a. Method of Approach (written responses to Task Methodologies) not >25 pgs. (RANK #1)
As noted in the Written Evaluation Requirement, Global Learning Partners is uniquely qualified and able to collaborate with the USDA FNS Western Region State WIC Agencies in the creation, implementation and evaluation of this significant multi-dimensional project. What follows is the Task Methodology for each key task identified in the RFP, as well as suggested inclusions as might be called for.
Every effort has and will be made to incorporate participant-centered principles in the selection, choice, and implementation of the methods selected, this approach demands a critically appreciative understanding of the whole situation calling for the work, and would be revised as is indicated throughout the process through dialogue amongst all of the various stakeholders, individually and/or as represented by the WR PCE Project Lead Agency.
As was requested within the RFP, all deliverables shall submitted to the PCE Lead and include at least three hard copies and one softcopy in Microsoft Word 2000. Additionally, it is understood that GLP will not proceed with any Task until approval is received from the WR PCE Project Lead Agency, and in the case of the Assessment, Implementation or Evaluation for each approved State Agency, approval will be in writing and received within ______.
1. Expectations Meeting Number of days: ___
In order to examine the objectives, scope of work, tasks, requirements and deliverables amongst the group members, within two weeks of the contract award, the GLP PCE Project Team will meet with WR PCE Project Lead Agency. We will review, affirm and adjust in light of any current issues named by WIC, while developing relationships to support and expedite this important and substantial project.
The GLP team comprised of three people, all experienced dialogue education practitioners, will engage throughout this project through three different lenses: research-based organization development, nutrition education and adult learning. Each person, as documented in their resumes, brings a wealth of experience from all socio-economic levels, all over the U.S. as well as outside the U.S., including a significant number of different cultures, organizations and change initiatives. These differing views will inform all of the work, ensuring a project that explicitly tends to a range of stakeholder views. (And that whether engaging in nutrition education or the development of a PCE model, in order for change to occur, we need an approach which honors the fact that complex organizations engaging in change initiatives require transformative feedback loops, a critical dimension of sincere dialogue i.e. participant-centered)—darlene drop or fix
Product of meeting: Project Plan, revised as indicated through this meeting, within two weeks of contract acceptance. (individual binders for each of the western region wic states- preparation for assessment tool #)
2. Contractors Staff and PCE Project Manager Number of days:___
All resumes and licenses (where appropriate) will have been submitted or accompany the Project Team to the Expectations Meeting. The PCE-GLP Project Manager, will be one of the three-member Project Team Members for the entire course of the project. This person will be selected based upon time and travel availability, and with the understanding that the other team members will be included in all meetings via teleconference where possible, apprised of daily work and be co-writers of the monthly reports. The advantage this strategy brings to WIC is the expertise of three people- where, any one person can step in as time or tasks demand. Please see resumes included in Appendix__.
In addition, with input from the WR PCE Project Lead Agency, teachers/educators will be selected as the need demands and the person’s experience and training indicates from the pool of GLP Shareholders (eight others) and GLP Certified Teachers (sixty-seven).
It is anticipated in Year One (Phase #1) that ….. will… so that….
(looking at the potential project as sketchy as it is- “should” other glp folks be brought in right at the beginning- in order to build experience, add new/other insights….?).
Deliverable: Resumes and licenses of GLP project staff; prior to or during Expectations Meeting.
3. Review PCE Literature
To identify those factors deemed most critical to improving delivery of nutrition education, particularly individual education, and increase effectiveness in promoting behavioral changes, GLP Project staff will conduct a literature review. The review will include those models currently in use by WIC and other providers, delivery models using a range of professional and para-professional staff. Selected literature will delineate potential improvements, issues and current challenges in nutrition and adult education, particularly those facing the USDA FNS Western Region (WR) State WIC Agencies (SA).
As a part of preparing for the literature review, a matrix will be developed, including PCE Models ranked within a continuum of participant-centered practices; a list of what would be seen, heard and felt in a participant-centered dialogues; adaptability and flexibility; staff requirements; ____ need words here for the tone of respect rather than person as problem to be “fixed” the matrix would also include: ______
In addition to the resources named within the RFP, the following literature and more would be reviewed:
WIC Nutrition Education Demonstration Study: Prenatal Intervention, March 2001
WIC Reauthorization: Opportunities for Improving the Nutritional Status of Women, Infants and Children August 14, 2003
Nutrition Education: Principles of Sound Impact Evaluation, NNS, USDA September 2005
Nutrition Assistance and Evaluation Plan Food and Nutrition Service Fiscal Year 2006
Matthews, C. Conter, D. Web Nutrition Education Evaluation: A Participant Focused Approach. Arizona Department of Health Services Leadership Academy Leadership Project. Date____?
Bellman, G. Getting Things Done When you are Not in Charge. Berrett-Koehler: San Francisco. 1993.
