Spring 2010—Daniel
Lesson2: Daniel 2—Daniel Interprets Dreams
Study tip of the week: Before you begin…
- Pray—ask God to help you understand the passage, see His character displayed, and see specific application for your own life.
- The Dig Deeper questions are optional, though very helpful.
Day One: Read Daniel 2:1–13;Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream
1.List the categories of religious “experts” in Nebuchadnezzar’s court.
a.Which, if any, of these categories would Daniel and his friends be in, and why?
2.How did Nebuchadnezzar test the power of his “professionals?”
3.The Chaldeans were spokesmen for Babylon’s wise men. What were their excuses for not being able tointerpret Nebuchadnezzar’s dream,and what principle can be seen therein?
a.Do you think God allowed this to help Nebuchadnezzarrecognize the trueGod? Explain your answer.
Day Two:Read Daniel 2:14–23; Daniel’s Prayer
1.What evidence is there that Daniel was respected in the Babylonian court, and how do you think he earned that regard? (See Daniel 1.)
2.Daniel was summoned to be killed yet he responded in faith, not in fear. What did Daniel do and for what did he pray?
3.How did Daniel respond when God answered his prayer?
4.How can believers develop the faith and confidence to face challenging situations today?
a.Name some specific things that youcan do to help you respond in faith and not fear.
5.Carefully read Daniel’s prayer of praise. What is the theme of his prayer?
a.Which attributes of God does Daniel praise in these verses?
b.How does he acknowledge what God has done in the affairs of men?
c.How does Daniel personalize his gratitude to God?
6.Using Daniel’s prayer of praise as a model, write and pray your thanksto God for what He has done in your life this year.
Day Three: Read Daniel 2:24–45;Daniel Interprets Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream(part 1 of 2)
1.List the similarities between Daniel in this chapter and Joseph in Genesis 41.
2.From verses 25–30, underline the word “mystery” or “secrets.” How many times does it appear and in what way does this repetition point to God?
3.Dig Deeper: Read Daniel 2:23, 30. Do you think Christians today have the same or perhaps a greater capacity for wisdom than Daniel did?(See also James 1:5; Colossians 2:2b-3; 1 Corinthians 2:16;Romans 12:2.)
4.Summarize Nebuchadnezzar’s dream as Daniel describes it in verses 31–35.
Day Four: Re-read Daniel 2:24–45;Daniel Interprets Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream(part 2 of 2)
1.From verses 31–35, what do you notice about the progression of metals from the top of the statue down?How does thiscontradictwhat we commonly think about historical progress?
2.From the followingreferences, what do you learn about the “stone cut without hands?”
a.Psalm 118:22
b.Isaiah 8:14
c.Isaiah 28:16
d.Matthew 21:42–44
e.1 Peter 2:4–9
4.How can believers today benefit from the study of prophecy?
Day Five:Read Daniel 2:46–49; Daniel Promoted
1.What was Nebuchadnezzar’s response to Daniel’s interpretation of his dream?
2.How do you respond when others praise you for what God has donethrough you?
a.What can you change to be more like Daniel?
3.Compare Nebuchadnezzar’s response in these verses to King Hezekiah’s response in 2 Kings 20:19, when hewas told he had more years to live. What does this reveal about theirrespective characters?
4.How has your understanding of Godchanged because of your study of this passage?(See also Deuteronomy 29:29; Amos 3:7; Habakkuk 2:14.)
5.What encouragement or exhortation from God have you received as you have studied Daniel thus far, and how will you specifically respond to Him?
Sanders/Peters March 17, 2010