GQ10: Groundwater Quality Management in a Rapidly Changing World

Edited by Mario Schirmer, Eduard Hoehn & Tobias Vogt

IAHS Publ. 342 (2011)ISBN 978-1-907161-16-2, 512 + xvi pp. Price £

Groundwater is a vital resource and a conveyor belt for dissolved and particulate matter. It is a crucial component of local, regional and global water cycles, and the quality of groundwater is inextricably linked with global environmental and social viability.The GQ10 conference focused on the need to manage, sustain, repair and protect groundwater quality under rapidly changing climatic and global conditions. The aim was to build a bridge between contaminant hydro(geo)logy to other scientific disciplines and to society. / Abstracts of the papers in this volume can be seen at:


The GQ10 conference theme was Groundwater Quality Management in a Rapidly Changing World, and focused on the need to manage, sustain, repair and protect groundwater quality under rapidly changing climatic and global conditions. We aimed to build a bridge between contaminant hydro(geo)logy to other scientific disciplines and to society. Groundwater is a vital resource and a conveyor belt for dissolved and particulatematter. It is a crucial component of local, regional and global water cycles, and the quality of groundwater is inextricably linked with global environmental and social viability.

The conference brought together researchers, regulators, contractors, consultants, planners and water supply agencies to address the important issues related to groundwater quality. We addressed a wide range of groundwater issues including:

  • Groundwater quality under conditions of global / climate change
  • Processes at groundwater–surface water interfaces
  • Biogeochemical interactions
  • Groundwater ecosystems
  • Urban hydrogeology
  • Emerging chemicals of concern
  • Geogenic contaminants including radio isotopes
  • Non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs and DNAPLs)
  • Groundwater at complex contaminated mega-sites
  • Contaminant dynamics in karst systems
  • Natural attenuation
  • Innovative clean-up technologies
  • Protecting and managing groundwater quality
  • Policy and controls on groundwater quality
  • Vadose zone processes
  • Salinization of groundwater resources
  • Groundwater scarcity
  • Groundwater quality issues in aquifer storage and water re-use

We experienced socially and technically stimulating discussions. With the GQ10 conference, we truly hope that we were able to move groundwater science forward and could further combine our continuing efforts for the benefit of human kind.

GQ10 was the seventh in an international series of conferences, held under the aegis of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), which is organized every three years. The last two conferences took place in Waterloo (Canada) in 2004 and Fremantle (Australia) in 2007. With GQ10, hosted by Eawag in Zurich, Switzerland, 13–18June 2010, the series returned to Europe.

The research papers presented at GQ10 by leading scientists and water professionals from around the world formed a valuable summary of the state of knowledge in these areas. The present publication consists of 115 selected and peer-reviewed papers from GQ10. They include both oral and poster papers presented at GQ10. They were selected for publication by the GQ10 Editorial Board and Scientific Committee from over 270 abstracts submitted from 37 countries.

Mario Schirmer, Eduard Hoehn Tobias Vogt

Eawag–Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology,

Überlandstrasse 133, 8600 Dübendorf,


The editors wish to thank all conference authors and reviewers for their cooperation during the compilation of this book. We especially thank Samuel Diem, Sabrina Bahnmueller and Matthias Rudolf von Rohr (all Eawag) for putting together all conference papers before GQ10 started. We very much appreciate their enthusiasm and support.

The conference was organised by the Conference Committee:

  • Mario Schirmer, Eawag, University of Neuchâtel (Chairman)
  • Eduard Hoehn, Eawag (Co-Chairman)
  • Tobias Vogt, Eawag
  • Peter Huggenberger, University of Basel
  • Daniel Hunkeler, University of Neuchâtel
  • Wolfgang Kinzelbach, ETH Zurich
  • Ronald Kozel, Swiss Federal Office for the Environment
  • Fritz Stauffer, ETH Zurich

The conference organisers gratefully acknowledge the support of the following sponsors:

