December 12, 2016

Lessons covered Week of Dec. 5, 2016

Language Arts

“Roundup Time in Virginia” “The Gripping Truth About Forces & Moition” “John Glenn” “Interesting Birds”

Genre: Non-fiction, biography

Common Core Standards: Asking and answering questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers, Recount stories, determine the main ideas & supporting details of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and how they support the main idea.

Conventions: Singular & Plural Nouns, Plural nouns with –es, special

Plural nouns

Spelling: Vocabulary #3

Cursive: s, t

Writing: Informative


Topic 6 Multiplication Facts

T6-5 9 as a FactorT6-6 Multiplying w/3 Factors

T6-7 Multiplication FactsT6-8 Multiply to find Combinations

T6-9 Multiple Step Problems

Social Studies/Science

Motion, Animal Adaptation


-Collaboration Days, Wed, Jan. 11 & 25. School dismisses at 2 p.m.

-Weekly Math & Reading Packets will be sent home. They are due Friday.

-Dec. Poem will be selected by individual students to recite at the Class party. Please complete and submit poem selection using the form on the right if you have not done so.

Minimum Day Dec. 22. School dismisses at 12:30 p.m.

-Winter Break Dec. 23 through Jan. 6.

-LABEL lunch boxes with “Rm 22”& Child’s name so it can be return if lost.

-Start memorizing multiplication facts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8.9, 10 gives great ideas for helping your child master multiplication facts. Other highly recommended websites for reviewing math facts, rounding, place value, money, skip counting: , ,

-Multiplication TimedTestscan be practiced on : (type: mathmagician, click Oswego City School District)

-Reading website: is a great site that provides comprehension tests to check if your child understands what he/she read. This is a free site. Parents need to sign up. This does not REPLACE THEIR AR QUIZZES

Poem & Pizza Party

Thursday, Dec. 22, 10:30 a.m. – 12:25 p.m.

  • We will be purchasing pizza for the children. Room parents will email you with more information.
  • Please help your child select and practice a poem to recite at the Poem Pizza Party. It can be on any theme/topic. They may also recite a poem he/she wrote.
  • Party Schedule:

10:30 a.m. Family arrival (Rm. 22)

10:40 p.m. Poetry Recitation starts

11:30 p.m. Refreshments

12:15 p.m. Clean Up

  • I hope to see all of you at the Poem Pizza Party.

Please cut, complete and return (if you have not submit it yet):

Student name:______

Poem title______

My email______

Please print clearly. Thank you