several), was the power point. I thought that both power point presentations (student and teacher) were equally relevant and practical for teaching the basics of the Dewey Decimal Classification System. The examples that were provided to explain how books are classed and further divided was an excellent way to get that point across (sock drawer, gardening/types of gardening, etc.). I also thought that the Dewey store was a nice feature as there are several editions and variations of Dewey available, as well as the opportunity to buy neat trinket items like posters and bookmarks.
Application into instruction – describe activities you might develop using this site / The power points will make excellent teaching tools for students and other teachers. I can also make small purchases from the store of items like bookmarks and provide to students as incentives for participation in Dewey related activities.