Eoyang, G. Coping with Chaos: Seven Simple Tools. 1997. Lagumo: Minnesota.
Ford, Jeffrey D. Organizational change as shifting conversations in the Journal of Organizational Change Management. Vol 12 No. 6, 1999. Pp. 480-500. MCB Universary Press.
Nutrition Education: USDA Provides Services through Multiple Programs, but Stronger Linkages among Efforts Are Needed. United States General Accounting Office. April 2004.
Doak, C., Doak, L., & Root, J. Teaching Patients with Low Literacy Skills, 2nd ed. LIppincott Co.: Philadelphia. 1996.
Cranton, P. Understanding and Promoting Transformative Leaning. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco. 1994.
Thomas, R. & Footrakoon, O. What Curricular Perspectives Can Tell Us About Parent Education Curricula. Obtained on July 27, 2005 from http://parethood.library.wise.edu/Thomas/Thomas.html 1998
Vella, Jane, Paula Berardinelli, and Jim Burrow. How Do They Know They Know? San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1998.
Vella, Jane. Learning to Listen, Learning to Teach: The Power of Dialogue in Educating Adults. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1994.
Vella, Jane. Learning to Teach: Training of Trainers. Washington, DC: OEF International, 1989.
Vella, Jane. Training Through Dialogue: Promoting Effective Learning and Change with Adults. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1995.
Add casebook---Dialogue Education at Work.
Wlodkowski, Raymond. Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn: A Guide to Improving Instruction and Increasing Learner Achievement. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1999.
Deliverable to PC Lead by the end of Month 4: Abstract Report/Annotated Literature Review as described in the RFP.
Additional product development: Expanded Individual Western Region State WIC (WR- SA) Binders as preparation for Assessment Tool.
4. Orientation to WIC
To bring new light to WIC nutrition education efforts, organizational infrastructure and capacities, key questions, among others will inform the GLP Project Team perspective during the orientation: What is working well? Why? Who says? What needs to be changed? Why? Who says? And how does all of this reflect a participant-centered environment and a meaningful and sound nutrition learning experience? How is success currently described, and documented?
GLP staff will work the PCE lead to develop the orientation plan and secure approvals, appointments and timing which would be most elucidating with regard to the range of services, clients and issues confronting most WIC sites. It is anticipated that the orientation will include observations of individual sessions (with permission), nutrition classes, staff interviews (one to one, and small group), reviews of files, literature and _____. This would require a minimum of two days at each of the two California sites.
Product: Findings will be included in the two-day planning meeting content, appropriate information added to WR-SA WIC Binders.
5. Two Day Planning Meeting Number of days___
In order to prepare for the first part of Phase One of the project- developing the PCE Assessment Tool, a two-day planning meeting will be held. By the end of the two days, GLP Team Members and the PCE Steering Committee will have added to, reviewed, and offered additional insights to the Literature Review data, PCE Model Matrix and the Orientation experience. It is expected that the timing and location at the Arizona State WIC will be convenient to the maximum number of attendees and that the timing will expedite the next phase.
Product: Report of selected pertinent data to add to planning and implementation efforts; if appropriate, modified plan. Appropriate information added to WR-SA WIC Binders.
6. Develop the PCE Assessment Tool Number of days___
Develop PC Assessment Tool(s): Model Assessment/Staff /Agency Readiness
Present to Steering Committee Assessment Tool, edit & revise
A well-developed Assessment Tool will include state profiles, contextualized organization demographics and data, and individual, functional and educational methods, models and goals. In order to create this comprehensive tool, yet not add to the extensive work of most WIC staff persons, every effort will be made to identify and incorporate data that already exists into the Assessment Tool. It is anticipated that the PCE Lead Agency will supply or direct GLP Project Team to this information
Using those demographic and other documents already reviewed through the Literature Review, findings obtained through the Orientation, Planning Meeting and Expectations meeting,
7. Pilot the PCE Assessment Tool Number of days___
Pilot Assessment Tool(s) 4 sites- AZ
Modify PC Tool
Prepare & submit Ind. State Agency PCE Tool Report
8. PCE Assessment Tool Implementation Number of days___
Implementation Plan-Tool; training; 3-5 SA’s, up to 10 sites
Prepare & submit Ind. State Agency PCE Tool Report
9. Preliminary Project Report Number of days___
10. Develop a PCE Model Number of days___
11. Pilot the PCE Model Number of days___
12. PCE Model Training Evaluation and Staff Self Evaluation Number of days___
13. Development PCE Model Implementation Plan Number of days___
14. Develop PCE Model Evaluation Plan Number of days___
15. Implementation of PCE Model Number of days___
16. Implementation of PCE Model Evaluation Plan Number of days___
16. Follow up Consultation and Agency Visit Number of days___
18. Monthly Invoices Number of days___
19. Monthly Status Reports Number of days___
20. Prepare Final Project Report Number of days___
21. Prepare and submit Closeout Invoice Number of days___