Wk 6 UNIV Lesson Plan

Lesson Title in Syllabus:Academic Interviewing and Introduction to Resumes

Materials Needed:

  1. Optional: food (e.g. moon cakes) to celebrate the Asian Moon Festival.
  2. Large sheets of easel paper (w/sticky back, if possible)
  3. Handout – How to Conduct an Interview (optional – can use create this)
  4. CCD resume instructions

Lesson Component
Title / Facilitator / Description / Learning Outcomes
(Observable and Measurable)
Assignments to Collect / Involvement Fair Part B / --
Initiation(10-12 minutes)
Group B Presentation / Happy Moon Festival!!
Group B – The Major Experience/ACES / Students will practice verbal English presentation skills.
Primary Content Part I
Debriefing Interviews
(15-20 minutes) / Small Group Discussion/Presentation:
Break the class into small groups and give them a large piece of sticky paper. Have them document their greatest challenges when it came to interviewing and their suggestions for how to conduct a successful interview. Once all groups are done, have them present this information to the class.
Whole Group:
Debrief activity. You can also provide a handout with more details for them to use if having to conduct a more formal academic interview. / Students will work in groups to determine how best to conduct interviews.
Students will improve their verbal English and presentation skills.
Primary Content Part 2
Introduction to Resumes and Career Planning
(15-20 minutes) / Whole Group:
Assess level of prior knowledge about resumes. Initial discussion can be led by mentor:
Questions: How do people find jobs in your home country? What are the most important factors that influence whether a new university graduate gets a job? What do employers in your home country look for most when hiring new university graduates?
Transition to the US:
How do Americans obtain jobs?
Introduce the idea of a resume. How is a resume used? When is it used (both on campus and outside)?
Pull up a resume (yours, your mentor’s, or asample from CCD)
If time: Pull up the sample job/leadership announcement (e.g. FYE mentor). How does the resume inform a potential employer about the applicant, based on the requirements for the position?
(5 minutes) / Hand out the resume assignment. Answer questions about the basics of a resume and prepare students for the CCD presentation.
Assignments Due Next Week / Resume draft due in class / --