
For many years the organisations SOLWODI e.V. (Germany), FMPO (Luxemburg) and Le Nid (France) have supported victims of violence, trafficking and forced prostitution. The general goal of the mutual project was to sentisise the respective authorities (counselling centres, police, law authorities, politicians) to the problem of violence against women in all its forms and encourage transnational and interdisciplinary cooperation of police, law and NGOs in cases of violence and trafficking in human beings.

As a first step the three organisations involved initiated a campaign which included interviews of 81 staff members of social counselling centres, police and judicial authorities in Germany, France and Luxembourg. Based on the interviews, concepts of seminars and workshops were developed, which were tailored specifically for the respective occupational groups and their need for know-how.

Three interdisciplinary seminarswere organised – in Munich, Mainz and Kehl. In these seminars/workshops the 50 to 60 participants were able to identify several ways of effective cooperation. In Luxemburg the Ministry of Women organised a press conference. It centred on violence against women and trafficking and the sensitisation of the public to the problem. By this projekt, trafficking has become the focus of public relations work in Luxemburg also.

The final event was an International conference in Octobre 2002. About 200 representatives of NGOs, police, law and politics came together at the European Council in Strassburg. There the problems of care and protection of victims and transnational cooperation were the focal point of talk and discussions.

In addition to the series of events, the three organisations have drawn up a 260-page manual („Grenzüberschreitendes Verbrechen – Grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit.“ / „Criminalité Transnationale – Coopération Transnationale“). It comprises among others:

-  Basics on the background of the women, their situation in their homecountries and their situation in the destination countries.

-  Information on the legal situation in Germany, France and Luxemburg.

-  Assistance for the work with victims of violence and human trafficking

-  Opportunities of transnational cooperation in the prosecution of trafficking.