Name______Period ______
DATE DUE:______
Home Design Final Paper Write Up
TYPED Paper: (About 2 pages—double spaced, standard 12 point fonts/margins)
Item / Comments / Points Possible / ScoreOutline-Completely Filled in! / 10
INTRODUCTION- few sentences describing the general project over the last couple weeks and what our goal was / 5
Paragraph 1
Explain Shape & Why______(4pts)
Explain Insulation & Why______(4pts) Explain Attic Shape & Why______(4pts) / 12
Paragraph 2
Surface Area & Units ______(3pts)
Evidence for Shape/Surface Area ______(5 pts) / 8
Paragraph 3-
Conduction______(3 pts) Change______(3pts)
Convection______(3 pts) Change______(3pts)
Radiation______(3 pts) Change______(3pts) / 18
Paragraph 4
Insul. Good/Bad _____(2pts) Evidence______(4pts)
Attic Good/Bad _____ (2pts) Evidence ______(4pts) / 12
3 experimental errors, Problems/things would change, additional comments / 5 (No grade posted until it is here) / Y/N
Tilt - ? (grammar, writing quality, length, font size…things I decide are good/bad) / +/- points
TOTAL/ Grade / 70
Additional Comments:
Home Design Paper Outline
(Outline MUST be turned in with paper and counts as an ADDITIONAL 10 pts to the points listed below)
1. Introduction (5pts) - Give a description of the project over the last couple weeks & the point of it.
a. ______
b. ______
c. ______
2. Body Paragraph 1
a. Explain the original home/shape/design of your house (2pts)
i. ______
b. Why did your group choose that shape/design? (2pts)
i. ______
c. Explain what type of insulation your group chose (2pts)
i. ______
d. Why did your group choose that insulation? (2pts)
i. ______
e. Explain your roof/attic shape your group made(2pts)
i. ______
f. Why did your group choose that attic shape? (2pts)
i. ______
3. Body Paragraph 2 (Must use evidence from your graph or internet source)
a. Give the surface area of your home with units (2pts)
i. ______
b. Was this shape/surface area a good choice? Why or why not? EVIDENCE from your DATA or the INTERNET (MUST CITE SOURCES IF use internet)!!!! (5 pts)
i. ______
4. Body Paragraph 3- Explain how the three forms of heat occurred in your home and how it changed with adding insulation & the attic
a. Conduction (3pts)______
i. How did conduction change with adding insulation then the attic? (3 pts)
1. ______
b. Convection: (3pts)______
i. How did Convection change with adding insulation then the attic? (3pts)
1. ______
c. Radiation (3 pts): ______
i. How did Radiation change by adding insulation then the roof?? (3 pts)
1. ______
5. Body Paragraph 4- Evidence that insulation and roof kept heat in
a. Insulation
i. Did it help keep heat in (Maybe it did, maybe it didn’t) (2pts)______
ii. Evidence to support this (4pts) ______
b. Attic
i. Did it help keep heat in? (Maybe it did, maybe it didn’t) (2pts)______
ii. Evidence to support this (4pts) ______
6. Conclusion- Wrap up your paper (5 pts)
a. Include
i. At least 3 Experimental Error and how to fix them if you did this again
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
ii. Problems that occurred or things you would do differently
1. ______
2. ______
iii. Any additional comments about your home
1. ______
2. ______