  • Eawag, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology
  • Swiss National Science Foundation
  • Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (BAFU)
  • STS Sensors Ltd.
  • ÅF-Colenco Ltd.
  • Swiss Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste, NAGRA
  • Intera Inc.
  • Swiss Association of Geologists, CHGeol
  • Simultec AG
  • Roche
  • Innovative Messtechnik Weiss
  • Bachema AG
  • Swiss Association for the Gas and Water Industry, SVGW
  • Solexperts Ltd.
  • Stump Foratec Ltd.
  • Malcolm Pirnie

They also thank the members of the International Scientific Committee:

  • Mike Annable, University of Florida (USA)
  • Jim Barker, University of Waterloo (Canada)
  • Barbara Bekins, United States Geological Survey (USA)
  • Poul Bjerg, TechnicalUniversity of Denmark (Denmark)
  • Greg Davis, CSIROLand and Water (Australia)
  • Georgia Destouni, University of Stockholm (Sweden)
  • Peter Grathwohl, University of Tübingen (Germany)
  • Mary Hill, United States Geological Survey (USA)
  • Colin Johnston, CSIROLand and Water (Australia)
  • David Lerner, University of Sheffield (UK)
  • Sascha Oswald, University of Potsdam (Germany)
  • Henning Prommer, CSIROLand and Water (Australia)
  • Suresh Rao, PurdueUniversity (USA)
  • Mike Rivett, University of Birmingham (UK)
  • Ed Sudicky, University of Waterloo (Canada)
  • Mike Trefry, CSIROLand and Water (Australia)
  • Yanxin Wang, ChinaUniversity of Geosciences (China)
  • Chunmiao Zheng, University of Alabama (USA)


