School Year: / 201-2011 / H.S. Credits: / 1School Name: / Bowling GreenHigh School / Program: / Construction Carpentry
KY Tech Course Name: / Intro to Const Carpentry / Teacher: / Matt Logic 270 – 779 - 6107
KCTCS Course Number(s)KCTCS Course Name(s)
CAR 126 Intro to Construction Carpentry
CAR 127 Intro to Construction Carpentry Lab
Prerequisite(s): None
Course Desription:
This class will teach students to perform to national construction industry standards. The program will include core building courses in residential and light commercial blueprint reading, construction methods, safety, and construction related math. The course will follow the Kentucky Tech curriculum for Carpentry ( CAR 126 / CAR 127 ), leadership and professionalism skills will be provided through participation in the Skills USA program. This course is currently under review to see if dual credit can be obtained through the Kentucky Tech system
Required Text and Material / SuppliesCarpentry and Building Construction by John L Feirer / Hard soled shoes
Carpentry and Building Construction Workbook by Feirer / Safety glasses, hard hat, hearing protection
1 1/2" (minimum) 3 ring binder / Copy of proof of insurance
Course Objectives / TASK LIST
1 / The student will pull nails with a nail puller2 / Operate portable power drills and screw guns
3 / Bore holes with a brace and bit
4 / Identify various types of air and cordless power tools
5 / Build saw horses
6 / Identify characteristics and handling procedures that affect durability and strength of lumber
7 / Interpret abbreviations used in working with lumber
8 / Perform preventative maintenance on power tools
9 / Use measuring devices
10 / Read all forms of carpenter's levels
11 / Demonstrate the use of and perform preventative maintenance on hand tools
12 / Operate a table saw
13 / Cut stock on a radial arm saw
14 / Operate a circular saw
15 / Bore holes with a drill press
16 / Plane stock with a power planer and jointer
17 / Shape stock with a wood shaper
18 / Shape stock with a band saw
19 / Cut and fit miter joints with an electric miter saw
20 / Read a carpenter's framing speed square
21 / Identify and use the various types of hand planes
22 / Shape stock with an electric router
23 / Erect scaffolds
24 / Operate reciprocating and jig saws
25 / Operate power sanders
26 / Estimate materials
27 / Use building codes and specifications
Participation / 30%
Quizzes / Tests / 30%
Homework / %
Lab work / skills tests / 20%
Culminating Projects / 20%
Grading Scale
A 100-90
B 89-80
C 79-70
D 69-60
F 59-0
Procedures for Makeup Work/Tests
A student will be permitted to make up for Tests and Work not completed provided the student has an excused absence for missing the assignments. Excused absences must be approved by the high school.
Attendance Policy/Withdrawal Policy
There is a lot of information to be presented. Students are expected to attend and be punctual. In the event the student misses all or part of a class he or she will be expected to make up that days assignment.
Student Expectations: Students are expected to:
- Maintain a good record of attendance. This is vital to the success of the student. It is often difficult to repeat many of the lessons ( i.e. demonstrations ) because time constraints will not allow it.
- Sign the safety pledge and follow all safety rules
- Perform the duties asked of them
- Turn in work on time (student is responsible for missed work )
- Be respectful of others
- Stay in the class / shop area unless given permission by the teacher
- Report any accidents immediately to the teacher
- Have proof of insurance on file before the 2nd week of school
Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities and Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO)
The Education Cabinet, the Department for Workforce Investment and the Office of Career and Technical Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational services and/or employment. The Education Cabinet provides, upon request, reasonable accommodations including auxiliary aids and services necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in all services, programs and activities. To request materials in an alternative format, contact the Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator in OCTE or Norb Ryan at . Persons with hearing-and speech- impairments can contact the agency by sing the Kentucky Relay Service, a toll-free telecommunication device for the deaf (TDD). For voice to TDD, call 1-800—648-6057. For TDD to voice, call 1-800-648-6056.
The Office of Career and Technical Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, marital status, or religion in admission to education programs, activities, and employment practices in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (revised 1992), and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and shall provide, upon request by a qualified disabled individual, reasonable accommodations including auxiliary aids and services necessary to afford individuals with a disability an equal opportunity to participate.
Student Signature Date Parent/Guardian SignatureDate