Overcoming Adversity Novel Unit
Let us embark on a literary journey! On our journey, we will be doing a lot of exciting things that will help you earn points. Our goal is to get a score of 150 points. I know you can do it! Layered Curriculum is, essentially, an opportunity for self-made choice in the process of evaluation. While reading this novel, YOU get to choose the projects that best help you apply what you’ve read. Everyone will start on the C layer and work their way to the A layer. Aim high! All work done will be quality. You will be explaining your work through oral defense.
Remember the following things:
·You have to get 30 points in Layer C to get to Layer B
·You have to get 60 points in Layer B to get to Layer A
·You have to get 60 points in Layer A
·Fill in the Score Sheet
Grading Scale:
A-150-120 D- 59-30
B-119-90 F- 29-0
Mandatory activities – 1. Read the novel.
Layer C: Basic Knowledge
- Choose the activities you want to do for 30 points.
_____(10) C1. Reading Comprehension Questions
Your Choice:
_____(10) C2. Make a storyboard for your novel. It has to have at least 8 cells, with illustration and a summary.
_____(10) C3. Take the main components of this novel study such as plot, theme, characters, and symbols and give an example of where each of these concepts is shown in the book.
_____ (10) C4. Choose 3 characters and write 3 paragraphs or 3 poems about these characters.
_____ (10) C5: Cut out of magazines to create a collage of items representing the theme of the book. You may use words and names as well as pictures.
_____(10) C6: Create a quality, colored illustration of one important symbol. Write a paragraph that explains it.
____ (10): C12: Make a set of 3 “baseball cards” about three of the characters. On the front, draw a picture and write the name. On the back, list 5-10 facts about the character.
Layer B: Application
- Choose the activities you want to do for 60 points.
____(20) B1. Write a position paper on your views of the characters’ treatment. Do they deserve it? Why are they treated that way? Is it justified? Support your position.
Your Choice:
____(20) B2. Write a diary from the main character’s point of view. Include dates and locations of events that you think he or she would find important. Give his or her perspective on the events.
____(20) B3: Record an original soundtrack for the novel. Choose 10-15 songs purposefully, that go along with the theme, characters, or symbols from the book. Create the cover design, a track listing and actually make the CD. On a separate sheet of paper, give reasons why you chose each of the songs.
____(20) B4: Create a theme song for the novel. Perform it or tape it.
____(20) B5. Character Analysis- Analyze 2 characters in the story by identifying their actions and the motivations behind those actions. Use a graphic organizer to gather your thoughts, then explain in a written paragraph.
Layer A: Critical Thinking and Analysis
- Choose the activities you want to do for 60 points.
(30) Research the time period and historical events of your novel. Fill out the research packet.
Your Choice:
_____(30) A1. Using your research, create a newspaper/magazine that includes events from your novel as well as other important events of the time. Choose one social issue of the time and write an editorial expressing your opinions on it. Include 2 advertisements from the time period.
_____(30) A2. Using your research, write a research paper focusing on one social issue from your book. Explain how it is shown in your book and how it was shown in other examples throughout history.
_____(30) A3.Create a scrapbook on the culture of your novel. Include articles, real journal entries, games, housing, work, major events, etc. On each page, you must include a one-paragraph description of the pictures/articles you chose. The entire thing must be typed.
Overcoming Adversity Score Sheet
Name ______Total Score ______