Preface by Mario Schirmer, Eduard Hoehn & Tobias Vogt / v
1 /

Groundwater quality under conditions of global climate changes

Groundwater quality, climate and irrigation: large-scale, long-term trends in the Aral Sea Drainage Basin Jerker Jarsjö & Rebecka Törnqvist / 3
Climate change impact on the leaching of a heavy metal contamination in a small lowland catchment Ate Visser, Joop Kroes, Michelle van Vliet,
Stephen Blenkinsop & HansPeter Broers / 7
Groundwater characteristic of the Najd aquifers, Oman, derived from isotope and hydrochemical signatures K. Al-Mushaikhi, G. Strauch, K. Osenbrück,
T. Müller, K. Knöller & S. Oswald / 11
2 / Policy and Controls on Groundwater Quality
Incorporating groundwater quality in the water-supply and sanitation sector development program for Bangladesh Kazi Matin Ahmed & Peter Ravenscroft / 17
Optimal fertilizer control for meeting EU groundwater nitrate concentration standards: El Salobral-Los Llanos case study S. Peña-Haro,
M. Pulido-Velazquez & C. Llopis-Qlbert / 21
3 / Groundwater Scarcity
Large-scale modelling of groundwater resources in an arid region Edda Kalbus, Sascha Oswald, Wenqing Wang, Olaf Kolditz, Irina Engelhardt,
Mohammed I. Al-Saud & Randolf Rausch / 27
Eighty-year variability in rainfall in northern Nigeria and its effect on aquifer recharge S. A. Ayanlaja / 31
4 / Urban Hydrogeology
Methodologies and tools for the estimation of mass fluxes of xenobiotics at different scales in urban areas Frido Reinstorf, Sebastian Leschik,
Andreas Musolff, Hans-Reinhard Gläser, Karsten Osenbrück, Monika Möder, Gerhard Strauch & Mario Schirmer / 37
Investigation and modelling of the degradation during rapid sand filtration and redox sensitivity of the industrial contaminant p-TSA R. Meffe, G. Massmann,
C. Kohfahl, T. Taute, E. Holzbecher, D. Richter & U. Dünnbier / 42
Optimal sampling schedules of integral pumping tests for the investigation of groundwater contamination from urban line sources Sebastian Leschik,
Marti Bayer-Raich, Andreas Musolff & Mario Schirmer / 46
Manufactured nanoparticle movement in the groundwaters of a redbed sandstone: laboratory experiments and field observations John Tellam, Richard Greswell, Michael Riley & Syed Rahman / 50
Dynamic plant uptake modelling and mass flux estimation A. Rein,
P. Bauer-Gottwein & S. Trapp / 55
Micropollutant mass flow in urban receiving waters Andreas Musolff,
Sebastian Leschik, Gerhard Strauch & Mario Schirmer / 59
Multi-chemical and isotope approach for studying shallow and deep groundwater interaction in an urban area: the case of Tivoli Plain (central Italy) V. Carucci,
M. Petitta & R. Aravena / 63
Thermal groundwater use in urban areas – spatiotemporal scales and concepts Jannis Epting, Peter Huggenberger & Christoph Butscher / 67
Groundwater quality of upper and lower Dupi Tila aquifers in the megacity Dhaka, Bangladesh K. M. Ahmed, S. Sultana, M. A. Hasan, P. Bhattacharya,
M. K. Hasan, W. G. Burgess & M. A. Hoque / 71
Hydrochemical and microbiological assessment of groundwater from the weathered basement aquifer in Ibadan Metropolis, SW-Nigeria
Moshood N. Tijani & Seybatou Diop / 75
Assessment of groundwater vulnerability and quality under urban-industrial influence in a subtropical town of north India D. C. Singhal, H. Joshi &
V. K. Sharma / 79
Societal costs for remediation of an MTBE groundwater contamination by air stripping Mario Schirmer & Horst Niemes / 84
Simulation of the impact of the South to North Water Transfer Project on groundwater in the Beijing plain Yang Yong, Li Guo-Min, Dong Yan-Hui,
Li Ming, Yang Jiang-Qing, Zhou Dong & Yang Zhong-Shan / 88
Reasonable exploitation of groundwater based on numerical simulation in Pinggu basin, Beijing, China Hai-Zhen Xu, Guo-Min Li, Shou-Quan Zhang,
Yan-Hui Dong & Ming Li / 92
5 / Emerging Chemicals of Concern
A new approach for calculating the predicted environmental concentration of human pharmaceuticals in groundwater at bank filtration sites Beate Müller, Traugott Scheytt, Matthias Zippel, Stephan Hannappel, Jutta Klein-Goedicke & Klaus Duscher / 99
The artificial sweetener acesulfame as marker of domestic wastewater in groundwater Ignaz J. Buerge, Hans-Rudolf Buser, Maren Kahle,
Markus D. Müller & Thomas Poiger / 103
Laboratory simulated transport of microcystin-LR and cylindrospermopsin in groundwater under the influence of stormwater ponds: implications for harvesting of infiltrated stormwater Andrew M. O’Reilly, Martin P. Wanielista, Keith A. Loftin & Ni-Bin Chang / 107
Perfluorinated chemicals in Swiss groundwater – results of the National Groundwater Monitoring NAQUA Miriam Reinhardt, Ronald Kozel,
Stephanie Zimmermann, Heinz Rupp, Otmar Zoller & Eduard Hoehn / 112
Investigations of industrial waste migration in a heterogeneously layered medium Julia V. Fedorova & Alexey V. Lekhov / 116
6 / Non-aqueous Phase Liquids (LNAPLS and DNAPLS)
Long-term natural attenuation of crude oil in the subsurface Barbara Bekins, Mary Jo Baedecker, Robert P. Eganhouse & William N. Herkelrath / 123
Simulation of DNAPL distribution depending on groundwater flow velocities using TMVOC Katharina Erning, Dirk Schäfer, Andreas Dahmke,
Antonella Luciano, Paolo Viotti & Marco Petrangeli Papini / 128
Source functions for multi-component DNAPLs based on streamtube analysis Michael C. Brooks, A. Lynn Wood & James W. Jawitz / 132
Mass depletion–mass flux reduction relationships during pumping used to determine source zone mass of a reactive brominated-solvent DNAPL
C. D. Johnston, G. B. Davis, T. P. BAstow, M. D. Annable, M. G. Trefry,
A. Furness, Y. Geste, R. Woodbury & S. Rhodes / 136
Evaluation of multi-component NAPL source zone screening models by numerical simulation C. Beyer, D. Schäfer, C. H. Park, O. Kolditz & S. Bauer / 140
Three-dimensional modelling and analysis of dense nonaqueous phase liquid source zone architecture in heterogeneous soil Chiu-Shia Fen &
Changchieh Tsai / 144
The use of dynamic contact angle measurement to assess NAPL wetting hysteresis John Heneghan & Ryan D. Wilson / 148
Laboratory testing of temperature increases, surfactants and co-solvents as options to enhance dissolution in a brominated-solvent source zone G. B. Davis, T. P. Bastow, C. D. Johnston, B. M. Patterson, M. D. Annable, P. S. C. Rao,
Y. Geste, R. J. Woodbury & S. Rhodes / 152
7 / Groundwater at Complex Contaminated Mega-Sites
A regional flux-based risk assessment approach for multiple contaminated sites on groundwater bodies S. Brouyère, P. Jamin, F. Dollé, B. Chisala, Ph. Orban, I.-C. Popescu, C. Hérivaux & A. Dassargues / 159
Integrated screening level evaluation of megasite redevelopment S. Schädler,
M. Morio & M. Finkel / 163
Drinking water production close to contaminant sites: a case study from the region of Basel, Switzerland Adrian Auckenthaler, Dominik Baenninger,
Annette Affolter, Eric Zechner & Peter Huggenberger / 167
Three-dimensional numerical simulation of groundwater contamination by organoarsenic compounds in Kamisu City, Japan S. Watanabe, N. Egusa,
T. Hirata, N. Yokoyama, Y. Yamazato & M. Morita / 171
From conceptual to numerical modelling of a complex contaminated site in ItalyFrancesca Bozzano, Nicolò Colombani, Micol Mastrocicco & Marco Petitta / 176
Experimental and mathematical methods to quantify the water flux and the transport processes in heterogeneous aquifer model systems Marko Hünniger, Susanne I. Schmidt, Nicolas Peuckmann & Piotr MaŁoszewski / 180
Influence of pore water and microbial heterogeneities on the evolution of NAPL contamination at old mega sites D. Puigserver, L. Cónsola, J. M. Carmona,
J. M. Nieto, A. Cortés & M. Grifoll / 184
A screening level method to derive contaminant distributions in groundwater for early stage assessments of brownfields Maximilian Morio & Michael Finkel / 189
Contaminated mega-site management: the complex problem challenge
Mario Schirmer, Katharine N. Farrell, Ken Lyon & James Armstrong / 194
8 / Innovative Clean-up Technologies
Persulfate treatment of gasoline-range organics K. Sra, N. R. Thomson &
J. F. Barker / 201
Testing an autotrophic sulfate reduction reactor to treat sulfate-rich groundwaters highly contaminated by mining activities Felix Bilek & Stephan Wagner / 205
Evaluation in a continuous-flow column of different fermenting substrates for the reductive dehalogenation of trichloroethene M. Azizian, I. Marshall, S. Behrens, A. Spormann & L. Semprini / 209
Increasing confidence in treatment performance assessment using a geostatistical approach Zuansi Cai & Ryan D. Wilson / 213
Toward enhanced remediation methods using chaotic advection
Michael G. Trefry, Guy Metcalfe, Daniel R. Lester, Alison Ord &
Klaus Regenauer-Lieb / 217
Applications and implications of direct groundwater velocity measurement at the centimetre scale J. F. Devlin, P. C. Schillig, I. Bowen, D. L. Rudolph,
N. R. Thomson, G. P. Tsoflias & J. A. Roberts / 221
Biosparging successfully limited fugitive VOCs while remediating residual weathered gasoline in a shallow sand aquifer C. D. Johnston, R. Woodbury,
T. P. Bastow & Y. Geste / 225
9 / Natural Attenuation
Assessment of chlorinated ethenes biodegradation in an anaerobic aquifer by isotope analysis and microcosm studies Karin Ebert, Christine Laskov, Sebastian Behrens & Stefan Haderlein / 231
Chlorine isotope fractionation of organic contaminants: added value for in situ assessment of natural attenuation processes Christoph Aeppli,
Charline Wiegert,Henry Holmstrand & Örjan Gustafsson / 235
Monitored natural attenuation of arsenic: promises and pitfalls from two case studies Janet G. Hering / 239
Influence of natural attenuation and river fluctuations on benzene dispersion in an alluvial aquifer subject to strong interactions with surface water
J. Batlle-Aguilar, S. Brouyère, A. Dassargues, B. Morasch & D. Hunkeler / 243
Proving natural attenuation at a petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated site by high-resolution direct push measurements as a basis for reactive transport modelling Anita Peter, Benedict Miles & Georg Teutsch / 247
Three-dimensional analytical models for isotope ratios in pollutant plumes of organic contaminants undergoing different biodegradation kinetics
Patrick Höhener & Olivier Atteia / 251
Design and evaluation of bench-scale tank experiments for the quantification of transverse dispersion using numerical simulations E. Ballarini, S. Bauer,
C. Eberhardt, M. Rolle, P. grathwohl & C. Beyer / 255
Two-dimensional flow-through experiments: versatile test systems for a combined investigation of transport and reactive processes in porous media
M. Rolle, G. Chiogna, C. Eberhardt, C. Haberer, C. Griebler, O. A. Cirpka &
P. Grathwohl / 259
Boundary conditions for explosives degradation in a Quaternary aquifer
A. Weber & S. Tränckner / 263
Groundwater pollution potential of additives used in borehole heat exchanger fluids D. Ilieva, B. Morasch & S. B. Haderlein / 267
MNA site investigations – comparison of conceptual approaches derived from virtual model scenarios and real site studies S. Grandel, D. Schäfer, S. Bauer,
A. Dahmke & C. Beyer / 271
Assessing of the effect of physical heterogeneity on single well tracer tests using imaging experiments G. L. Barns, R. D. Wilson & S. F. Thornton / 275
Scaling kinetics of organic compounds degradation: laboratory values extended to field sites O. Atteia & A. Mangeret / 279
Enhanced natural attenuation – determining the potential for reductive dechlorination in an oxic aquifer Daniel Buchner, Meenakshi Loganathan, Sebastian Behrens, Christine Laskov, Thomas Schöndorf & Stefan Haderlein / 283
Determination of in situ biodegradation rates using 13C-labelled aniline
Barbara Morasch, Patrick Höhener & Daniel Hunkeler / 287
Compound specific C and N isotope analysis of negatively charged pesticides: on-injector derivatization/GC-IRMS versus LC-IRMS Sandra Reinnicke,
Anat Bernstein & Martin Elsner / 291
Natural attenuation of gasoline hydrocarbons from residual sources containing ethanol Juliana G. Freitas, Marian T. Mocanu, José Luiz G. Zoby,
John W. Molson & James F. Barker / 295
10 / Protecting and Managing Groundwater Quality
Application of groundwater life expectancy in the delineation of time-dependent capture zones for water supply wells J. W. Molson & E. O. Frind / 301
Geometry of well capture zones in fractured media: uncertainties using an equivalent porous media approach Martí Bayer-Raich, Jerker Jarsjö &
Salvador Jordana / 305
Risk analysis for riverine groundwater extraction R. M. Page, P. Huggenberger, J. Epting & G. Lischeid / 309
Using probabilistic well vulnerability criteria for a risk-based preventive drinking water safety concept Rainer Enzenhoefer, Wolfgang Nowak &
Rainer Helmig / 314
Nationwide characterisation of buffering capacities and background compositions of groundwater aquifers in the Netherlands Jasper Griffioen, Janneke Klein & Ruth Heerdink / 318
Capture probability maps for addressing uncertainty: protection vs mitigation Marcelo R. Sousa, Emil O. Frind & David L. Rudolph / 322
Assessing the impact of Beneficial Management Practices for controlling nitrate concentrations in well water R. Rahman, E. O. Frind & D. L. Rudolph / 326
Leaching of trace elements from a clay till aquitard by seepage from an oil sands tailings facility A. A. Holden, S. E. Haque, R. B. Donahue & A. C. Ulrich / 330
Modelling nitrate dynamics in the well catchment Baltenswil (Zurich, Switzerland) Fritz Stauffer & Sebastian Stoll / 334
Application of an agronomic model to determine optimal management strategies to reduce nitrate concentrations in groundwater S. Peña-Haro,
M. Pulido-Velazquez, H. Yang, J. Liu & C. Llopis-Albert / 338
A method for standardising groundwater nitrate concentrations A. Vrijhoef &
L. J. M. Boumans / 342
Guidelines for optimal design of electron acceptor injection wells to enhance bioremediation of contaminated groundwater Mohamed M. A. Mohamed / 346
Fate of iodinated X-ray contrast media compounds under aerobic and anaerobic groundwater conditions B. M. Patterson, M. Shackleton, A. J. Furness &
F. Busetti / 350
Vulnerability zones to nitrate pollution in an Alpine region (South Tyrol, Italy) Roberta Bottarin, Uta Schirpke & Ulrike Tappeiner / 354
Nitrogen leaching to groundwater and surface water in the Dutch peat region
A. E. J. Hooijboer & B. Fraters / 358
Multivariate statistical approachto a hydrogeochemical characterization of the Virttaankangas aquifer, SW Finland Päivi Niemistö & Kirsti Korkka-Niemi / 362
Modern groundwater management: measures undertaken at the source – pilot project nitrate reduction in Klettgau SH Kurt Seiler, Iwan Stössel,
Roger Biedermann & Markus Boller / 367
Groundwater quality in Dutch water management Hilde F. Passier,
Ruth Heerdink, Joachim Rozemeijer, Ate Visser, Yan-Chun Zhang, Stefan Jansen & Victor Beumer / 371
The role of permeability distribution on nitrate fate and transport, in different scale experiments under saturated conditions M. Mastrocicco, N. Colombani & G. Castaldelli / 375
Application of multivariate analytical methods in assessment of factors responsible for waterborne Kashin-Beck disease in Sichuan, China Xinxin Guo, Yiqun Gan & Yanxin Wang / 379
Risk-based prioritisation of point sources through assessment of the impact on a water supply Niels D. Overheu, Mads Troldborg, Nina Tuxen, John Flyvbjerg, Henrik Østergaard, Carsten B. Jensen, Philip J. Binning & Poul L. Bjerg / 383
Decision analysis to minimize agricultural groundwater demand and salt water intrusion using treated wastewater Ahmed Al-Juaidi, Ungtae Kim &
Jagath J. Kaluarachchi / 387
Passive samplers for monitoring VOC in groundwater: prospects related to mass flux measurements G. Verreydt, J. Bronders, I. Van Keer, L. Diels &
P. Vanderauwera / 391
11 / Processes at Groundwater–Surface Water Interfaces
Do variable hydrologic and redox conditions influence organic pollutants in the streambed? C. Schmidt & E. Kalbus / 397
Assessing groundwater travel times and biogeochemical processes during riverbank filtration under the aspect of river restoration T. Vogt, P. Schneider,
S. Peter, E. Durisch-Kaiser, M. Schirmer & O. A. Cirpka / 401
Experimental investigation of evaporation and condensation in sandy soils under simulated arid conditions E. Shimojima, I. Tamagawa & J. V. Turner / 405
Effect of an artificial flood wave on groundwater in the hyporheic zone
Stefan Banzhaf, Traugott Scheytt, Reinhard Bierl & Andreas Krein / 410
Spatial characterization of hydraulic conductivity in alluvial gravel-and-sand aquifers: a comparison of methods S. Diem, T. Vogt & E. Hoehn / 414
Field study and iron reactive simulation in riverbank water supply well fields Ekaterina Kazak, Sergey Pozdniakov & Natalia Muromec / 419
Hydrogeochemical and isotopic indications of groundwater–surface water interactions at LakePyhäjärvi, SW Finland Kirsti Korkka-Niemi, Anne Rautio, Päivi Niemistö & Juha A. Karhu / 423
Monitoring of change of the chemical composition of groundwater during vegetation periods Inom Normatov, Muslima Kholmirzoeva & Nabi Nosirov / 427
12 / Biogeochemical Interactions
Denitrification hot spot and hot moments in a restored riparian system
Simone Peter, Romana Rechsteiner, Moritz F. Lehmann, Klement Tockner, Tobias Vogt, Bernhard Wehrli & Edith Durisch-Kaiser / 433
Identifying biogeochemical processes beneath stormwater infiltration ponds in support of a new best management practice for groundwater protection
Andrew M. O’Reilly, Ni-Bin Chang, Martin P. Wanielista & Zhemin Xuan / 437
Reactive transport upscaling of small reactive heterogeneities for regional modelling David Rodríguez Aguilera, Johan R. Valstar & Jasper Griffioen / 441
Use of chemical and biological techniques in the remediation of sites contaminated by chlorinated solvents D. Puigserver, J. M. Carmona, J. Barker, A. Cortés, X. Nogueras & M. Viladevall / 445
13 / Vadose Zone Processes
Modelling hydrologic and geochemical filtering of reactive solute transport in catchments P. S. C. Rao, N. B. Bas, S. Zanarado, C. J. Harman, M. Sivapalan & A. Rinaldo / 451
Comparison of gasoline spills with different ethanol fractions Juliana G. Freitas, John D. Mosquera, Anthony L. Endres & James F. Barker / 455
Reactive transport column experiment in volcanic ash soil and numerical modelling with anion and cation exchange reactions K. Nakagawa, S.-I. Wada & K. Momii / 459
Laboratory experiments to determine oxygen transport in a fluctuating capillary fringe C. M. Haberer & P. Grathwohl / 463
14 / Contaminant Dynamics in Karst Systems
Estimation of nitrate discharge in a fractured limestone aquifer below a dairy farm in Ireland Florian Landig, Owen Fenton, Paul Bons, Deirdre Hennessy, Karl Richards & Philipp Blum / 469
Towards developing conceptual models for reactive contaminant transport in karst Michael Sinreich / 473
Particle density distribution measurements to control water quality of karst springs Dominik Baenninger, Adrian Auckenthaler & Nicole Itin / 477
Estimating the vulnerability of karst springs to microbial contamination based on numerical flow modelling Christoph Butscher, Adrian Auckenthaler,
Stefan Scheidler & Peter Huggenberger / 481
15 / Salinization of Groundwater Resources
Development of groundwater salinity in the Wadi Zerka Ma’in catchment area, Dead Sea, Jordan Taleb Odeh, Stefan Geyer, Mario Schirmer, Tino Rödiger, Christian Siebert & Richard Gloaguen / 487
Modelling and controlling of groundwater and salt movement in Yanqi basin, northwestern China Shuixian Wang, Xinguang Dong & Bing Wu / 491
Groundwater as a driver of salinity in the Wybong Creek catchment, New South Wales, Australia J. F. Jasonsmith, B. C. T. Macdonald, D. C. Mcphail,
S. Beavis, I. White, F. Biswas & M. Norman / 496
16 / Groundwater Ecosystems
Assessment of groundwater quality in parts of the basement complex terrain of southwestern Nigeria Abel O. Talabi & Moshood N. Tijani / 501
Key word index / 507

GQ10: Groundwater Quality Management in a Rapidly Changing World (Proc. 7th International Groundwater Quality Conference held in Zurich, Switzerland, 13–18 June 2010). IAHS Publ 342, 2011, 3-6.